We have all been in a situation in life to where we know we should change, and yet we can’t seem to muster up the energy, willpower of motivation to do so.
So when it comes down to it, we end up not making much change, if any at all.
We are frustrated that we haven’t made a change. It weighs on us. Even more so subconsciously. It will come up throughout the day, and yet we will do whatever it takes to push this feeling back down, because it can be painful.
The more we do this, the more it festers. Which can be a good thing.
What Chris? You may be saying.
What I am saying is that the more we do this, the more powerful these nagging feelings get.
Now I am not at al la supporter of feeling suppression. Not at all.
And yet we need to get to a point where enough is enough. A feeling of absolute disgust.
When we get to this point, things can change, and they can change rapidly. You have to essentially be ready to die to your old self.
So I want you to first off embrace the fact that you are disgusted. Don’t see this as a bad thing. See it as the fertile soil in which you can plant and nurture new beginnings.
A chance to start new with brand new roots that you can water and grow strong.
So allow yourself to marinate in this disgust. Not self loathe. Just feel the disgust with yourself and with the particular habit or thing you have been doing.
Once we be fully present with this disgust, we can acknowledge it fully and then move onto transforming part of our entire life because
But how do we do this?
Let me offer you a couple tips on how to use disgust to your benefit for change.
3 Ways To Change After Reaching Disgust Status
Let Go of Your (Old) Identity
One of the biggest human needs of all time is to stay congruent with who we think we are. You probably hear people all the time saying “well this is how I have always been”.
But we know this is BS. We have not been this way forever. At some point we simply chose, either consciously or subconsciously to be and act a certain way.
Maybe it came from parental suggestion and influence. Or maybe it came from something else entirely.
And yet, we need to recognize the positive in this. That WE CHOSE to be this way. Anything you are doing in life, you chose that thought that is at the origin of anything.
That means YOU AND I can change the way we are by changing the way we think.
So lets just say you are simply getting disgusted with the fact that you drink alcohol to numb feelings of the past. Or that you use it as a vice way too much to come down from your stress at work.
Now you need to create a new identity other than the one that supports these habits. So you combine disgust with a new story you tell yourself throughout the day.
At first it will feel like work. Because these new thoughts will be loudly conscious. But the more you and I do this, the more they start becoming our new identity and get cemented in to our subconscious.
So instead of saying “this is just what I do, I drink to come down from work because I need it.” OR something like that, instead say:
“The new me doesn’t do that, instead I read a self help book when I feel stressed, because it helps me come down more effectively and efficiently. I am different from everyone else.”
Which another tip is to weave in another human need. Which is significance. If you can make yourself feel significant for choosing this new self empowering positive habit, you are more likely to stick to hit
Replace Bad Habits With Good Habits
Right off the bat, if you need any help at all with this, I have these resource for you:
List of 333 Good and Healthy Habits
199 Bad Habits (The Ultimate List)
It is said that once someone is an addict, they always are an addict. I think there is truth in this as I have given up bad habits in my life by only replacing them with good habits.
It is very hard to let go of a bad habit completely without introducing something in it’s place because there is a void that is still there. That in my opinion, needs to be filled.
That is why it is crucial for us to replace it with a good habit. So maybe right when we reach for a beer at the end of the night, instead we work on a side hustle that can make us feel more productive and have more hope for a better future.
Or maybe instead of watching porn, we go for a run. It still provides us with a nice endorphin rush.
Then we just repeat these patterns of thought until they become our new “story”.
As we are all telling ourselves our story, over and over and over. Why not make it empowering?
Envision Yourself Breaking Through
I don’t mean just try creating a picture of you achieving your goals. Or becoming a new person entirely.
I am talking about venturing into the world of true possibility.
Where we are connected to universal intelligence. Which as Albert Einstein said:
“Imagination is the preview of coming attractions.” –
So if this is true, why not envision the most outlandish things possible? Envision your goals and you reaching the next level in life as if ANYTHING was possible.
From that point, then start your envisioning process. Holding in mind that anything and everything can come true.
Default to that when wanting to go back to your old self. See yourself, the new self, in your head, over and over and over.
Paint this mental picture until it is engrained into your subconscious. So then we start acting out the new us without much thought.
Dwell Upon The Disgust
At the peak of our disgust, we will feel it completely. We will want to change, and vow to change. And yet as this feeling of disgust wears off, we may be tempted to go back to our old ways.
Revisit that ultimate moment where “you had it”. Enough was enough. Go there again and again when you are tempted to go back.
It is said that if you have a WHY for living, you can endure almost any how.
So go back to you WHY. That day or night of reaching the full moment of disgust. And then use it as a reminder each time that you slip back, to never go back to your old ways.
Conclusion To Using Disgust To Change Your Life
So that is it my friend. A quick blurb about how we can make massive changes in our lives if we simply reach the point of being fully disgusted.
Remember, don’t feel less than, or that you should deny these feelings and act as if everything in the world is just perfect.
Give yourself permission to go through it. As what we go through, we go through. If we go through it fully and completely.
Let me know what your advice is on the topic.
Have you ever reached the point of being fully disgusted in your life? Where you just couldn’t go back to the old you. The idea of remaining the same was completely unbearable?
I know I have for sure.
I would love to hear your experiences with it. And what tip you are excited to implement from the tips I shared above.
And again, allow yourself to feel disgusted. It isn’t dirty. You aren’t less than. You and I are actually more than most, as we are being real with ourselves. Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Sometimes, as JK Rowling said, rock bottom can be the firm foundation in which we rebuild our lives!
Chat soon my friend.
With gratitude,
Chris Cucchiara
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