The Ultimate List of 800 Positive Affirmations! Click To Tweet
- 1 Positive Affirmations
- Positive Love Affirmations For A Life Full of Love!
- Anxiety affirmations That You Can Use To Master Your Stress
- Positive Affirmations For Teens Going Through Those Awkward Years!
- Positive Affirmations For Self Esteem & Self Worth
- Positive affirmations for Success and Prosperity In All Areas Of Your Life!
- Positive Affirmations For Women To Empower the Strong Females!
- Positive Affirmations For Work To Dominate Your Career!
- Positive Affirmations For Kids – The Little Ones 🙂
Positive Affirmations
Here we have it folks, positive affirmations for kids, work, anxiety, love, teens, self esteem, for women and success and prosperity! Utilize list to create repetition in your thought patterns of positivity and optimism. Replacing the negative with the positive! Enjoy my friends!
Positive Love Affirmations For A Life Full of Love!
- I am loved beyond compreshension
- I am attracting the perfect mate that my heart desires
- I am grateful for the love that surrounds me
- I eminate love everywhere I go
- I know that to be loved I must love first
- I am so grateful and appreciative for my relationship
- My essence is true love and compassion
- I love my enemies and it makes me feel better
- I am not scared to love
- When I love I live an abundant life
- My heart is open to the possibilities of love
- I have the power to give love constantly
- I have the feeling of love that comes deep from within
- I radiate unconditional love
- I lose nothing and gain everything from giving more love
- I love myself and allow myself to be loved fully
- Love is attracted to me the more I give love
- I love myself
- I lead with love and courage
- My creator loves me
- I attract true love and romance
- I choose love over any other emotion
- I only attract healthy and loving relationships
- I am attracting my soulmate by becoming more loving
- My heart and being is always open to love
- I have an open mindset when it comes to attracting love into my life
- I am loving, loved and lovable.
- There is love all around me
- My relationships are all fulfilling and loving
- I am worthy of loving and being loved
- I have the inner power to offer love endlessly
- Love follows me wherever I go
- I am a love magnet
- I create love and romance in my life with ease
- I seek love and happiness from within so I can manifest it outwards
- I attract and am unconditional love
- I vibrate the vibration of love
- I receive love at all moments of my existence
- Love is powerful and I use it as my greatest tool
- I receive the love back that offer ten times over
- I love my partner and children unconditionally
- Love is my birthright
- I feel the warmth of love fill my heart and soul constantly
- I am completely ready for love to flow in my life
- My soulmate is looking as hard for me as I am looking for them
- I see love in all my visions and memories
- Everyday I wake up I am becoming more loving
- I love myself and people for exactly who they are
- I love my life and love whatever life will bring me
- I naturally find love wherever I go in life
- My relationship last a lifetime and are full of love
- I see everything through the eyes of love
- I love like a mother loves their offspring
- I encounter love all day
- I am in a mutually loving relationship
- I don’t accept or allow anything unloving to come into my life
- I am so in love with life
- I am always around people who want to love me
- I am in a deeply loving and committed relationship
- I feel the infinite love of the universe in my daily life
- I accept that I am loved
- I don’t have to become anything to be loved or attract love, I am perfect as I am
- Love in the most powerful force in the universe
- I receive love and joy in this moment
- Every new friend that I make will bring more love into both of our lives
- My marriage is full of everlasting and infinite love
- I love with every fiber of my being
- My love is like that of a child
- My spouse and family love me for me
- I feel safe and secure since I show love wherever I go
- I move through life with the confidence of knowing that I am loved
- I love romance and it loves and is searching for me
- Romance fills my life with joy and fulfillment
- I spend my energy loving instead of hating
- Unconditional love is where I always operate from
- I deserve to be loved unconditianlly
- When I don’t feel love outside myself I simply turn inward and love myself
- I feel loved and safe in my partners arms and compay
- I express love in all forms
- Everyone is seeking love and I can be that person to bring it to them
- I speak only loving thoughts to my parter
- I love like it is the first time I have ever loved
- I love before I speak
- I love my country
- I love that I have the ability to love and be loved
- I forgive those I condemned with love
- I am open to love on a higher level than I ever expected or wished for
- My soul mate and I will know right away when we meet
- My love life is a priority
- I attract the most loving people into my life
- I focus only on love and beauty
- The right mate is entering my life right now
- I am loving and understanding to my partner
- I will get married or am married to the perect mate
- My family loves me and supports me no matter what
- There is harmony and loving feelings in my workplace
- People know me as a lover
- I am a manifesstation of love
- I am overflowing with love and the feeling of love
- I practice self love on a daily basis
Anxiety affirmations That You Can Use To Master Your Stress
- I live in peace
- I love my anxiety
- I look towards the future with optimism and inquisition
- I learn from my anxiet
- Breath in calmness, breathe out anxiety and stress
- I love meeting new people and being social
- I am grateful for what my anxiety is teaching me
- I have a quiet mind
- What is this trying to teach me
- I am bigger than my stress
- I am safe here and now
- All is well in my world
- I am courageous
- I am the master of my emotions
- I control my emotions, my emotions do not control me
- I do not judge my anxiety and stress
- I have the ability to breakthrough any emotion
- This too shall pass
- Change is what life is and I embrace and accept it
- I am hopeful for the future
- I am a warrior
- I see my anxiety shrinking, becoming smaller and smaller until it is gone
- I ooze calmness
- I replace the habit of worry with the habit of love
- I use my anxiety for efficient energy
- Smile and breathe
- I am not my thoughts and feelings I am pure love and compassion
- I can stand this
- I envision a calm me
- I love myself unconditionally
- I am comfortable right here and now
- I am free on anxiety
- I bust through the shackles of stress
- I overcome fear with ease
- My challenge brings me opportunity that will make me stronger and even more capable
- I release stress because I know it is just energy passing through
- Worry won’t change my circumstances, I replace worth with hope
- I am fully capable of overcoming any emotion
- I literally see my stress leaving my body
- I do not resist anxiety, because I know what I resist persists
- I take things one step at a time
- I have beat this before and I will beat this again
- I see my stress and a indicator that I need to look deeper for the cause when it passes
- God listens to my call for help and will get me through
- I am ready to let go
- I envision a still lake when stress arises
- Letting go is not weak it is powerful
- I have the ability to overcome anxiety
- I will not let negative thoughts drain me
- I have everything I need for a happy and stress free life
- I focus on all good in life especially when I feel stressed
- I attract calm situations and people into my life
- I am not my genetics, I don’t have to identify with what may run in my family
- I don’t identify with this emotion because it’s not me
- I don’t give anxiety the credit or energy it deserves and it will eventually disolve
- I am safe here and now
- It feels great to be calm and positive
- I am like water, I move though negative situations with ease by passing through it effortlessly
- I cast all worries to God
- I vibrate at much higher emotion than this anxiety
- I am still
- I am going to be alright
- I am thankful for things in my life when stress arises
- I am relaxed wherever I go
- Each moment my anxiety is slowly disappearing
- I will focus on something else until this passes
- Every time this happens I become stronger and better
- I deflect negative thoughts with ease
- I continue to look forward until I pass through my stress
- I have more control over this than I have every imagined
- I will move away from negativity into the light of positive and optimism
- It is ok to feel this but continue to work on something productive
- I can beat this and see it as a thing of the past
- This is not part of my true identity
- Everyday I am becoming more calm, positive and loving
- I mediate to beat the stress
- I am taken care of by the universe
- I am strong, capable and independent
- I have the power to stop this
- I am not a victim, I am a victor
- I am stronger than I think I am and can show this to myself
- I acknowledge that this is hard but I will perservere
- I love myself and who I am
- I see stress as something not being right and solve this problem in my life with ease
- Stress is pointing me towards my destiny and away from what I do not need in my life
- I love my way through the stressful feelings
- I relax my shoulders and jaw and neck. I see and feel this relaxation flow down through the rest of my body
- I am ok with what is going on in my life right now
- Everything that happens to me will help me grow and help others
- This is not my destiny, I am destined for a peaceful existence
- This is an opportunity to learn and process my thoughts better and more efficient
- Stress wants to beat me but I am the boss of my emotions and they will not win
- I will breathe through this and begin again
- This is teaching me that I can master my own emotions
- Be present, always
- I envision beautiful colors immersed into my stress and anxiety
- I surrender the stress
- I can leave when I feel uncomfortable
- I use exercise as my outlet for stress
- I interpret my emotions, my emotions do not interpret how I react. I can interpret stress as any positive thing I so choose.
Positive Affirmations For Teens Going Through Those Awkward Years!
- I am wise, I learn from all situations and scenarios
- This too shall pass
- I am perfectly complete and show compassion to myself daily
- I see failure as feedback, not something to hold me back
- My path is guided and I will trust the process
- I love the feeling of growth in my daily life
- Nobody is perfect and I embrace my flaws
- I am encouraging because it makes me feel stronger
- I am above all of the drama
- Everyday is the best day of my life
- I am passionate about life
- I am young and enjoy my youthfulness
- I embrace the awkward times by laughing them off
- I am hopefully
- I have great study habits
- I am always having a wonderful day
- I only get more successful from every setback
- I am a born winner
- I am a great athlete and develop my abilities daily through hard work and self belief
- I follow my dreams with relentless pursuit regardless of what people say
- I am a visionary of the perfect future I am creating
- I see great qualities in everyone
- My teachers see the value in me and know I am unique
- I seek to understand people before offering my opinion
- I enjoy being the top of my class
- I look my best daily because it creates great self confidence
- You are incredibly capable
- I am an awesome test taker
- I feel relaxed and at ease on test days
- I maintain full attention in class
- I am special
- I am not phased by other peoples opinions about me
- I create my circumstances and only manifest what I desire
- I seek to learn and grow into the person I want to become
- I can improve daily and do so with ease
- I overcome challenges with ease
- My friends see me as a leader and someone they can confide
- Everything happens for a reason
- I help others and enjoy doing so
- I am peaceful and positive
- My mind is unlimited and always concentrated on my task at hand
- I have an open mind to all the possibilities in my life
- I see beauty where others don’t
- I only compete with myself and will beat my old self daily
- My habits create self discipline that inspires confidence in me
- All is well, everything is happening exactly the way it should
- What people fret over, I laugh at
- I have an abundant amount of talents and gifts
- I deal with my fears calmly and effectively
- I find learning exciting and enjoyable
- I am a fast learner
- I enjoy partaking in my passions
- I am free to think how I choose
- I am well organized
- I see my creativity as the perfect outlet I can use you relax
- I am a problem solver
- My strong intuition guides me daily
- I love the passionate and creative people that surround me
- I deserve love, success and kindness to flow through my life
- I feel empowered daily because I know I am becoming better and better
- I see myself as a maverick and a person of value
- I create healthy and beneficial relationships with my teachers
- I enjoy working with my fellow students in persuit of knowledge and growth
- I do not have attachments on outcomes because everything is happening for a purpose
- My goals are reached easily
- I am on a journey and see life as fun and interesting
- I release the past and live in the present on a daily basis
- I honor and trust myself with every decision I make
- I am worthy of the love and respect I receive from others
- Although I may feel lost, it is in indicator that I use to find the best way in life
- I offer my care and affection with my whole heart
- I love the feeling of youth and will retain it for all my days
- I focus on solutions in my life
- My nature is courage and confidence
- I as well as others believe in me and my abilities
- I seek knowledge on my own terms because I know it is power
- I am wonderful
- I am brilliant, clever and funny
- I utilize my gifts to bring myself and others happiness
- I am sexy and good looking and I own it
- I feel included, needed and respected
- I accept about me what others dont
- I am prosperous and abundant
- I do not resist change and let go of what doesn’t serve me
- I live in a state of fulfillment
- I know that happiness is my true nature so I enjoy myself at all times
- I am free to take the path of my heart
- I listen to my heart
- I am here for a purpose
- My life is a series of events leading to my destiny
- I love feeling out of place sometimes because I know that is where growth takes place
- I keep my composure when I receive opposition
- I am a person of my word
- I have a plan for my life
- I expect great things to happen to me in unexpected ways
- I am a gift to my friends, family and self
- I make this world a better place
- I know my flaws are beautiful and make me special
- I only see the good in others and myself
- I adjust effortlessly to change
Positive Affirmations For Self Esteem & Self Worth
- I love and accept in the here and now
- I believe in my abilities and skills
- My mistakes are seen as growing and learning opportunites
- I wholeheartedly believe in myself
- I am a beautiful creation
- I am positive and courageous. I act in spite of fear
- I accept and deeply love who I am
- I am passionate and am an inspirations to others
- I persevere though anything in my life
- I will never ever quit
- I treat myself and others with kindness and compassion
- I am successful here and now and will only get more successful
- I am constantly seeking growth to better myself
- I know that happiness comes within and that is where I seek happiness and love
- I see the best in myself and in people
- I exhale all thoughts and negative and destructive feelings and inhale positivity and courageousness
- I have the power to transform myself and shred my old skin
- I am a person of my word and people respect me for it
- I see all the good qualities in myself and the bad ones I only see them as how I can better myself though
- I have power over my emotions, they do not control me
- I am a fearless leader
- I embrace change and love who I am becoming through it
- I deserve all the good things live has to offer
- I am self disciplined and it shows up everywhere in my life
- I enjoy high self confidence and do not see it as arrogance
- I deserve to feel powerful and confident
- I respect my body and my mind and treat it accordingly
- I only choose to love myself more and more daily
- I am respected my peers
- I am unique and love that fact about me
- I attract loving relationships because I am being myself and people love that about me
- I am capable of anything. Capable of miracels
- I attract self confident friends in my life that only better me
- I am a great person
- I am a powerhouse of productivity
- I believe in myself so deeply
- My faith in myself is unshakable
- I achieve everything that my soul is aligned with
- I am so much to offer to this world and will do so
- I am constantly aligning myself with my life purpose
- I combat negative thoughts with empowering thoughts
- Confidence comes natural to me
- I learn and grow daily
- I am my own best friend, I am here for me. I have my own back.
- I know that to be more I must become more through growth
- I love reshaping my body because it makes me feel great about myself
- I eat healthy because I show power over my self and it gives me vitality and high energy
- I love the individual I am becoming
- My life means something and I see that meaning everywwhere I go
- I have great ideas and collaborate with like minded people to make those ideas a reality
- I am worthy
- I am uniuqe
- I am constantly improving myself and love what it does to my self confidence
- I let go of all limiting beliefs
- I see peoples opinions as just that, opinions that don’t have to become my reality
- I have access to anything I need to succeed and feel confident in myself
- I see life as a classroom where I am constantly learning and developing myself
- I have the power to change myself
- I deserve to be loved
- I have done my best and that is enough
- I form my own options and decisions
- I am deserving of all that is good and abundant
- I love myself because I know happiness comes from within
- I accept myself fully and unconditionally
- I feel so good about my life
- I am beatiful
- Every time I catch myself thinking low of myself I vow to replace that thought with a positive one
- I create happiness in my life daily
- I attract scenarios that allow me to feel empowered
- I ooze self confidence
- I attract people help me on my journey to untouchable self confidence
- I love feeling my high self esteem
- My self esteem is a reflection of my growth, I know this and will grow beyond measure
- I better myself daily because I love myself and want to create the best me
- I am always making positive changes in my life
- My potentially is limitless
- I free myself from the people that have hurt me
- I forgive myself and always show myself compassion
- I feel so vibrant and healthy living this life
- I feel grateful for being myself
- I embrace my good and bad qualities
- I integrate things into my day that reinforce habits that create excellent self esteem
- I’m still a good person even though I may have done bad things
- My life has purpose
- Compassion washes over me when I am angry
- I always stand up for myself. I would rather stand alone then in a crowd of sheep
- Positive habits are all that consume my day
- Happiness is a choice and I choose it every day
- My thoughts always defalut to the positive
- I can’t change anything or anyone outside myself
- I have divine destiny that is unfolding every day
- This too shall pass
- I feel peace at all times and feel at peace with the world at lare
- I take what people say about me with a grain of salt
- I am proud of the person I am becoming
- I give myself permission to be myself and act like myself with caring what others think
- I mediate on high self esteem when I feel lack of self worth
- The vision of me feeling high self esteem is my anchor I go to often to transform my self image
- I have the power to manifest anything I want in this life with the power of my mind
- I am so grounded in the belief in myself that nothing and no one can touch me!
Positive affirmations for Success and Prosperity In All Areas Of Your Life!
- My mind is wide open to all the possibilities around me
- I am abundant in all areas of my life
- What I think about I bring about, therefore I only think about what I desire
- Success comes easily to me
- I have rock solid belief in myself and my ability to succeed
- My mind has no resistance to abundance and new opportunity
- Everyone around me believes in me and my success
- My nature is success and abundance
- I see prosperity wherever I kook
- Whatever I can envision, It will become so
- I manage my time like a successful person
- I believe in myself and know I have what it takes to succeed
- I grow everyday to ensure my success
- I am the essence of success
- I will be the most successful in my chosen field
- I have what it takes to succeed
- Success is seeking me
- I only think in abundant ways
- I notice new income opportunities all around me
- I only allow abundant beliefs to operate in me
- I attract prosperity in my life with ease
- I am always open to new financial endeavors and streams of income
- I receive money with ease
- I create active and passive forms of income with ease
- Money comes to me from unexpected sources
- The entire universe is aspiring to make me successful
- I live in a mindset of prosperity
- I am a success magnet
- My vision of success carries me through any hard time
- I am appreciated for the value I bring
- I have all the money I need
- I am excited about being a success in all areas of my life
- Success feels great
- I create solutions to my problems with ease
- I have encouraging and successful friends
- I gain confidence daily
- I live out my full potential daily
- I always find myself in the best of the best cirumstances
- My success allows me to contribute massively to the betterment of mankind
- My high standards are always matched with my fantastic work ethic
- My dreams and ambitions have no limits
- I always feel grateful for my success
- Every time a negative habits comes into my mind, I let it go automatically
- I always have more than enough
- I face my fears, allowing me to become more powerful and creating even more self belief
- My power is unlimited
- My intuition guides me to success
- My motivation is always very high
- I work under pressure with ease
- Calmness and confidence emanate through my being
- My self confidence builds upon itself daily
- I am free to express my passions and get highly paid for them
- I am the creator of my own universe
- People notice how I am naturally successful
- I have the midas touch
- I always have great ideas that can become profitable for me
- My success is acknowledged by my family and the public
- My potential and belief in myself is limitless
- I am successful in every area of my life
- I’m excited because I see my dreams manifesting daily
- Because I am committed there is always a way
- I am so grateful for the gifts I have that allow me to manifest success
- I know my mind is a powerful thing so I use it only to create a successful life for myself
- I find an ease to success in everything I do
- Money and power are seeking me
- I wake up refreshed and ready to crush my goals
- I stay ready so I don’t have to get ready
- I am 100 percent in control of my life
- The power of optimism flows freely through me
- Wealth is all that surrounds me
- I don’t stop until I am successful
- It is easy to achieve whatever I set out to d
- Persistence and dedication come naturally to me
- I deserve to be wealthy
- No matter what my family has done before me, I am here to change and become a success
- Success is and feels normal to me
- I have abundance in all areas of my life including money, romance and love
- I learn from my past mistakes helping me to creating a more abundant life
- I attract only the best of everything
- I am abundance
- I have faith in myself and the good that is coming to me
- I conquer challenges with ease
- I believe and can do everything my heart desires
- Positive affirmations in the morning
- I swap limiting beliefs with self empowering thoughts
- I create my destiny
- I am the master of my own fate, the captain of my own soul
- I appreciate success therefore I attract more and more of it
- Everything that happens in my life is by devine destiny
- I have infinite potential for success
- I am smart and know how to create success
- I am creating a life of abundant success
- I am proud of myself
- I attract friendships that help me create more success and love
- I persevere through anytime
- I am free from self doubt
- I was born to be successful
- I am ready for success
- I know I am becoming successful every day
- Success is how I define it
Positive Affirmations For Women To Empower the Strong Females!
- I love my body and always will
- I am the perfect age
- I am so incredibly beautiful
- I do not let society define me and what I should look like
- I am an inspiration to others
- I workout because I love my body not because of insecurities
- I am a powerful woman
- I love taking care of my body with rest and nourishment when I need it
- I age gracefully and grow wiser each year
- My beauty lies in my heart
- My smile radiates warm motherly love
- I feel so good in my own skin
- I am always eating healthy because I love treating my body with the best
- I move at a perfect pace for myself
- I am truly equal with everyone
- I love inspiring other woman
- I love that my mate and I feel so equal in each others arms
- I enjoy having high self worth and high ideals
- I can do anything I set me mind and heart on
- I love celebrating growing older
- I love the fact that I am a woman
- I am the definition of love for my loved ones
- I care deeply and affectionately and the world appreciates me for it
- I bring to the world what no other person can
- My inner and outer beauty and love for myself grows daily
- I am doing my best and know this, that is why it is enough
- I treat myself with kindness always
- I know my gentle ways are respected and desired by all my loved ones
- I create and find power and joy from within
- I do not let my relationship status to define me
- My amazing qualities uplift everyone around me
- I am respected by my children and spouse
- My family and friends see me value and love me for me
- I love myself for who I am not who I have tried to be
- I am fearless
- I choice what I think about me, I don’t define myself through other peoples opinions
- I am decisive and driven in every area of my life
- I don’t have to be any body type, I love the way I look and embrace it daily
- I am an inspiration to other woman who aren’t quite able to embrace their flaws
- I enjoy losing weight because I love myself and will feel great doing so
- I am a manifestation of all that is good in the world
- I live life in the now
- I reveal the good in people and search for the good in people
- I am desired because I am myself
- I am wonderful and courageous
- I am self deserving
- I am determined and diligent in the pursuit of my goals
- I know God has a perfect plan for me and I am walking in the path he has created for me
- I trust myself fully
- I purse and find peace in all relationships
- I attract positive and loving relationships into my life with ease
- I mediate on love and happiness daily
- I have so much passion and enthusiasm for life
- My life is in a constant state of progress
- I monitor my thoughts daily, replacing negative and self defeating thoughts with positive and empowering ones
- I listen to my body and what it wants
- I love the size of my breasts
- I love being present in my female cycles
- I enjoy expressing myself as a woman
- I love attracting men into my life that treat me as equal and I do the same
- I am perfect here and now
- I am open to growing in every area of my life
- Just because I don’t have kids now doesn’t mean I still wont find the perfect mate and be a great mother one day
- I honor my femininity
- I attract success in my career and love life
- I am a resilient woman who can adapt to anything
- I channel my female energies for the betterment of mankind
- I see myself as equal to, not better than anyone else
- I know my thoughts create my life so I only think of things that are in my hearts desires
- My soul is so beautiful
- The scares I bare are proof that you are a peaceful warrior
- Peace and happiness flow through my life like an endless river
- I am a goddess experiencing a wonderful life
- I treat all women with encouragement and support
- I only compete with myself
- I am a pure source of unconditional love
- I love the way I look, I was created to be this way
- I embrace my curves
- I am so confident in my sexuality
- Gender doesn’t have to define me
- I am indestructable
- I find success with ease in everything I do in my life
- I enjoy being so prioritized and efficient in my life
- I feel a sense of high vitality and passion daily
- It is safe to be me
- My femininity is so strong
- I am assertive and respect others opinions at the same time
- I speak my mind knowing that it is OK to do so
- I am the maker of my home and that feels so powerful
- I work hard to further my career
- I am a nurturing sister and mother
- I take myself seriously but am not afraid to laugh when things don’t go as planned
- Life is a series of steps and learning experiences and I grow in them daily
- I am a model mother for what my daughters will want to become and sons will seek as a mate
- I adore motherhood and feel like the ideal mother
- I love being with my soul mate and growing closer in love each day
- I heal wounds with my love and compassion
- I am a woman of substance
- I learn from my mistakes to grow daily as a strong woman
- Nothing truly defines me but my love and compassion
Positive Affirmations For Work To Dominate Your Career!
- My boss and colleagues feel my presence of productivity and contribution
- I have my dream job
- Every situations and scenario is leading me to the perfect position that I desire
- I am recognized as an expert in my field
- A raise and promotion is in my near future
- I attract the best clients everyday
- I have so much that is special that I offer to this world
- There is nothing more special than being a mother, a sister and and aunt
- I see cold calls as warm calls
- My commissions are increasing daily
- I envision myself as a success in the workplace daily
- I have all it takes and more to excel in my field
- I separate work from my family life
- I find balance in work and rest
- I am prepared to do what it takes to be the best in my field
- I have the courage to switch careers if my current one isn’t resonating with my heart
- I am a valued employee
- I enjoy growth in myself and my income through my career
- My job is a manifestation for my career vision
- I feel completely satisfied with my job and am open to growth
- I only indulge in positive habits at work that
- I am incredibly efficient at work
- I am not distracted by other employees
- I have amazing work friends
- The work I do brings benefit to society at large
- I feel a strong sense of enthusiasm at work the rubs off on my teammates
- I am sought out by colleagues for my expertise
- My positive and optimistic attitude attracts the best people to help me
- I am a masterful and professional salesperson that attracts clients in abundance
- My referral base constantly climbs as my clients feel value thorough the entire transaction and beyond
- I am a true entrepreneur as I know how to create solutions out of peoples problems
- I take total ownership of everything I do at work, good and bad
- I utilize self discipline daily to reach my goals faster and faster
- I seek self-mastery within the workplace
- I get every promotion that I am ever up for
- Raises come to me out of nowhere
- I am content with my career but know I have infinite potential so stay open to other options
- I find happiness in my career but I do not seek it there
- I aim to please my customers, I turn their frown upside down
- I am a light to the work place
- I allow my passion for work drive me an enjoy financial awards because of it
- I may not be where I want to be but am working hard towards it at work and on myself
- I find and enjoy inner transformation through my work
- I create value because I am living out my passion and dreams
- I am open to other forms of wealth outside of my main job
- I do not have a ceiling on my income
- I bring uniqueness to the workplace that only I can provide
- I am the hardest worker in the room
- I feel happily content with my work when I lay down at night
- I will never limit myself in the work place
- My mind is sharp and focused each day at work
- Bad days do not effect my good days
- I am open to coaching and guidance in the work place
- I may not be where I want to work, but I am further along than yesterday
- Even when I don’t feel great, I push myself because that is what winners do
- I feel like a winner in the workplace
- People know my value and show it in many ways in the workplace
- My family respects me for the work I do at my job
- I can be the boss if I want with hard enough work
- It is OK to move on from this job, it will be scary but it will be OK
- I am incredibly self sufficient at work
- I am always becoming a better asset to my workplace through personal development
- I pride myself on being great at my job
- I will only stop seeking new jobs when I find a career that suits me best
- I find my work to be fun and entertaining
- Getting along with colleagues and customers comes naturally to me
- I accomplish more and more in less time
- Constructive criticism is something I see as helping me grow to my full potential
- Every appointment I go on goes perfectly and I enjoy my time with the client
- I have a 100 percent signing rate
- I am always tentatively on time to work and my appointments.
- I envision my meetings going smoothly and that is why they do
- I am fully mentally and physically prepared for work everyday
- I do more than expected at work and am rewarded for it
- I am honest and dependable in the work place
- I am incredibly punctual in my work
- My customers see me as the expert I am
- I climb the corporate latter with ease
- I am and feel incredibly competent at my craft
- I take pride in my daily actions at work
- I am always the top producer in the work place
- I am extremely knowledgeable about the products and services I offer
- I find joy in the small and mundane tasks along with the big tasks
- I am productive and great at multitasking
- I am so happy I chose this profession
- I reap so many rewards at work, physically and intrinsically
- I ask questions often to help me be the best worker Ican
- I am always relaxed and confident at work
- I wholeheartedly believe in whatever I sell
- I voice my opinion at work
- I build long lasting relationships and friendships with my colleagues
- I meet all deadlines with ease
- I feel truly alive at work
- I am never distracted at work
- I close the highest number of sales each month
- I always beat my lasts months numbers
- I am inspired in my work environment
- My work self image gets better and better through all my self development
- I wake up without an alarm because I am excited to go to work
- If I don’t believe in something I am selling, I stop immediately and find something I do
- I feel respected at work
- My excitement grows each day at work
Positive Affirmations For Kids – The Little Ones 🙂
- Be Positive
- Speak Up
- Ask For Help
- I am strong
- Listen as much as you speak
- Explain how you feel
- I am a great student
- Positive Affirmations For Adults
- Be Polite
- I am truthful
- It is safe and OK to express my feelings and goals
- I am creativehar
- I can do whatever I put my mind to
- I can learn new things
- I enjoy learning about new topics
- I am kind
- I am a hard worker
- I am peaceful
- I seek to understand others
- I am unique
- I am a joyful child of the Lord
- I love making new friends
- I am a leader
- I show others that I care about them
- I am a great listener
- I am forgiving
- I understand my school work and enjoy completing it
- I believe in myself
- I am passionate about life
- I have many abilities
- I am relaxed and calm
- I love life
- I enjoy my own company
- I am perfect as I am
- I am protected
- I am an example student
- I am present in class and in life
- I am the master of my life
- I am loving and compassionate towards friends
- I am a fast and efficient learner
- I see failures as learning and growth experiences
- I am cooperative
- I have a healthy body and mind
- I am a great manager of my time
- I am complete and whole as I am
- I go after my dreams
- Anything is possible
- I have an amazing memory
- I have excellent writing skills
- I am artistic
- I am athletic
- I am always bettering my self
- I love trying new ideas and activities
- I am safe
- I can do it
- My mind is powerful and the key to my dreams
- I have faith in myself
- I love change
- I have a powerful and creative mind
- I reach for the stars
- I help and encourage my family
- I am loved for who I am
- I am an example of love
- I am a great friend to myself
- I am a great friend
- I am persistent
- I have great role models and learn from them
- I expect miracles in my life
- I trust me intuition
- I am handsome/beautiful
- I see the beauty in people
- I see the positive always
- I learn from every experience
- I look forward to each day
- I love challenging myself
- I am limitless
- I am the light of the world
- I have high energy
- I respect my parents and teachers
- I respect myself
- I don’t listen to negative people
- I have positive and loving friends
- I create my own destiny
- I have an easy time learning new things
- I am optimistic
- I have wisdom
- I am aloud to be me and express myself
- Everything happens for a reason
- I am adaptive
- I listen to my heart
- I put others before myself
- I see everything in life as exciting and fun
- I enjoy eating healthy
- I am an inspiration to my friends and family
- I am accepting and accept myself every day
- I am limitless talents and gifts that benefit everyone
- I am easy to get along with
- I keep my word no matter what
- I am productive
- I am enough but always striving to be, do and learn more
There you are my friends, just a small amount of affirmations for you!! Just kidding, but honestly I had a great time creating this list and had high hopes that it would help you better yourself with them. Let me know if you want me to add another 100 in ANY topic and I will get it done! Let me know what your favorites are and if you have any to contribute! Have a great day my personal development family!
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