What We Can Learn From the 2020 Election
First off, I want to make this very clear that this isn’t a post that is going to favor one side.
If you are absolutely certain your candidate walks on water, then I believe you can be in denial about other things too! JK.
In all honesty, I believe that happiness, or lack thereof, comes from what WE do. How WE think. What we are reading and listening to. And the people we surround ourselves with.
So again, I am making it clear, that happiness is an internal job. It doesn’t rely in the hands of someone who is in the Oval Office.
And until we start to think that way, we will give outside forces too much power.
Go to work on yourself if your candidate lost. Or if they won, that is fantastic, congratulations!
No matter what though, we need to seek first within, and grow ourselves to a point, physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially. So that we never THINK someone the power to make or break us.
Now that we got that out of the way, let me share with you what we can take from the 2020 election. The lessons it taught me, that I can share with you, that I feel can impact you and you and I can implement them into our own lives to become a person that relies mostly on ourselves for happiness.
As well as grow into a person than doesn’t have to find solace in extremes because we create and take our identity from all the growth and positivity that we are engaging in.
Lets get started.
What We Can Learn From The 2020 Election (Positive)
FACT: When it comes down to it, lets start out with Kamala Harris. Who is vice president elect.
She is not only a woman, but a woman that identifies as a person of color. Multiple ethnicities that are now “white”.
I mean, no matter what you think of her, good or bad, we have to admit that this is progress in the world. A woman did what no other woman has done yet.
That is fantastic and admirable.
LESSON: No matter what odds are against you, you can make it. If people say it can’t be done because it never has been done before, then guess what? When you do it, you will be the first to ever do it.
And not only is it wonderful when someone does this, it also means that it creates a new mindset throughout the entire world. Making it easier for people in the same position, to BELIEVE they can do it too. BECAUSE someone broke the mold.
In science, this is called an M field.
Very cool.
FACT: Donald Trump preaches authenticity.
If you like him or hate him, you have to admit he says whatever is on his mind. And truly has believe and conviction in it.
He is who he is. And we know that often times we are going to be offended by the things he says.
LESSON: If we can take just one lesson from Donald Trump, I believe it is to stay congruent with who you are.
I know there are people that said he is in denial or is lying, whatever whatever.
And yet, in my opinion, it takes true vulnerability not to say things how people want to hear them, but say whatever is on your mind and not care who likes it and who hates it.
In our lives, often the problems with have are with not communicating in a direct and authentic way.
Often times we can beat around the bush. Not saying what is truly on our heart. Or having fear of saying something that might offend someone.
I believe that if we say the things that are on our heart, we can certainly communicate in a more healthy way. Without suppression. And the science has even said that this is truly the most healthy way to communicate.
Stand strong in your beliefs. Be firm in your conviction. And speak purely as your message will only be as clear as your communication style is.
He also will fight til the death. This is another quality that has to be admired as often times, we may be to scared to fight for what we believe in.
Whether there is actual fraud going on or not, he believes what he believes and he is willing to do whatever it takes to win.
This, I think, is a great warrior mentality that we need to be taking in every area of our life. Go in to win, expect to win, plan to win and then execute on every level possible.
FACT: Joe Biden has been in politics, up to the point of the election, for 47 years. This is obviously a person that has very good perseverance.
He has ran twice before, and didn’t obtain head of state. But he kept coming back and fighting.
LESSON: What Joe Biden can truly teach us is the lesson that perseverance truly pays off.
Often times, and I know I am very guilty of this, that we can give up to easily and too early on. It isn’t happening for us like we thought or wanted it to. And within a couple months or years of trying, we throw in the towel.
Nothing is guaranteed in life. And yet, if we just KEEP GOING, it is more likely that we will make it then if we give up after a certain amount of time.
We never fail at something, unless we give up completely. Otherwise, I think, we are already successful, even if we haven’t made it.
As we are pursuing a worthy ideal. Something that means so much to us, that we will keep trying, in spite of the odds, no matter how many years have passed, and how many disappointments we have.
And I think this is a quality that we all can respect.
FACT: Loyalty May Be Forever, Or it May Be Temporary, Or It May Be Time To Switch
That fact of the matter is, there we a lot of people who switched sides on Donald Trump when he lost.
LESSON: And, when adversity is brought upon someone, you quickly learn who your true friends are.
Even if they don’t support what you are saying or doing, they support YOU.
And the people who were fake, they are nowhere to be found.
And I may be the odd man out saying this, and yet I think this is the best thing that can ever happen in life.
Tough times can not only make us stronger, it can also trim the fat away from the people who don’t deserve a place in our life. And rightfully reward the ones who do.
With love and loyalty and respect. KNOWING these people will have your back, no matter what.
Like the old saying goes:
“It is better to have one true friend, than a thousand fake ones.”
And this goes for the left as well.
Donald Trump actually got more non-white votes than any Republican president since 1960.
And this doesn’t have to do with loyalty. This is letting go of your pride, for the people who voted for Donald Trump, seeing in their eyes, that this candidate was going to help them more, and may have already been helping them more.
So this isn’t fake-ness, this is life reevaluation, which is a very positive thing to do at any point in your life.
Sometimes, it is good to make a change. And again, if it feels right in your heart, whose to say you shouldn’t or are wrong?
FACT: Someone Has To Win, Someone Has To Lose
There can never be two winners. Of course you want your team to win. And a lot of the fun of going to the game is that we can talk a little smack about the other team.
And yet, when we head to the parking lot to drive home, there will stand a champion, and there will stand a team or individual who has to take the L.
LESSON: It is all in how we take the Wins and Losses in our lives. This is my lesson that I am sharing with you.
I think that no matter what happens, we need to be handling it with grace.
If we win, we celebrate humbly.
If we lose, we congratulate the winners. They were maybe more prepared, more disciplined or worked harder in the off season.
The fact of the matter is, WHEN the losses come in life, not IF, we need to USE them to our benefit.
It SUCKS to lose, we all know this. And yet difficult situations and hardships introduces a man to himself.
And during this introduction, we can choose to deny the meeting with ourselves.
Or we can do a live autopsy on ourselves. And look at WHY we lost. HOW we can get better. And HOW we can come back stronger next time and ultimately hopefully come out on top.
And then, it is time to get to work.
Lock yourself in the office, throw away the key.
Work on yourself, refine your skills, reevaluate your core values if need be. And when you have this new strength, a key is no longer needed to get out.
You kick the door wide open, and walk into a WHOLE NEW WORLD.
Where either you win, or learn.
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