How To Deal With Disappointment
Land can hand out some pretty raw deals to you and I, can’t it? Leaving us wondering how to deal with the disappointment that is filling our experience.
Sometimes things happen to us that simply are not fair. Like we are good people, why would this bad thing happen to us?
Or why can’t you and I reach that next step of our lives, when we have worked so hard?
Or even why am I not attracting the right people into my life?
No matter what stage of disappointment you are in, you can feel like you are at your wits end. I know I’ve been there.
And yet, there is hope my friend. There are tactical steps we can take that can liberate us from the toxic feelings of frustration.
Both temporarily and ultimately permanently.
That is why I created this list of ways of how to stop feeling frustrated for us. To refer to and back to when we are at a point where we are about to boil over! And hopefully a lot sooner than that, letting us mediate frustration and move on.
Rising from the ashes of disappointment into a more empowered and energetic human. Channeling our frustration into positive and empowering movement forward.
Enjoy my good friend.
DON’T MISS: 303 Let Go Quotes to help you feel better about your life and the things you are frustrated about.
How To Deal With Disappointment
Glean From It The Positive
Life is going to be full of disappointments. Sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down. That is just life.
And yet we can always find something extremely positive in the negative. No matter how bad the thing that happened to you is, there is some positivity in it.
Find it with all of your might. And reflect upon it. That you can find light in the darkest places.
Everything Happens For A Reason
Have you ever felt as if you have no idea why something is happening in your life, but then months or years later, you connect the dots?
Maybe you got in a car accident and because of it, at the hospital you met the love of your life.
Or you got fired and ended up getting the job of your dreams.
The universe is conspiring with all of its might, to work for you. KNOW THIS. Everything in this world is harmonious. Look at nature.
The universe is very familiar with harmony.
Often times, when you look at nature you see the act of overcoming. A tree falls, and vines grow over it. And those vines blossom flowers.
And the tree goes back into the earth, blending it’s energy back into the universe. And it is used again in some other form.
Nothing is wasted.
Look at your life this way. That the universe is doing all it can to help you win. Just know that when it comes to how to deal with disappointment. That it is just a jagged piece of the puzzle that fits the ultimate full puzzle.
Keep asking yourself, what is the lesson here I am meant to learn.
As it won’t leave you until the lesson is learned. Which after you do learn the lesson, not only will things like this not happen to you anymore, it will also clear up other issues in your life too.
As with spiritual growth, EVERYTHING affects everything. One positive change butterfly effects its way into every other area of your life.
Talk Therapy
Talk to a friend. Reach out to a family member. Ask them for complete permission to vent. And let them know what you want them to be to you when you are exercising your disappointment.
Do you want advice, or do you just want to talk on your own? Clarify what you need out of the talk to help you reach the end point of feeling less frustrated.
Express The Energy
Expression can be done in the form of physical activity, painting, yelling, or simply punching a pillow!
This will get you one step closer to letting go of the anger and frustration. Scream in a pillow!
Create a Game Plan
When it comes down to it, we are frustrated for a reason. Whatever yours may be, mapping out of a plan of getting un-frustrated can help you and I immensely.
So lets just say you are a frustrated about not getting a job. Today I want you to go out and apply for ten jobs.
Massive action is the cure all my friend.
Or lets say you got rejected by someone you asked out. First off, see it as REDIRECTION. Knowing that this wasn’t meant to be. And it is getting you and I one step closer to the best thing for US.
Next you want to join 5 dating apps, and for the next week go to one or more places in your community where your preferred age group and type hang out. And strike up conversations.
This will give you a way out of your disappointment. Which could stop it right at its path. As when there is hope for the future, there is power in the present.
Personal Development
When we are frustrated, our cup is feeling empty. At which point, you and I need to be adding to the cup.
Read positive books, learn something new, listen to a fulfilling audio book or podcast.
Fill that cup up til it runneth over and where you can start giving to people what you have learned.
When we get to this point, we feel very fulfilled and less frustrated as we are not thinking about our needs anymore. But instead the needs of others and positively influencing them.
Resource: Top 55 Personal Development Books of All Time
Focus On Your Goals
Have you ever noticed that you can’t be frustrated when you think about the things you want to achieve in this life?
You are transferring emotion in your own being. That of being frustrated to that of feeling more empowered and hopeful.
Think big, dream big, write your goals down, create an action plan around how you will go about accomplishing your goals. Write down the resources and people you need to become familiar with. And then take massive action daily.
Resource: 55 Personal Development Goals
Resource: 350 Short and Long Term Goals
Laugh At The Dissappointment
You can dull the power of ANY emotion by literally laugh at it.
Try it now.
If you are frustrated, direct your laugh directly at the emotion of disapointment. Laugh at it for a minute or tow.
And then check back in with the feeling of whatever you are frustrated about. I guarantee this will work for you. That you will feel much better about the issue you are frustrated about.
If it doesn’t work yet, say YES to it. What you resist persists. You are subconsciously saying “NO” to your feelings in the form of resistance.
Which is natural as they don’t feel good.
But if you say “YES” to them, you break the pattern. Hence breaking the resistance.
Accept The Things You Can’t Change
Automatically, when we are frustrated, we want to change everything. We want to take the power back by creating change.
And yet, there are certain things you can’t change. No matter what, there is nothing you can do.
So make peace with that fact, and accept the things you can’t change about the situation you are frustrated about.
This can be done with MULTIPLE things in your life. As one thing usually sets off other things in our life.
Take the top 5 things you can’t change in your life or you are frustrated about.
Then simply state, over and over, I accept X thing. Being the thing you can’t change.
Say it as many times as you can until you are emotionally at peace with the situation. It could take a couple hundred times of saying it. Do it until you feel better. I promise you, you will if you commit to the path.
When we are disappointment, we are either living in the past, wishing things wouldn’t have been different. Or wishing for a different future than the inevitable that is coming from the disappointment.
There is no disappointment in the present moment.
We can tap into that present moment through the act of meditation.
To start mediating, simply become aware of the sights and sounds around you. Soak them in with your senses. This is called mindful meditation.
You can also stare at a candle to get the process going. Fusing your awareness with the flame can bring about calmness in the mind.
You also put yourself in a state that produces more powerful brainwaves. Allowing you to vibrate higher. And putting you in a stronger position to let go of frustration.
Recognize The Addiction
Being frustrated can become a bad habit in our lives. As sometimes you and I can be addicted to it in a way.
Bear with me.
Often times we are so entrenched in our stories about life. Someone did us wrong. We weren’t treated fairly. Or we aren’t getting enough respect.
Whether true or not, these “truths” can lead into a story that we tell ourselves.
And since our thoughts are almost all the same, each and every day, we can get caught in a negative loop.
What story or stories are you telling yourself that is creating frustration?
Whatever it is, you can tell yourself a new story. One that creates courage, calmness and self-empowerment.
You have the pen my friend. To write any story you want.
Write down stories that oppose the negative story. One that puts you in a better position to overcome and feel better about yourself.
That way, every time the old story comes up, you will have a new story to replace it with. Do this enough, and you will kill off this old story. And new life will be given toe the new and positive story.
Adopt A Growth Mindset
We are only feeling frustrated by life when it is not stacking up to how we thought it would.
Instead of having a fixed mindset, commit your life to having a growth mindset.
That way you are always asking yourself how you can grow from experiences that set off feelings of disappointement.
That way, you will actually see disappointment as simply another opportunity to grow from. Hence, spinning negativity to your advantage.
Let Go of Learned Helplessness
Learned helplessness is when an organism is subject to the same situation over and over resulting in failure. Thus they give up.
I liken this to the following about your development as a human.
Growing up, we learned that sometimes, if we act weak we will be saved. Someone else will do the work. Hence we lie to ourselves that we don’t know what to do. Or that we have no power to change.
And yet, we do have the power to change. You have greatness within you!
Whenever you are disappointed about something, there is a feeling that you are powerless. Victimhood. Call a spade a spade!
In what ways are you and I assuming the victim mindset about our disappointment.
Recognize it, as when you do, you can choose to see the falsehood in it. You have all you need to change and transform my friend.
Transform learned helplessness into learned self-empowerment.
Every time you default to learned helplessness, you have a change to turn yourself into a more powerful and capable person.
Identify it and act upon change that will show you that you aren’t helpless.
There is always a way to breakthrough. It you are creative enough. Believe in yourself enough. And dismiss your fears and doubts, you can have a breakthrough.
Know That Someone Has Gone Through What You Are Going Through
At the end of the day, no matter what the situation is, someone has gone through it in this life. There are billions of people and hundreds, thousands or even millions of people have and are experiencing the same pain and frustration you are going through.
It can allow you to put things into perspective and feel better about moving forward positively. As you no longer feel like you are the only one.
Making our problems less unique can dissolve the intensity of the feelings of frustration and disappointment.
Just know that if someone else can go through and move on from a frustration, so can you.
Get Your Mind Off The Disappointment
The mind loves to go to the worst case scenario. It is what it does best! We have a default mechanism that like to ruminate over what can happen in a negative light.
We think of one thing, and then that leads to another fear. Then that leads to a host of toxic thoughts and feelings that follow.
The key is to take yourself mentally and physically out of the situation.
Read a book, go on a hike, workout or walk around the neighborhood.
This will also give the mind a break from only thinking about the negative. Instead giving it time to subconsciously provide you with solutions to getting out of the messiness of thoughts that can come with frustration.
Read About How Others Triumphed Over Similar Issues
Again, this goes back to having hope that if they can do it, you and I can do it. We need to be reading about stories of triumph.
Jump into the article in full. Let yourself feel motivated by the fact that the person overcame the struggle and disappointment. And implement strategies that they used that helped them get out of the mess they were in.
Watch A Movie About Someone Overcoming Obstacles
When it comes to how to deal with frustration, lets be honest, we are all suckers for underdog stories.
When we are dealing with frustration, we need to be focused upon the comeback, not the setback.
There is more energy behind the idea of the comeback. Watch a good comeback story to get your engine roaring.
It will not only help provide hope that you can get on top again. But it will also be a positive distraction to help you take your mind off your actual frustration. Instead witnessing someone else overcoming theirs.
Some of the best comeback stories for films include:
Million Dollar Baby
Cool Runnings
8 Mile
Slumdog Millionaire
Mighty Ducks
The Rookie
Little Miss Sunshine
Friday Night Lights
Resource: 7 Comeback Stories
See Yourself As Already Past It
When it comes to how to handle disappointment in our lives, we need to see ourselves from the end. Begin with the end in mind.
We need to envision ourselves well past it.
Feel what it would feel like to have moved on from the disappointment. Experience the emotions you would be going through post-disappointment. See what you would see after having your breakthrough.
Live that image and those feelings throughout your day. They will consume the negative. And place your awareness on only the positive. Making you attract a triumphant experience into your life. Where you have completely moved on from a disappointment.
Journal Your Feelings and Thoughts
Let’s be honest, there is something about writing out your feelings and thoughts that helps you get them out of your head.
It can alleviate the thoughts that surround your disappointment and provide more fertile ground for envision a better future and looking ahead past being disappointed.
Then, you can burned the pages and choose to let it all go at that point.
Commit To the Disappointment
Lets face it, if we half-a** things in life, we are going to get half-A** results! The same is true when it comes to frustration.
If we don’t fully commit to being disappointed, we are going to shift from being disappointed to not being so. And back and forth. It can be a long cycle. Of trying to get out of the disappointment.
In order to let anything go, we need to FEEL the emotion entirely. We need to stop resisting the processing. Give in. Surrender to the disappointment. Feel it as fully as you can. Experience it.
It can be a scary process. As you may feel like you are going to die if you do. Or you are going to be ripped apart by the emotion that feels so strong.
But I promise this will not happen to you. You will feel a lot better, potentially just moments later after fully experiencing the process.
Describe Your Disappointment In A Paragraph
A lot of times disappointment can be vague, making us subconsciously mull over it in a non-effective way.
In order to move past it, we need to become clear on what we are moving past.
Write out a sentence, a couple sentences or a paragraph. This will give you the content you need to get clues on why you are so disappointed.
It can give you clues on what you need to work on and emotions you need to experience fully before you are able to move on from disappointment.
Reflect On The Things You Do Have
The fact of the matter is, when we are disappointed, we are feeling a sense of lack. We want something we don’t have. Whether that be a physical object or simply a situation or circumstance to change.
But you and I have to remember and count the blessings in our life. I mean we are alive first of all, and have a fighting chance at accomplishing all of our goals and dreams.
Just stack 10 things up that you are thankful to have in your life. Stack 10 to everyone one thing that you are frustrated about.
You and I begin to see how much we have to really be thankful for.
It can always be worse, just know that it isn’t and you can focus on what is good in life, the abundance of good. Instead of the minute bad things.
If you need help with counting your blessings, let me help your cause here with this article I wrote just for you:
Make A Note on What Triggers Your Disappointment
Look we all have pet peeves! At the end of the day, we need to identify what is really makings us frustrated and setting us off.
For example, I know that I get road rage from time to time. I felt that if I wasn’t getting somewhere fast enough, I was losing time in my life to work on other goals and become financially free. This caused disappointment because I thought I was losing time. And life is made of time, so I seriously felt like I was losing my life.
So instead of wanting to get to where I want to be as fast as possible, I put on audios that help me grow in my profession.
That way I am not wasting my time.
Maybe for you, it could be that you aren’t getting enough sleep, drinking too much coffee, need to get a little more sleep, need to leave for work a little earlier, let go of fighting with your spouse, lessen financial stress, mediate stress at work. This can also help when it comes to how to deal with disappointment at work. Which is one of the biggest domains or our lives. If you and I can handle work disappointment too, it can give our whole lives more life and vitality.
Who knows, only you.
Be honest with yourself about your triggers. It can come down to a calm life or a life or chaos.
Whatever your trigger is, once identified, you can start to take action on progressive steps forward to lesson the pressure it has on you. Take a little bit of action on it daily and in a month or even a year, it couldn’t barely even be a trigger for you anymore.
Verbalize It To The Person You Are Disappointed With
At the end of the day, we bottle up a lot of emotions in our life. We want to say what we are thinking and feeling, but we suppress it.
The more we suppress things, the more toxic feelings bottle up. And it is only a matter of time before they start consciously affecting us.
There could be countless people in your life that you want to speak your mind to. That is great.
Call them, text them or even write a letter to them.
Make your intentions clear on why you are writing to them or reaching out. That it is not to verbally tongue lash them. It is simply so you can move on and be in a healthier emotional space.
Also, give them the freedom to speak their mind too. Let them know you care about them and you want both parties to squash the beef and move on.
Forgive Everyone
When we are holding grudges, it is taking up thought space in our head. We keep thinking about the situations and scenarios in our life that caused us pain.
The more we think about it, the louder the thoughts get. And the more intense the emotions become.
It is getting in the way of yours and I’s happiness if we aren’t letting to and forgiving people in our lives.
Like the old saying goes, don’t forgive for them, forgive for you.
I know it may be counterintuitive to forgive someone that has done you wrong. And yet at the same time, you are only hurting yourself if you hold on and resent.
Let it go.
Also, give yourself permission to be forgiven too. The more you forgive yourself, the more you can forgive. You deserve to be forgiven. More than anyone else in the world.
Know You Have The Strength To Overcome It
It is like the old adage, God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.
We need to see ourselves as being bullet proof. That anything that life throws at us, we can handle. And not only handle but grow from. And get better from. Learn more from.
You have the power to do that my friend. Start here, knowing that you can rise from the ashes.
Change The Feeling To Something Else
You can literally change a feeling to another feeling. When you see yourself as the creator of your feelings, that means you can decide what goes where.
If you choose to change your feelings of disappointment, you can, go any other emotion.
You just say it over and over. “I choose to change my feelings of disappointment to blank”. It could be courage, acceptance, peace, love.
These feelings are higher vibrating than the lower vibrating disappointment. You can choose, at any moment to change a feel to another feeling entirely. Give it a try.
Examine/Lower Your Expectations
I know this sounds a bit counterintuitive to the traditional self help advice. And yet in order for us to feel congruent with our life path, sometimes we need to simply lower the expectations of the results OUTSIDE ourselves.
We have no power over what happens to us. We can only dictate how we react.
I know I have had a perfection outlook on life. And the minute life wasn’t giving me things just how I wanted it, I became frustrated and disappointed.
Have you been here?
We need to simply lower our perfection standards. Doing so will bring us more peace.
I am not saying that you shouldn’t want the most out of life. And yet at the same time, we can be much more happy if we simply allow life to happen as it is and even at a lower standard than our main standards sometimes.
It is perfectly OK to get to this point of acceptance.
Because when we aren’t happy, life isn’t measuring up to how we thought it would. This thought was created by us. The image of how the world should be.
Meaning we can change that image to one that reflects what is currently going on in our life. To fit so that we can feel more happy, and that means lowering the perfection bar.
Don’t Seek Validation
Often times we can take to social media to vent out disappointment. But the thing is, you and I live in a society that validates feelings, and doesn’t help us overcome them.
A lot of people like to play the victim, and misery loves company.
It is said that 80 percent of the people don’t care, and 20 percent of the people are glad you are going through it!
Venting disappointment on a social media channel will most likely just add fuel to the fire. Keep it to yourself. Otherwise you may end up with someone else’s problems on your plate too.
It can also reflect bad on you professionally.
Open Yourself Up To New Opportunities
The fact of the matter is, when we are dealing with disappointment, we are wishing things happened a certain way.
And yet, staying in this place can cause us to miss out on new opportunities in our lives.
Instead, look forward to new opportunities.
Take on the attitude, that this time things didn’t work out. But I am not going to let this negatively affect my life and get in the way of new beginnings.
Just because a relationship didn’t work out, doesn’t mean that you should wait for that person to come back. And turn away people who are trying to date you. Say YES to life.
Realize That You Never Really Lost Anything
Look, we all came into this world with nothing. The fact of the matter is, anything added unto our experience is in the plus column.
For example, lets say you are a in sales and are about to get a great contract, and you lose it at the last minute. The client chooses to go with another provider.
Sure you can choose to be disappointed with the outcome. And yet, you are right back where you started. You never had the contract in the first place, so when you lose it, you are back at square one. You never lose anything at all.
See life this way. You didn’t get this one, which is simply bringing you one step closer to getting the next one.
Do Something Super Fun
To get our minds off things, sometimes we just need to go out and have a blast. It can raises us out of the depths of disappointment and make us feel more optimistic.
Go bowling, go fishing, go to a movie, go surfing or kayaking, go see a comedy show. Do something that will create the sense of childlike humor and joy in you.
Know You Are Enough
Look at it this way, we feel like we are missing the mark when we are disappointed. We feel as if we are not enough. Like we don’t have what it takes. Or that we just aren’t good enough.
I know I have been here. But you and I need to know that this experience of disappointment doesn’t represent what we are or our self worth.
It simply is what it is right now. Just one experience that has come to pass. We are a sum of all of our life experiences.
One experience doesn’t reflect who you are or what you are worth my friend.
See yourself as being much more worthy of good things than this disappointment. That you deserve great things in life. And that sure you may be disappointed, but this feeling is an artificial lack that we created. And because we created it, we can choose to uncreate it.
Set Boundaries With People
The fact of the matter is, you are disappointed for a reason. A person did you wrong, or maybe you had a part in it too. Leaving you both disappointed.
When it comes down to it, these people are probably not good people to be in our lives.
Sure it may be comfortable to have around. But comfort breeds, at best, mediocrity.
Decide today, if this person isn’t treating you right, or even if it is a job, that it needs to go. Hold your life to high standards. If your standards aren’t being met, you need to trim the fat. No if, and’s or buts.
Know That We All Have Issues
At the end of the day, we can deal with disappointment by simply giving grace to people. Certain people may let us down in life because of something personal going on inside them.
It usually isn’t personal. For example, lets say you have been datings someone for a few weeks. You are excited about where the relationship is going. Then the relationship abruptly ends.
This may feel personal, like something was wrong with you. But maybe the person is scared of commitment. Or is simply fearful that they are going to fail in the relationship and don’t want to commit because of that. Maybe the are dealing with feeling worthy.
More often than not, negative reactions from people in our life are not usually personal.
We are all human. Just trying our best in this life. Certain things don’t make sense. But lets all just see each other as human beings, trying to do the best we can with what we have and what all we have been through up until this moment.
Make Sure You Are Not Trying To Be Someone You Are Not
Often times you and I can feel disappointment because our identity is skewed. We are lost in the false persona/ego. And we are feeling pulled every which way.
We lost our identity. And it can be a scary place.
Commit to being fully and unapologetically yourself. When you get to a point of not caring what anyone thinks, you taste true freedom.
How To Deal With Disappointment In A Relationship
At the end of the day, honesty is the best policy. If we are disappointed in a relationship, you and I need to speak out.
Often times, we want to protect the other person by not going to in depth about the negative aspects of the relationship.
We feel as if we may hurt them. Or even worse, we may lose them if we are honest about how and what we are not happy about.
But in order to grow as a couple, we need to be brutally honest. Because first of all, it is a pure expression of love.
Would you want your partner hiding anything from you? I know I would want them to tell me, even if it did hurt or reflect something I did wrong or wasn’t doing that isn’t up to their standards.
We can’t know what is going wrong, unless we are told. We can’t read minds.
So the best way to deal with disappointment in a relationship is to get it all out on the table.
Approach your mate with love, and let them know that you want the relationship to not only last, but flourish and blossom.
Start off the conversation by clearing the air on the intentions. That you are trying to build you both up, not tear down.
Setting the intention for the talk with both allow the other person to still feel cared for an not attacked. Along with feel like they can honestly and openly talk and express their feelings too.
At the end of the conversation, thank the other person for being real and authentic. That you love that about them. And express hope for growth and blossoming in the relationship as a result of the talk.
Then lastly, put together a list of 3 things you will implement based off the talk. 3 things that are to bring about positive change off of what the other partner expressed.
Check in with each other daily or weekly. See how you both are doing. It can allow you to grow and get closer with each other. And build new and stronger love.
If at some point, things just aren’t getting better and you are still disappointed, maybe it is time to leave the relationship.
I know this is a hard pill to swallow. And yet, you and I need to put our mental health and happiness over contentment and comfort.
Sure we may fear that we will be alone forever. And yet, this is better than being miserable forever, but doing so with someone that is comfortable.
Also, set up date nights each week or every couple weeks to re-spark the flame that started it all. Do goofy things together like run and jump into each others arms each day when you both get home. Re-learn your person. Get to know a different side of them. Ask them deep questions that can really allow you to build a better relationship with them.
Re-commit to each other on paper that you are committed to the growth of the relationship. That you both will sacrifice to make a better and more loving union.
Sign it, and put that baby on the wall!
Doing some or all of these things will allow you both to feel hope in the relationship. This hope can be even more powerful than the origins of the relationship. Giving it new life and new hope. Potentially transforming a disappointment to the greatest gift for you both.
How To Deal With Disappointment In Yourself
The fact of the matter is, you are at a point in life where most people don’t get to. And what I mean by that is that you are enter the process of self examination.
So pat yourself on the back for this my friend as most people aren’t brave enough to do this.
When you are disappointed with yourself, something needs to go. Something disappointing needs to go.
What one thing in your life, out of all things you don’t like about yourself, would make you feel the most better if you got rid of it.
I learned this from the book called “The One Thing” by Gary Keller. The guy who started Keller Williams Real Estate. A great read, I know you would get a lot of out of it!
The theory behind the whole work was that there is one thing in our life, in any area, that if we did it, it would make the whole world of difference.
That there may be 5 things you need to do. But if you honed in on the most important one, you can literally make the 4 other things irrelevant. Or at least not have to do them as much.
For example for me, the thing I needed to do in my life to make every area of my life better was to stop watching ANY TV.
I now get a lot more done. As well as I also am more positive. Instead, I read good books on how to become better in my field. I meditate more. I go to sleep at a better time.
There is one thing in your life that if you get rid of, you can change everything.
So what is your ONE THING?
You can also do this in any area of your life. Including your finances, personal development, career, spiritual and health/fitness.
Changing one thing and even replacing it with a better thing can alter the way you feel about yourself for the positive.
Stick with the change of habit for 66 days, as the book says. If you can stick with it that long, the chances are that you will engrain it so deep in you, that it will last for a long time. Maybe forever.
The other way you can start to feel better about yourself is to look at your self-worth in a way that it is not dictated off your past.
What you have done up to now doesn’t have to dictate what happens in the future. It just doesn’t. Today, you can make the choice to change and transform.
To make it so, that your life is never the same again. Hell yes, it will be tough. But worth it.
The more you trim off bad habits, the easier it gets to take on any other good habit. Literally any.
Because everything affects everything in this life. Both positively and negatively.
You just need to get some good momentum going. Moving forward just a little bit at a time. Once you get the wheels moving, you can become an absolutely unstoppable locomotive.
But back to the original point. You and I may have had a past that isn’t exactly a highlight reel. But yesterday ended yesterday. Today is a new day.
The old us died in our sleep last night. And the new one rose out of the bed with a blank slate.
Don’t see yourself as a person that simply has accumulated experiences that makes you feel unworthy.
It just was what it was.
You aren’t a tree. You can grow and move and change. You don’t have to stay in the same place forever. That is what is so great about the human condition. We have unlimited ability to change and transform.
Forgive your past self for not doing the right things. Or not treating people right. Or not getting the education. Whatever it is, fill in the blank.
If you new better you would do better.
Also believe in someone else’s belief in yourself. Until your own kicks in. We all have at least one person that thinks we are the best of all time.
See yourself from their eyes. Know that you have what it takes to do great things in their life, because THEY know you do.
Believe in it until you see yourself as they see you.
Also, in order to stop feeling disappointed about yourself, commit to a whole new life. Where you go after and accomplish your goals.
Create a new identity. As someone who follows through no matter what.
Commit to not only helping yourself become a winner and achieve. But also be sure to give back along the way. Mentor people. Give money and time away.
This will change your identity to someone who just takes all the time, to someone who is adding value to this world.
And what you give out, must come back. It will bring some very good things into your life.
Lastly, when it comes to how to deal with disappointment in yourself, learn to simply be OK with not being perfect.
Move forward in life, counting the good things you did in the day. And only, truly only committing to bettering the things you didn’t do. This will allow you to change without feeling bad about not doing everything right.
Don’t shame yourself. Everyone can do better. If you didn’t have a good day, that is alright. Find something that you did do well. And then make a list on how you can improve. Do this everyday and you will start having more good days than bad days.
And again, about the shame thing, let go of it. Break the addiction that we have to beating ourselves up. It is not helpful in the grand scheme of things.
Sure it may feel like we deserve it. Even if we do, we don’t have to do it. Instead, encourage yourself. Tell yourself you are dying to your old dis-empowered self. And instead, you have now been born again.
Changed from someone who is disappointed with themselves, to one that is instead ready to change anything they have to about their life in order to reach that next version of themselves.
After moving forward with this mentality for enough days, weeks and months in a row, you will look in the mirror one day and barely be able to recognize yourself. As you have come so far and changed positively so much.
You can do it my friend.
BONUS TIP: Create a vision board with all the new things you want your new self to have, be and do.
Put it up in your room. Make a photocopy and put it on the screen of your phone. And in your car.
Every morning and every night, envision your new self and new life. Knowing that it is coming to you soon. And that you have the ability and deserve everything on that board and much more.
Conclusion To Dealing With Disappointment In Life
So there we are my friends, tips and tricks to use when it comes to how to stop feeling disappointed.
I would love to hear what your favorite tips were on how to cope with disappointment. And ways that I left out, that have helped you deal with it in the past, or currently.
Looking forward to chatting in the comment section below!
Until next time my friend.
With gratitude,
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