30 Long Term Goals Examples
Look at this as the ten commandments of your proper goal setting and achievement. I feel as if we need a solid set of goals in every area of our life.
And to me, I feel as if there are 6 areas that really make up this thing called life. And when we are truly aligned with these 6, we can reach peak states of happiness, achievement and fulfillment.
Some people reach greater heights than others, but it truly doesn’t matter. Not comparing, just talking about living YOUR ultimate life. So when you and I look at our day, it is packed with a feeling that we are using our time wisely and effectively. Instead of feeling as if we are wasting precious oxygen.
Ok so what are some really good long term goals examples that we can use to create this feeling of properly living this life?
I am glad you asked.
Lets jump right into it.
30 Examples of Long Term Goals
6 Long Term Personal Goals Examples
Let’s start with personal. As in personal development. As I feel as if my new found happiness and hope was found here, and I believe you can find it there too.
Here are 10 examples of personal development goals:
1 – Read 100 Personal Development Books In The Next 5 years
This is a great goal to set as it is very doable. Just two books a month is all. If you are an average reader you are notching about 200 words per minute.
Lets just say we read 30 minutes a night. This would average to us putting back about 12-14 pages a night of an average book. And considering that the average length of a book is 200 pages, this will allow us to finish this average book in about two weeks.
I like to start my day with reading if I can, but reading at night time is great too as you are going to sleep with positive material in your head.
2 – One Self Care Exercise Per Week
I didn’t really believe in this, being such a tough and rugged dude that I am LOL. And yet, I started to do things like taking bathes and naps and massages here and there.
I am preaching to myself here too to do this more. And yet the more i did this, the better I felt physically throughout the day.
I believe it is proving to ourselves that we are worth being taken care of. And we generally start to treat other people better once we start to treat ourselves better. Hence making our inner and outer world a better place to live in.
3 – Learn A New Skill And Get Good At It
I wrote a list of 53 new skills we can learn if you want to click the link and check it out. Maybe it is learning a new language. Or maybe it is learning a new sport like archery or building pottery.
New skills build new neural networks in our brains. And the more we learn, the more we CAN learn.
Also with new skills comes new confidence, and since we are on a self help blog here, it would only make sense to weave this fact in!
4 – Travel To Your Top 5 Destinations
We all have those spots in the world of where we have always longed to visit and become accustomed to.
Lets make it a plan to do it this year, at least visit one of them. As it is easy to put it off and just think that someday we will make it happen. Well someday may never come. So lets act today. Put it our calendars and make it happen!
Resource: 201 Bucket List Ideas
5 – Do Something Out Of Your Comfort Zone Each Year
Maybe it is enrolling in public speaking. Or it can be jumping out of an airplane. Or it can be starting your own business.
What is something that if you KNEW you would be fearless at, you would try? If fear wasn’t a thing at all. What would you do?
Go do it!
We only live this life once. Why not go all out? The worst thing that can happen to us is that we simply fail and then figure out a better way then try again.
We get better, we adapt, we overcome. And we feel much better about ourselves.
Instead of living in a “what if” state, instead ask “why not”? Or “whats the worst thing that can happen?”.
6 – Learn To Meditate
It is said that prayer is when you talk to God, and mediation is when God talks to you. All in all, meditation is a complete state of allowance. And is actually very easy to do once we don’t force it.
My favorite app for meditation is Headspace.
For me, I like guided meditations better. As when I try to do it on my own, I get in my own way and try to force it too much.
Play with different styles to find your own.
Resource: How To Meditate (Mindfulness Meditation)
This, I believe, will introduce a peace that passeth all understanding. It will allow you to get to know your true, expansive and unlimited self.
5 Financial Long Term Goals Examples
Before we jump into this one, I feel as if it is only right to talk about having a good relationship with money. Money is not the root of all evil. I mean like Jay Z says, “I can’t help the poor if I am one of them, so I got rich and gave back to me that’s the win win.”
We can’t build churches without money, we can’t print and distribute bibles without money. We can put gas in our tank, buy our loved ones things and further our education without money.
Lets, today agree that we are going to look at money as the best things ever. Not to worship it, but to truly pursue all you can of it, free of guilt.
Ok, here are a few long term financial goals:
1 – Become A Millionaire
As impossible as this may seem for many, it can be done. A lot faster through proper investment. Maybe your thing is real estate. You can start with buying your first property and then renting it out when you are ready to buy your next.
Maybe it is stocks. Study proper stock investment. And get in NOW not later. And it is said that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.
Whatever excites you about building wealth, sink your whole heart and soul into it. Until you become a millionaire.
2 – Pay Off All Your Debt and STAY Debt Free
Whatever bad habits that us into such debt, we need to eliminate. And that is as simple as becoming conscious of our bad spending habits, and not engaging in them any more.
And no matter how deep we have gotten ourselves into debt, there is always a way out.
We can start by asking people to forgive our debt in a way by paying off say half of it in full to eliminate a bill.
Or simply making payments on time each month with a little extra.
We can create budgets each month to where the first of our spending goes directly to debt elimination.
Start today. Gain momentum and them we can start going towards the goal above, becoming a millionaire.
3 – Save X Amount of Money For Retirement
The number should allow you to feel comfortable in your retirement years plus extra JUST IN CASE.
Maybe it is a million for you, maybe its half that. Whatever it is, it is good that we start saving for it NOW and then creating other streams of income to support us on top of that lump sum we can live off of.
4 – Change Your Relationship With Money
This is a total long term goal as it can be a life long struggle, especially if you have had other people in your life talk bad about money.
Money is simply energy. A means of exchange. The more you offer good services, the more you deservingly should get it.
It truly is a neutral energy. We give it either positive or negative connotation.
IF you are having trouble getting rid of limiting beliefs, I have an article I wrote just for you. Check it out below!
How to Let Go Of Anything (A Complete Guide)
5 – Invest 100.000 into the Stock Market
This is a reasonable goal and it is one of the most safe ways to invest money. It can really compound fast and start to move into a very positive direction very fast.
It can provide a very comfortable retirement for us as well.
Resource: Beginners Guide in Investing In The Stock Market
4 Long Term Relationship Goals
Get Married (For Life)
It is so 20th century to get married for the short haul. It is exciting but often times there is no foundation laid. So it crumbles after the honeymoon face wears off.
And what is left? Carnage that could have been avoided.
I am talking about finding the right one, and committing to making it work almost no matter what. Grow together. Commit to doing daily things that grow your happiness and love for one another.
Like anything, the more we water it, the more it grows.
If you are already married, recommit to each other. And make a vow to always work for each other and do things for each other that will continue to make things new and exciting.
Resource: 50 Marriage Tips From Couples Who Have Been Together For 50 Years
2 – Cultivate a Relationship With Someone That It Has Faded With
We all have that person that we have drifted away with. And often times there could be so intense emotions that are left.
I guarantee that if you reached out to them, they would be open to burying the hatchet.
People don’t like conflict. And we can all heal a little more by smoothing things over with a someone in our lives.
Resource: How to Build Relationships
Set Your Family Values (And Live By Them)
Whether you have a big family, or whether you are just dating your mate, it can be great to create core values to live by.
Here is a list of values that can help get you started: 419 Examples of Values
Have check ins weekly on how everyone is doing.
So lets say that your core values are that you want more adventure in your life. Have you been living that all week, or at least some of the week? If not, do something that day together that you can create more adventure in each others lives!
4 – Travel Somewhere Once Per Year With Loved Ones
It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. And forget about cultivating and growing relationships with our people.
We think we have forever to do the things we want and hang out with the people we love. And yet we never know when it is all going to be over.
So lets make it an intention to set up a yearly destination and plan it with people we love. As all we will have when the end comes is our memories. Lets go out and make them with the people that mean the most to us!
You can even start a special savings fund in the form of a bank account and all of you can add to it and then use the money to hit the road with and enjoy a vacation with.
5 Long Term Professional Goals
1 – Get A Degree
For me, I didn’t know what the heck I wanted to do when I got out of high school. So what did I do? I got a degree in something I NEVER used!
Sound familiar?
Now that you and I have some life experience under our belt, we can go really hone in on what we love in this life.
We have had more time to get to know ourselves, try new things and lean in towards different fascinations and discover our gifts more.
It is never too late to go back and study something that you love!
2 – Be In A Career You Love
It is possible, not more than ever, to be in a career you love. Passion will never go out of style when it comes to getting hired. And you can make a living and even a killing off your passion.
Also, you can start a side hustle around your passion too, that can one day be the main source of income for you.
As online, there is enough people for you to have an audience that brings in full time income, in just about any niche.
Resource: How To Identify and Pursue Your Passion
3 – Write A Book
This can be both professional and/or personal. We all have a story to tell. And maybe one day that story can be a national best seller!
If you can’t find a publisher, you can always self publish.
Just the act of writing a book is a feat that can make one feel incredibly accomplished. It will be therapeutic, growth provoking along with the fact that you are doing something that most people will never do.
Even if you just write a half page a day. You can write a 365 page book in 2 years!
4 – Become an Expert in Your Field
We all admire those people that are just crushing it in anything in life. We all assume they may be just naturally talented and gifted. Although this may be the case, most all the people at the top of any game are there because they just simply outwork everyone else.
That is what it really comes down to.
What are certain scripts you need to know to close more clients? What degree do you need to get to go higher and know more than the next guy or gal? What seminars are being held that none of your competition is going to that will make you a better asset? What personal development books can you read in order to have a more positive mindset?
Also, we can never become true experts at something and love the heck out of our career if we aren’t in the right career. So again, go after something that really lights you up. Even if it makes less money than another job, I guarantee you will find a way to make more money at some point as it will give you more energy and drive to be doing something you love to do.
Resource: How To Find Your Dream Job
5 – Have A Side Hustle
We live in a day and age where we can start an online business for under 100 dollars. You can be up and running in days if not hours with things like Instacart and Uber.
Some are more lucrative right away. Others take some time to build. And yet a side hustle can break up the monotony of our lives. Add spice to it. And help us save more money.
Especially online, you can start a blog, like this one, around your passion and end up getting a big enough audience to make part time or even full time income off of.
5 Long Term Goals Examples For Health
1 – Get To Your Ideal Bodyweight
How about we look at health as a complete life long lifestyle change. That we will lose our weight slowly and properly, doing so by eating healthy most the time and enjoying a binge meal here and there?
That way we can keep the weight off as we will do it right, and not through a crash diet. Then be able to enjoy good health and still maintain good sanity as we will still be enjoying the foods we love!
Start with just eliminating 250 calories from your daily diet. I don’t want you to change anything you are eating yet. Just take away from what you are already eating.
This will allow you to lose a half pound of fat per week. Getting you down 26 pounds over the year! Not bad.
And stop weighing yourself everyday! Just go off of how clothes fit. And check in each month on weight. Simply eating fiberous foods can cause a lot of gut water retention until the food is passed, hence making you seem like you weigh more than you really do. This is just one example.
2 – Workout 3-5 Days Per Week For A Year
I have heard that a good habit can be formed in about 21 days all the way up to in the 300+ days mark.
The fact of the matter is, if we do something for a year straight, chances are it is going to be formed into a great habit.
Just start slow and build on the momentum. Don’t try to make any drastic changes right off the bat.
Remember, if it isn’t sustainable, it isn’t going to stick.
Before even entering the gym, ask yourself what type of routine you think you can stick to for the next 5 years. This is good long term thinking that will help us create a sustainable healthy habit.
3 – Eat Good 6 Days Out Of the Week
This can become a great long term habit. For Monday through Saturday, you get great! Then on Sunday, you allow yourself to cheat a bit! Pizza and ice cream. Or sushi and donuts! Who knows, whatever floats your boat. Just something to binge and rewards yourself.
You can take it a step further by tracking your calories with an app like my fitness pal. Whatever we track, we can measure and then tweak to get the results we are looking for.
What helps me stick to this plan is to prep my food throughout the week. To make 3 days of food at a time. That way it doesn’t get too old and still tastes good when you warm it up.
4 – Run A Marathon
Maybe it is a marathon, tri-athlon, or just doing a massive hike to the tallest mountain around you. Or even things like Tough Mudders or Spartan Races.
These can really take your fitness to your next level and be a fun thing to have on your bucket list to look forward to.
Even better you can give back to your community and run for a local or even a national cause near and dear to your heart.
5 – Don’t Compare Your Health to Others
This is a personal development tip that I offer you in all areas of life, not just health. I have noticed a pattern of some of the greats in this life. People at the top of their game.
They all talk about how they don’t compete with anybody. How they keep in their lane. They grind and they simply try to get a bit better, every single day.
Don’t compare your body to others. They may have a lot more days in the gym, better genetics or simply have had more discipline than you over the years.
It doesn’t mean you can’t change and transform your body as well and catch up or even surpass their results one day.
But we will be much more happy and much more fulfilled if we simply focus on ourselves. Getting our health better one day at a time. Building up yesterday and doing so each day until we have achieved the results we are looking for.
Conclusion To Examples of Long Term Goals
So there we are my friend, a total of 30 different long term examples of goals to set in each areas of our lives.
I hope this post helped inspire you to think bigger and more long term. And provided you with some really good examples of goals that you can use to create goals in your own life around.
Let me know which goals were your favorite. And which area you think you are most excited to set big long term goals in!
Also, if you have any other ideas for good long term goals to set, let me know in the comment section below!
Thank you for stopping by and sharing some time with me!
With gratitude,