How To Have Courage
Courage is something that is created from within. So when talking about how to have courage, it is something created, through a series of events and happenings to where it is built from within.
So the first tip I want to give you on how to be more courageous is the simple truth that we must not be looking outside ourselves for courage.
The world is all looking for things. It is human nature to seek what we want and to do so outside ourselves.
And yet, all the great teachings tell us to look inward and all of our hearts desires will come with this shift in awareness.
So again, the biggest takeaway, if you leave this article even right now and don’t go any further, is to KNOW that you have what it takes to create a courageous personality.
Even if you feel as if you never have shown it before, just know that you have what it takes. As this is coming from a person of whom, as of late, have been acting with much more courage than any other time in my life.
And below, I talk about what made me become more courageous and how you can emulate the same tips and hacks that can allow you to be courageous.
Also, don’t miss – 405 Quotes About Courage (Become Courageous)
How To Become More Courageous (How To Be Brave)
#1 Do The Things You Are Scared To Do
Courage can be built rapidly when we do the things we are scared to do. As courage is not the lack of fear, it is simply triumphing over our fears.
Not letting them stop us.
Lack of courage is created from submitting to our fears.
So the key to how to feel more courageous is to act in spite of our fears.
Now a little hope for you here. The more you and I do this, the less fear has its stronghold on us.
Things that used to scared the crap out of us, now feels like just a mild fear.
And all other intense fears that we are used to feeling, are actually dulled down.
For me, cold calling is the one thing I HATE doing. But, in order for me to become courageous, I cold call no matter how I am feeling.
And because of this, I reached a point where they don’t scare me as much. And I have been able to attack other fears I have, like fear of being rejected by the opposite sex.
Since I have made it a point to cold call on a regular basis, I have very little problem asking women out now. This is a fact, I am not blowing smoke at myself.
Resource: 101 Things To Do To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
#2 Think Of The Worst Thing That Can Happen
When you and I are scared to do something, we are suppressing thoughts and images in our heads that are showing and describing worst case scenarios.
The key is to allow them to come up in our minds and face them.
We find out that the suppression of these thoughts was causing the most fear.
As when we suppress thoughts, we are in a state of subconscious paranoia. We know we are scared about something, but we don’t know what.
It is like the monster behind the curtain. And yet, when we stop suppressing things, we are able to peak behind the curtain and see that the big and bad monster, was in fact very small and not scary.
Then going a layer deeper, face your deepest fear about what you are fearful about.
When you get to those fears, they are usually not as bad as we think.
When we face our deepest fear, then we can ask ourselves the question: “Can we recover from this, if in fact our worst fear came true.”
And as long as you are not dead, or incapacitated, then you and I can and are able to recover completely from our deepest fears ever coming true.
Also, take solace in the fact, that 99.99% of the time, our deepest fears never end up coming true.
#3 Make Courage A Priority
Courage needs to become part of our top core values in order to ever make it a one of our constant positive personality traits in our lives.
If we are not actively thinking about it, and don’t have it on the forefront of our mind, then it won’t come into our lives.
The law of attraction is definitely a real thing. And we attract courage into our lives by dwelling on it.
We can also keep it in the forefront of our minds by analyzing it at the end of our day. By asking ourselves, “what areas of our lives did we show courage today?”
Also – “Where in my life today did I show lack of courage.” Then correcting it and acting with courage next time we come across a similar situation in our lives.
Also, we can envision ourselves acting courageous both at night right before going to sleep. As well as upon awakening.
This is when our minds are most susceptible to incoming stimulus. Our minds take it as more fact and easily accept it. Much more than it will during the day when our mind is much more loud with thoughts.
#4 Build Upon Your Courage
Once you and I start attacking things, we need to stay in motion. When we are high off our courage breakthroughs, we then need to use that high to tackle more things we are scared of.
It is a never ending fight, we need to see it as.
I am not saying that growth isn’t permanent when we are breaking through our fears. And yet, we need to see ourselves as an ever evolving person, reaching and scratching and clawing our way towards our full potential.
Once we identify with this type of person, the more we tell ourselves a new story. We get rid of our story that kept us fearful and acting without courage. And we start to manifest this new courageous version of ourselves in our daily lives.
The more we reinforce this story, the easier it gets to live out naturally.
#5 Have A Live Autopsy
This is morbid, and yet I think it needs to be said. We need to essentially look inside ourselves and see what our true fears are. Cut ourselves open before we die, to find out what is killing our dreams, hopes and essentially our true potential.
The more we self analyze, the more we can get to know ourselves. And we can see the self that we don’t like, and extract it.
So lets say, we are being real with ourselves, and that we feel as if we aren’t educated enough to feel like a success.
Ok, well now it is time for us to read self help books, go back to school and becoming a life long learner through books, podcasts and other forms of literature.
If we feel as if we aren’t good in relationships, maybe we self sabotage when things get good, it is time we go see a counselor to analyze why we are doing this.
The fact of the matter is, whatever insecurities we have, have a remedy. We can get rid of them, there is always a way.
Life is too short for us not to go within and find out what is causing our lack or courage and insecurity.
The more we do this, what is left is the pure form of consciousness that knows no fear and is all powerful. Our true self starts shining through more and more.
#6 Declare Your Fears (Then Let Go Of Them)
State your fears aloud. Truly give them the power that they deserve. The more we start to accept them, the more the fear dissolves.
Fear is caused by trying to deny your fears and insecurities. It builds up more and more until we feel incapacitated.
Also, when we express them, it is a higher form of expression than suppression. We essentially validate and acknowledge them.
And yet, these fears are like children, they scream and throw a tantrum to get attention. Once we give it to them, the quiet down.
The same is similar to fears. We simply need to acknowledge them and be OK with having them. What you resist persists, and acknowledgement is the opposite of resistance.
Then, once we have our fears completely conscious, we can let them go. Like permanently. Like you would do so if you were holding something very hot. You just drop it.
Resource: How To Let Go Of ANYTHING (With Ease)
#7 Study Courage
Who is the most courageous person you know? What have they done to become this courageous?
I love reading biographies of people who have triumphed and won when they were down and out.
What you put in your mind, must come out. Ideas in = Ideas out.
So the more we are feeding our minds with underdog stories and people persevering through their fears, the more we will act this out in the real world.
It will take time for this tactic, as when we read these stories, we naturally start saying “Well if he/she can do it, then so can I”
And yet, the more we take in these positive stories, the more our actual self image changes. This is where pure and permanent positive change takes place.
We can’t act differently in the long term until we change the image that we hold of ourselves in our mind. That is why through repetition, we finally change this picture. And because of it, we become more courageous and stay more courageous.
#8 Why Do You Want It?
It is said that for someone to do the unthinkable, their why for doing it has to be insanely powerful.
A why can’t be surface level.
For me, I want to be courageous because I lived most of my life as a coward. I gave up on things, quit too early, or never got started.
I realize how much of my own life I was wasting one day, by remaining in a state of fear.
I thought to myself, “If I keep living this way, there is no point for me even being here.”
I realized that things needed to change. And change they began. Slowly at first, then more rapidly then even more rapidly.
Dig deep for you WHY. Go layers and levels deep. It may start off that you want to be courageous to look cool or brave or tough.
Then take it a level deeper. Maybe then it will be that you want to approval of someone.
Then take it even deeper. From here it could be that you don’t want to not like yourself, you want to love yourself and that you will love yourself more if you act with courage.
Keep going layers and layers deep until you find a why that will make you emotional.
Then when you find it, write it down. Often times it will be powerful enough to not even write down. You will have an “AHA” moment.
And from there on out, this will be your North Star when you have to choose between acting courageous and submitting into a state of fear.
#9 Prove To Yourself That You Are Courageous
We have all had times in our lives where we acted with supreme amounts of courage. Reflect back on times that you acted in spite of fear. That you forged ahead when you wanted to give up.
When you need to act in courage, reflect upon those times and feel how you were feeling. Hold your body like you were when you were feeling and acting courageous.
This is both proof that you have courage within you. As well as you are changing your anatomy into a more courageous feeling.
As with emotion, we don’t feel emotion will DO emotion.
So if we are scared, we are in a scared stance or body posture.
If we are courageous, our eyes are opened a little wider. We are holding ourselves in a strong way with our shoulders back and we have a look of hope and optimism as our facial muscles are very important in activating how we feel.
#10 Workout
I have gained some of my best courage from working out. Not only does it make you feel better and raise your self esteem, it also puts our body in a state that channels higher levels of emotions, like courage and acceptance.
You can’t be in a state of fear when you are moving your body in strong and aggressive fashion. It is impossible.
#11 Accept That You Are Going To Die
If you trace any and ever fear you have, you can trace it back to dying. We are scared to ask someone out on a date for fear of rejection, then we will feel like a reject and that will affect our self esteem and every other area of our life.
This would get us feeling down and depressed to where we feel as if we want to die. But we don’t want to die because of the fear of the unknown.
Once we accept that death is part of life, we are no longer in fear of the inevitable.
Look at death as the ultimate journey instead of something to be scared of.
Also, if you really think about death and you see yourself as dead, you notice that you can’t think about you not here.
It means that our soul lives on forever and ever.
And that we don’t ever die. Our souls are eternal.
So there is no reason to fear the ultimate fear.
By accepting this and facing the ultimate fear, we can do away with a good amount of our fear in a big way.
#12 Envision Acting In Courage Before You Act
I don’t care how many times this has been said, the mind is the TV screen showing a preview of what is to come.
See yourself acting courageous in the areas you are needing courage in. Just doing this a time or two before we act upon the thing we need courage around, can make the biggest difference in the world.
It is essentially like warming your arm up before pitching in the actual game.
Resource: How To Visualize (Powerful Tips)
#13 Be Courageous For That ONE Person
Who is that one person in the world in which you do everything for? For me, it is my mom.
Pick that one person, and whenever you need to act in courage, think of that special person.
We will do more for others often times, then we will do for ourselves.
Thinking about this special person can be a game changer on how to be courageous when fear strikes.
#14 Know What Fear Truly Is (Small Chemicals)
Fear is simply trapped energy. When we look at fear in the body, these feelings are incredibly small. They are the at their biggest, the size of a tiny little bubble.
Remind yourself of how small fear is when it feels big. It can put things into perspective. You are putting fear in it’s place by remind it that it isn’t as big as it acts.
#15 Meditate
We need to control our breath right away when you and I are in fear.
Often times we are in fear simply because our thoughts are too loud.
When we focus on our breath, our mind quiets down. We eliminate a lot of the chatter in our brains as we are only focused on the breath.
Stop and breath deep into your belly, this will also make you feel more calm as you are reducing the “fight or flight” response due to it activating the sympathetic nervous system.
#16 Step Your Dress Game Up
The package that is delivered is either delivered sloppy or tight and put together.
You can’t deny the feeling of putting on some nice clothes, that our ego is more happy. In a good way.
We walk a little taller, feeling a little more pride and simply feeling better in our own skin.
A couple tips to dress for courage include:
- Dres For A Better Fit – Dress in clothes that show your figure, don’t try to hide in baggier clothes.
- Try New Colors – What color is NOT in your closet. Buy some of it and integrate it into your daily dress routine.
- Play With Pants Length – Often times to long of pants can make us feel sloppy. Tighten the height up a little bit.
- Accessorize – Wear a fancy hat sometimes, some jewelry or invest in some nice sunglasses.
The way I like to go with this tip is that I always seek to dress just a step better than everyone else I know is going to be around.
Sure it is a feeling of superiority, but you and I have earned it. And with that, comes the feeling of courage.
#17 Get Educated
Let’s be honest, a lot of fear is generated from the unknown. So say we are scared about an upcoming meeting with a client.
We feel as if we are going in blind and going to be in the dark.
Well instead of just showing up, we can instead due our due diligence by researching things about the client, both personally and professionally.
We can also drive the route to the location we are meeting, so we are familiar with it that day.
Also, we can go over our presentation right before we meet them.
In any area of life, we may simply just be feeling fear because we don’t KNOW enough. We can always gain more knowledge before we going into anything. Which will lessen our fear.
#18 Get An Accountability Partner
Cut and dry, having someone to answer to can make you more inclined to act. You both can keep each other accountable for a fear each one of you have.
It is the worst feeling to have to report to someone that you didn’t do what you were going to say you were going to do, right?
This can give us that extra courage to do the things we don’t want to do.
#19 Stop Thinking About Yourself
Fear is caused by us obsessing about ourselves. If we just stop thinking about ourselves when we are in a state of fear, we notice that fear dissipates.
As when we are in fear, we are thinking things like:
“What are they going to think about ME”
“What if I fail”
“What if I can never recover”
“I am going to be so embarrassed”
Notice a pattern? If we simply just direct our thoughts to something or someone else completely, we can lose ourselves in another topic.
Call a friend and ask them what you can be doing to help them with their short and long term goals.
Or call a family member and tell them how much you love and care about them.
This will allow us to shine the light on someone else instead of ourselves.
#20 Monitor Your Thoughts
Again, all back to the mind, this is where we either create origins of fear, or origins of courage.
Our thoughts, again dictate how we are using our bodies.
When we need courage, we need to be altering our mind with “I can” thoughts, “I will” thoughts, “I must” thoughts.
We can’t be thinking about what we lack, or what may or may not go wrong.
Resource: Affirmations For Positivity and Courage
#21 Adopt A Growth Mindset
When we are in a fixed mindset, we are completely in fear.
Lack of seeings things from different perspectives is the ultimate pride. When we are in pride, we are in a fixed mindset. And pride is simply a mask, a mask to hide our fears and insecurities.
But when we see the world with a more open mind, we are able to learn and grow from EVERYTHING.
When we see the world this way, what really is the worst thing that can happen?
So our worst fear comes true, but we now see the world as something to learn and grow from.
Now we can really just get better from every situation in our lives.
If we don’t see the world in this way, then we will stay small and prideful. We may look like we have it all together, and appear to the world as so, and yet we know deep down, we don’t at all.
Resource: How to Have A Growth Mindset
#22 Dwell Effectively
Like I said, fear is created when we are thinking about ourselves. If we are going to be thinking about ourselves and dwelling over and over, why not dwell on all the positive things we have done.
This can temporarily, and eventually permanently raise our self image our ourselves. And again, how we act is all about how we see ourselves.
Think of 10 things that you have done good in this life. Maybe you gave back, graduated a degree program or simply go to church service regularly. Doesn’t matter, just stack your wins.
#23 Gain Mastery Over Something
The more we feel a sense of mastery, the more we feel better about ourselves.
Whether it is your job, your passion or something you are curious about, be seeking mastery in that subject daily.
Don’t even take a day off. Work towards something diligently, every single day. This will create a new self image and you will feel more confident and competent, both of which lead to more courage.
#24 Trust Yourself
We all have doubts and fears, that is just part of being human. And yet, if anyone that looks like you has done the thing you are scared of, that means that you can do so as well.
Sure, some people are just more gifted at things, but we are all human. We all breathe and bleed the same.
As with people in the past, they simply said “screw it” and trusted in themselves. Even if you have to fake it til you make it, become your biggest fan. Simply trust that you what it takes and take the leap of faith.
If you can’t then let me be the one to tell you, you are enough. Believe in my own belief in you, instead of your own right now, until your own kicks in. You got this!
#25 Spring Into Action
We are never going to feel like doing the things we are scared to do, this is just a fact.
The longer we hesitate, the stronger the fear becomes. Kill that thing when it is just a mini monster instead of Godzilla.
You can also ground yourself by simply using your 5 senses, also known as the spotlight technique, which can be done through the following 5 steps:
- See 5 things around you.
- Feel 4 things around you.
- Listen to 3 sounds around you.
- Smell 2 scents in your vacinity.
- Taste 1 thing.
After you go through this, you will feel grounded in the moment and ready to spring into action.
Conclusion To How To Have More Courage
So by you and I implementing these tips on how to have courage, we will simply enter into a new realm of existence.
We will dramatically change our self concept an image we hold in our mind about ourselves.
We ALWAYS act congruent with the image we hold our ourselves. So again, when we change our concept of ourselves around courage through these methods about, we will change forever.
We will feel less fear and way more powerful and courageous in our daily lives.
And give people permission to change and transform too as we our energy field will be more expanded. Influencing the world positively at large. This is legacy my friend.
Thank you so much for reading this post. I truly honor and appreciate your time, as you could be spending it anywhere else.
I would love to hear your advice on the subject and share with me what has helped you become more courageous in your life.
Along with what tip you are most excited about implementing.
Chat in the comment section below my friend.
With gratitude,
Chris Cucchiara