How To Have More Energy
If you are like me, you have felt completely out of gas at times in this life. When you KNOW you shouldn’t! Leading you to the search of how to have more energy.
Well I believe that having more energy in life is a science. That if you do things the right way, in the right sequence, it results in you having higher levels of energy and vitality.
The thing is thought, it is both an inner and outer game. That when you combine both, you can produce more, feel better, be more optimistic and generally just have a more exuberant spirit.
And that is what we are going to talk about today. Having more energy by implementing things that will give us both a short term boost as well as a long term boost that takes us to the next level in every area of our lives.
Below I jump into what has worked for me over the years to have more energy as well as tips I have learned while researching this article.
I hope you enjoy it my friend
52 Ways To Have More Energy
First and foremost, I called this blog because I believe personal development is the North Star if you will.
That we need to be essentially be focused on reaching the next level of yourself, as do I, on a daily basis.
That is by why the first way to have more energy is to be growing.
Grow Yourself
Now I am not the one who decides what growth is to you. As for me, it is mass consumption of self help books and material.
But whatever growth means to you, you and I can have more energy by simply engaging in it daily. 30 minutes to an hour a day.
It is a spiritual need that when we satisfy it, we feel good and hopeful.
Working Out
Rightfully so, the next word in my blog name is FIT. And I know that, each day, that if I don’t workout, I have less energy all day. The time I trade for working out and getting extra productivity makes perfect sense for me. As I give 1.5 hours to a workout, I know I will be able to have 3-4 more hours of productivity that day.
A quick little tangent on eating our carbohydrates. Eating carbs can come with a crash if we eat to much at a time. And yet we can consume larger amounts of carbs before and after our workout. This will offer fuel for our workout and aid in our recovery post workout.
Stay Passionate
It is soul draining when we are not passionate about our work. You and I both know the feeling. That feeling where it feels as if we had a refrigerator fall on our back when we walk into work, or even the night before!
Resource: How To Find Your Passion
Although, if you can’t do so fully, have something you are passionate about that you engage in when you get off work. Side hustles in your passion that both make you money and allow you to express the fullest version of yourself.
Resource: 50 Side Hustle Ideas
“The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve the American Dream.” – Tommy Hilfiger
Use Your Car As A Motivation Machine
In life, we usually wait until we are down to try to get up. By why not stay up while you are already up, so you don’t have to worry about getting down?
It will take more effort in the short term, but in the long run, it will allow you to stay up longer with less effort. Plus, growth gets addicting so it becomes exciting to get in your car and pop in your favorite motivational talks.
Resource: Top 20 Motivational Podcasts
Take Vitamins For Energy
Let’s face it, our diets have become pretty deficient in proper nutrition. Food is mass produced, sprayed with pesticides as well as geared more towards tasting good than providing us with the nutrients we need to stay healthy.
Here are a few great vitamins that are known for giving more energy to the person consuming them:
- Vitamin B12
- Coenzyme 10 (CoQ10)
- Magnesium – Promotes better sleep
- Iron – For optimizing cell function
- Rhodioloa Rosea – Alertness and decreased stress levels. Elevated mood
- Ashwagandha – Reduce Cortisol levels.
Take A Nap Each Day
Not only can napping help you feel more energized, it can also boost our moods. A great article by NBCNews talks about how we should be napping in an environment that is similar to the one we fall asleep in at night.
If it is quiet at your home, then somewhere quiet is a must. If you live in a bustling city, a white noise maker will be helpful. Keep your room around 60 – 67 degrees and as dark as possible. You can also get blackout curtains to simulate night time.
The nap should be under 30 minutes as anything longer can send us into a deep slow save sleep and make us feel worse when we wake up.
This is always a great alternative if you can’t sleep and it just takes about 25 minutes a day of mindfulness meditation to reap the health benefits of meditation.
According to an article by ScienceDaily, Hatha Yoga or mindfulness meditation can boosts the brains executive functions along with better congitive abilities that are related to goal directed behavior as well as better emotional responses.
Both these practices focus on the brains conscious processing through focusing on breathing and posing. Blocking out non essential information. This gives the brain a nice rest and improving cognitive function.
Cut Out Bad Foods
Lets face it, you can either put regular fuel into your car or you can put premium. One is going to make it ride OK, the other one is going to let your car maximize it’s potential and run the way it was made to run.
Some foods to cut out of your diet include:
- High Sugar Fruit Juices.
- Sodas
- High Caloric Meals (Like Pizza)
- Sweetened Cereals
- Fried Food
- Cookies
- Hydrogenated Oils
- Ice Cream
- Low Carb Foods (Because there is something in it to compensate for the low carbs that add to more calories or not good for you)
- Fast Food
- Most Coffee Drinks
The fact of the matter is, you can’t go wrong with just eating whole foods. You won’t have to worry as much if you just eat foods with very low amounts of ingredients. Simple and easy.
You can also track your caloric intake with calorie counter apps like: My Fitness Pal
Minimize Time With Certain People
Look, this is an energy game. We need to be keeping our vibrations high, and of course at the same time working on raising our own vibration daily. Which is what we are working on doing by using tips on this list.
And yet, we all have one or more people in our lives that we talk to or hang out with too much. And because of it, they dip our energy and vibration levels.
I am not saying you and I need to cut these people out entirely. I am simply saying instead of talking to them 5 times a day. Instead lets try 5 times a month.
We need to be doing our best to replace these people with higher vibrating individuals.
Swap lower vibrators with higher vibrators. This is the name of the game when it comes to how to have more energy.
Dress For Higher Levels of Energy
This is one tip I stumbled upon and learned about during researching for this post. Colors are again, just a vibration. We can feel more alive with different shades.
Here area few good colors to dress with for more energy:
- Hot Red (Activates the Root Chakra)
- Orange – (Activates The Sacral Chakra)
- Cherry Yellow (Awakens the Solar Plexus Chakra)
- Green (Awakens the Heart Chakra)
- Expressive Blue (Awakens The Throat Chakra)
- Spiritual Indigo (Awakens The Third Eye Chakra)
According to this great article, we can feel more alive as we are awakening energy centers in our body that can be blocked up. It is like getting a kink out of a hose to make sure it flows properly.
Monitor Your Thoughts
We all feel down during the day. Maybe it is our bodies way of telling us our mind needs a clean up?
Zig Ziglar would call this “A check up from the neck up”.
Along with listening and reading positive material, we also need to be listening in on our own thoughts. And then challenging them when they don’t serve us.
For example, if a negative thought comes up like “I don’t look like the successful type”, we can break the pattern and simply ask “Why”.
Then you take this question two or three levels deep to find the true root. Then you change that root with something self empowering.
Build Good Posture
Good posture can be created from weight lifting and stretching. Some good exercises for better posture include:
- Reverse Plank Bridge
- Plank
- Arch-up
- Wall Angels
- Posture Belt
As far as weight lifting exercises for better posture, I recommend we be doing a lot of row exercises. The better musculature we create in our back, the better our posture will be as we are able to pull and hold our scapula back better throughout the day.
Also, we need to be stretching muscles like our hip flexors, actual hips, spinal erectors as well as the latisimus dorisi muscles.
These are all areas that are known to become tight and can enable us to unlock our postural potential when we stretch them out.
Also, we need to be simply not focusing on lifting as heavy as possible, we need to be focusing on utilizing good form.
Lastly, I want to encourage us to be doing gluteus targeted work. Like hip thrusts, pull throughs and kickbacks.
Gluteus training has done absolute wonders for my posture and simply just being stronger and more powerful both inside and outside the gym.
Go To Bed At The Same Time
I can attest to this. I have sustainable energy for the first time in my life. My body feels much better. I wake up more refreshed. And my body starts to tire at the same time everyday.
Our bodies are so good at adapting when we give it a reason to.
It took me about a month to really starting feeling more energy from going to sleep and waking up at the same time each morning.
According to, it can also improve our health along with giving us more energy. It links up our circadian rhythm in our bodies which creates a stronger digestive system as well as better metabolic balance. Our hormones and thyroid gland function much better as well.
All of this positively effects the way our bodies operate. Hence our vehicle is working better, letting us optimally drive it the way it was supposed to be driven.
Also, we can’t be acting like we are super humans. And that it is weak to get enough sleep. It isn’t about how long we sleep, it is about how productive we are with our waking hours.
Forgive And Let Go
“Just because you carry it well, doesn’t mean that it isn’t heavy.” Unknown
Have you ever been in the driveway and you go to push on the gas and it just doesn’t really move? You look down and realize you have your parking break on??
I know I have!
This is honestly how forgiveness works. The more we forgive, the more we let off the breaks on our energy levels and ultimately our happiness.
Forgiving people isn’t for them, it truly is for us. It is a way to get rid of some of the anchors we are carrying around and let us feel more free and alive.
Let’s make it a point to together, let go of some of the things we are holding onto. This is truly how to have more energy, that lasts day in and day out.
Get Health Panels
Look, I am not going to act like I have all the answers. Doctors can help us identify things that may be getting in the way of optimal energy levels.
Getting health panels done each year can not only remove blocks that are getting in the way of our energy, it can also give us peace of mind that we aren’t letting things go to long that could affect our health permanently in the long run.
Worry Less
Look I know this sounds cliche, and yet, the more we worry, the more we zap our energy. The fact of the matter is, what is going to happen is going to happen. Plain and simple.
It is going to happen whether we worry about it or not. So might as well commit to being in a beautiful and happy state.
Give Back
Money is great to give. And yet, giving your physical time can even be more beneficial. We see that we can always have it worse when we are in a state of contribution.
It also makes you feel better about yourself.
A spiritual need we all truly have is contribution. And when we fulfill this need, we feel spiritually renewed. Our soul is recharged. And we can enjoy the benefits of it, which is having more energy.
Create Better Fen Shui In Your Home
This is a tip I learned from in which they talk about how clutter is low, confusing and stagnant energy. It is like a river in which is blocked up, and muck accumulates because of it.
Better Fen Shui creates a more clear mind in which mentally and physically will bring more energy into our lives.
It talks about how even having a clutter entry way can get in the way of your grounding and focus as it is the mouth of the Chi.
Various areas of life affect our Chi. And by cleaning up and keeping our areas tidy, it can create a more free flowing Chi.
Eat More Regularly To Feel More Energetic talks about how eating smaller more frequent meals can help us feel more energy in our lives.
It essentially reduces our our perception of fatigue because your brain, which has minimal reserves for energy, craves a steady supply of nutrients.
It also talks about how it can affect our circadian rhythm when we eat a large meal at lunch. This creates a later slump in our energy levels.
Losing Weight
Weight loss can be extremely beneficial for energy levels. IF YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT.
Look, I am not trying to offend anyone, and yet if we have a problem, we need to face it dead on. Look in the mirror and tell ourselves the absolute truth.
I have had to lose weight at times in my life. We have all been there. I know that for a fact, when I manage my weight, I feel much more energy then one I didn’t.
Eat More Sustainable Energy Foods
Sugary foods jack you up quick, and what goes up, must come down. We should be doing our best to integrate whole grains and foods with unsaturated fats which will help us build up stores of reserves of energy throughout our days.
Stay Hydrated
It is scientifically backed that when we stay more hydrated, we have higher energy levels. Eight 8 ounce glasses a water a day is a good beginning goal for us to shoot for.
I myself do my best to make sure I am getting a gallon in a day.
And yet, half your bodyweight in ounces is another pretty good rule of thumb.
Healthline talks about how it not only lets us have more energy, it also lets us maximize our physical output and performance. Creates better brain function. Prevent the onset of headaches and treat chronic headaches. Help lessen constipation and kidney stones. And even aid in weight loss.
Breath Deep Breathes
Lack of oxygen can cause some serious problems. I know that after I have a session of deep breathing, I feel more positive and energetic.
According to UrbanBalance, deep breathing can help us not only increase energy, improve our digestion and immunity, create better posture, help us feel more calm, stimulate our lymph system as well as even lower our blood pressure and offer pain relief.
Resource: 17 Deep Breathing Exercises For Anxiety
Don’t Half A** Anything
Look, when it comes down to it, I truly believe that lack of energy, a lot of it at least, comes from being non-committal.
The more we break our agreements with ourselves, the worse we feel. And vice versa.
The commitment to thing will free up a lot of negative mental chatter that will fuel failure. It won’t get rid of it, but it will dull the sound of it a bit.
When we commit, there is no other alternative. We are going to save our marriage. We are going to get fit. We are going to start and sustain a successful and profitable business.
The more agreements we keep with ourselves, the higher our self esteem goes. This will create not only higher levels of energy, but also true sustainable peace.
Self Monitoring (Mental)
There is something called cognitive therapy in which the therapist guides their client through a process of becoming more aware of our thoughts.
Thoughts are real energy. They can cause us to sink, or swim.
We need to be essentially looking in the mirror a lot more often and acknowledging our negative thoughts.
But at the true essence of a thought, it is not you. That means that you created it. I created it. And that we can change because we were the original creator.
It is like taking a stock corvette and running it as it is, or putting a 572 engine in it. We can change our thoughts by first becoming aware of them, then reinforcing the new positive thought through repetition.
For example, if a reoccurring thought that we have is “I am destined to fail”, we simply first question it’s validity. Do a list of reasons why it could be true, or why it couldn’t be true.
We will usually then see that our limiting beliefs are garbage. And that it is silly to believe this because it simply isn’t true. That is when you start actually changing your mind at a cellular level and attracting better things and people into your life. This is the law of attraction in play.
Self Monitoring (Physical)
I shared a bit above about us hitting spots throughout the day that we feel tired or lagging. Little or big dips in energy. The one reason that it could be is food related.
And yet, we can use these dips to our advantage by analyzing what is going on during that time. The fact of the matter is, this is our body signaling to use that something is off. And that our normal plan of attack isn’t the right way to attack it.
Maybe we get tired everyday at 2 because we are knowing we are only half way through our day and don’t love our jobs enough to happily endure the rest of it. Time for a change in the workplace for us.
Or maybe you and I get tired right before you head home. Because our relationship isn’t where it needs to be to thrive and be deeply in love with each other. Time to go to therapy, plan more romantic dates, and actively work on complimenting and adoring our mates way more often.
Again, it will unkink the hose so that our energy flows better. This is how to get more energy again for the long term and potentially save years of your life being stuck in a place you don’t want and don’t deserve to be in.
Self Care
I don’t care how lame it may sound, we need to be treating ourselves right. Massages and bathes are cool. Long walks alone while engaging in mindful meditation is great. Taking an off day and not doing anything at all is phenomenal.
I am not talking about staying in these places and doing them in excess. I am simply saying that we need to be treating ourselves good. Loving ourself will make us feel more energetic.
Self Care Ideas (61 Of The Best)
Free Yourself From Bad Habits
I can attest to this when it comes to this year. I gave up alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs as well as graphical online adult content. All at pretty much the same time.
I went through some terrible withdrawals, especially with the last one! But after the storm came a sunny and calm day.
I found myself by going through the suffering. And because of it, I had pretty much the biggest wins of my life.
The more internal battles we win, the more energy we feel. As we show our minds that we are in charge, and not the other way around.
Lets give up bad habits and integrate good habits. And watch our lives change for the better.
Less Social Media
For me, I know that I am always more energetic when it comes to using social media less. At one point there was a 6 month gap in my life where I needed to cut costs. I ended up getting a flip phone!
Because of this, I was never on social media. I got more done and just felt better, a lot better.
Let’s try and commit to simply going on social media at certain times of the day, instead of mindlessly scrolling.
Once in the morning, once on our lunch breaks and once when we go to bed.
Coffee (Used Wisely)
Although, I think that this is not to be abused, used in moderation, it can be a tool to allow us to have good productivity. CNBC had a great article talking about how coffee can affect our sleep cycle up to up to 6 hours after consuming it. So we need to plan our coffee intake accordingly so that we don’t affect those precious dreamland hours.
It can even be wise to try different sleep positions as the one you use now may not allow for optimal rest and relaxation.
Even getting a new bed or pillow and can help us sink into dreamland much more efficiently.
Don’t Care What People Think
This is true liberation. It is the point where nothing and no one can affect us. When we reach a point of not caring what others think about us, we have so much creative and free flowing energy.
Our thought energy is taken off of the trivial and focused on things we can control. We have much more energy to dedicate to our life and simply are rising above lower vibrations that come with attachments to how others think of us.
Live In The Moment
Wherever you are, try to be there. We exert a ton of mental effort in trying to “be” somewhere else in our minds, when we can simply let go and be present.
When we focus on being present, and simply being where we are, whether that be in the shower, at work or with our family. Then we can stop the resistance within our bodies and minds that comes with wanting and thinking about being somewhere else or accomplishing something off in the future.
Guide: How To Live In The Moment
Say No More Often
We are often spread thin because we can’t say no. We feel obligated to do everything. We want to please people. I know I have been victim to this.
And yet, if we are going to live with optimal energy, we need to be focusing on us more than them.
I am not saying don’t take care of your family or close friends. I am just saying that we don’t HAVE to do everything.
If you are like me and you don’t want to let people down when they ask you to do something, say something like this, it’s worked for me:
“Right now no and probably not, but if something changes I will let you know.”
Or we can simply just let them know what we value our energy and livelihood and that we don’t want to spread ourselves too thin. People will get that as we all feel the same!
Grow And Nurture Friendships
the fact of the matter is, we are social animals. We thrive amongst human connection. Some of us do better with crowds, other reenergize with direct one on one connection.
Whatever way we thrive and energize best with people, we need to be making sure we integrate this at least once a week to check the box for positive and deep human interaction.
Have Goals In Each Area of Life
Goals are the lifeblood of a passionate and fulfilling life. We are goal striving organisms and lose hope and energy when we aren’t striving.
Even if we haven’t reached the goal yet, it feels very good to be progressing towards a worthy ideal.
We can always be expediting the process on striving and reaching our goals by hiring a coach to keep us accountable.
If you don’t have time to jump into any of the resources below, simply try and have one or more short and long term goals in the following areas of life: professional, personal, spiritual, health, contribution and financial.
Guide: How To Set And Accomplish Any Goal
Resource: 300 Examples of Short and Long Term Goals
Resource: Goals For Health
Resource: 75 Life Goals
Resource: 201 Bucket List Ideas
Soak Up Some Sun
It can be easy to refrain from even being outside most of our day. We wake up, then workout in a gym, then go to work in an office and then go home and do our night routine.
WebMD talks about how the Suns UV rays offer our bodies Vitamin D which creates better bone health, blood cells and helps our immune systems function more optimally.
Not only does getting out in the sun feel good, but it is great for adding more energy to our lives.
The article also talks about how early morning sunlight can actually help us sleep better at night and even lose weight. As well as boost our serotonin levels in which can make us feel way better. Feeling better on a chemical level will help us make better food choices, be more inclined and likely to work out and simply enjoy our lives more.
So if you can, soak it up in the morning.
Scents For Energy
Different scents carry with them different vibrations that can affect our energy. TheSleepJudge Oranges, grapefruit, lemons, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, jasmine, ginger mint and coffee.
These scents have properties in them that can not only help us feel more awake, but it can also offer us antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals needed for proper and ideal dieting for energy.
You can also get oils that help with energy as well in these same categories, which you can check out here:
Resource: 10 Essential Oils For Energy
We can even take our energy needs even further with scents and do an energy cleansing with powerful incense. If you are interested in doing so, check out the resource below:
5 Tips For Energetic Cleansing With Inscence
Stop Hitting The Snooze Button
If you are like me, this may be the hardest one on the list to remedy! And yet, lets hear my good friends out at 8Sleep who talk about how hitting the snooze button can make us more tired.
As we are waking up, we are just finishing our REM cycle. When we continually tap the snooze button, we jump in and out of this cycle.
Our bodies are also primed now to get up when our alarm goes off when we are continually waking up at the same time. We can mess up our bodies rhythm by resisting this process, leading to a messed up REM cycle and circadian rhythm.
Morning Routine
Creating a good morning routine is imperative to us having more energy. If we win the morning, we win the day.
I like to first envision my top 5 LIFE GOALS happening for me. Really seeing them through the process of visualization and then feeling what it would feel like when I accomplish them.
I also work on envisioning goals I want to come into fruition during that day as well.
I then do a meditation of about 10 to 15 minutes to still my mind, as I know it will get loud as the day goes by and I can keep it quiet for longer if I start my day with meditation.
Then I make my bed. This is the first task of the day that starts me off right.
Then I will go workout. Then I eat a healthy breakfast and then shower. And dress for work or working my my side hustles.
You and I can also wake up with reading and/or listening to positive content. Going for a run. Or simply taking a cold shower.
Whatever it is, I suggest you create a morning routine with 5 good habits that follow up in succession with one another. And do them the same way everyday.
This will prime your body for a successful day. Which will offer us more energy.
Resource: 55 Morning Ritual Ideas (The Ultimate List)
Night Routine
When we form a good night routine, we can prime ourselves for getting tired and going to sleep around the same time.
A good night routine can include working on a side hustle that gives you hope for the future. Journaling. Taking a bath. Watching a positive podcast. Or thinking of things to be grateful for and expressing thanks for them.
I try my best to limit electronic screen light as much as I can. But if I have to use them, I put on blue blocker glasses to minimize it.
I also take a big of melatonin to make me sleepy. I take it around the same time so that I will be in bed at pretty much the exact same time every night.
Again, we should be doing 3 to 5 things every night in succession that are good and positive. To set us up for feeling good as we enter our sleep cycle. No negative material at night, whatsoever as this will negatively affect our sleep and dreams.
Also, we should be doing our best to not take any calls a couple hours before we go to sleep if possible to let our mind settle in for rest.
Resource: Night Routine Ideas (Powerful Tips)
Stretching can really enhance our overall feeling of ease and relieve anxiety and tenseness. Nothing may help more for feeling more energy than unlocking our body where it is tight.
It causes our whole energy to flow better. It can unlock our tight spines and hip flexors, allowing us to breathe and move better. Plus reap the benefits of more oxygen uptake like:
- Body Detoxification
- Increased memory capacity
- Raising altertness
- Strengthen the immune system
- Alleviation of headaches
- Help you sleep better
- Aid in faster recovery
The more we unlock our tight muscles, the better our organs function as well. If you are looking to try this tip for more energy, check out the resource below for yoga poses you can do at home.
Focus on 3 Big Things Per Day
The fact of the matter is, often times we just overload our back too much. We are trying to do EVERYTHING. I know I have a challenge with this.
If we have 3 things we are focusing on, we know what we need to be getting done. We aren’t thinking about little things. And these 3 things need to be so big that they are affecting every other area of our life in a positive manner.
We can ask ourselves the question, what is the 1 to 3 things that if we did today would make the biggest positive impact on my future.
Ask that question and do those things, day in and day out.
That way we don’t spread ourselves too thin and aren’t burning as much thinking power as we have to.
Do The Hard Things In Life
When it comes down to it, we need to be forging mental armor. The more we do so, the less we care what the world thinks about us.
And I am talking about now only doing the things we need to be doing, but doing them all out.
It is said that once we expand from our original form, we can never go back to our original dimensions.
This means a better, happier, stronger more capable us when we challenge and breakthrough our limits.
Love Yourself (Don’t Care About What People Think)
I think this one is the most important tip I can share with you when it comes to how to have more energy in life.
When we love ourselves, we are giving ourselves the highest vibrating energy there is.
We all get into the habit of seeking love outside ourselves, and yet we can have it now because love comes from within.
The more we love ourselves, the better our self image is. And the more we better our self image, the better our lives get. As how we see ourselves dictates every decision we make in our lives.
Also, the more we love ourselves and the better our self image gets, we let go of needing people to like us. Because we already like ourselves. This is when the fun and higher levels of energy really begin.
And by default, since we love and accept ourselves as we are, naturally people just start liking us more and more anyways!
List 10 Things You Are Proud About
Often times we can convince ourselves that we don’t have what it takes, or we are not enough. This is just naturally how humans are. We see lack. But we can remedy that by listing off 10 or more things we are proud of ourselves to show ourselves that we do have value.
This can help us feel better and have more energy as we are focusing on the positive, not the negative.
Adaptogenic Herbs
If you aren’t familiar with these, adaptogenic herbs are non toxic plants that can aid in fighting and mitigating stress and fatigue.
A great article by WellAndGood talks about how they can also help us balance our hormones and create a better immune system.
They share the three most powerful herbs to use for higher levels of energy that include:
- Panex Ginseng – which can help us function better cognitively.
- Maca – A complete protein with more than 20 different vitamins and amino acids
- Ashwagandha – A good anti-inflammatory which reduces stress and anxiety
Avoid Burnout
If you are an ambitious person, which I know you are because you are reading this, then people like you and I can push ourselves relentlessly.
And yet, it can work to our detriment if we take it too far.
Good ways to avoid burnout include:
- Taking one day completely off of everything. Literally just relaxing. Make it a Sunday ritual.
- Outsource things you don’t HAVE to do.
- Switch up your work locations.
- Break up your day and projects into manageable chunks.
- Schedule mini breaks into your day.
- Unplug at the exact same time each night.
- Remind yourself that burnout isn’t permanent.
- Integrate passions into each day.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
If you have a bad day and don’t get as much done as you have, don’t beat yourself up. This will take up vital energy and not let us rest well.
Just learn and grow each day. Cultivate a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset as much as you can. This will allow us to not only get better, but do it without shaming ourselves.
Juicing can offer us fast delivery of vitamins and nutrients to our body and minimize the time and energy our bodies is using for digestion and delivery of nutrients.
Juicing for energy is also done by allowing us to provide pure nutrients to our body without cooking them at high temperatures which can downplay the nutrient profile of foods. It is also less acidic than most meals and the nutrients can be absorbed better by our bodies.
Try swapping one small meal per day with a healthy juice.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a superfood. They are packed with healthy fibre, protein and essential fats. All of which can help us feel more energized and even less hungry.
They also help us regulate spikes in insulin, which will help us stay steady with our energy levels all day.
Herbal Tea
Tea can be both soothing and provide us with some high levels of energy. Here are a few of the best pick me up herbal teas that can get our engine running nicely.
- Black Tea
- Pu-erh Tea
- Matcha
- Mate
- Peppermint Tea
- Giner Tea
The great thing about these options is that they can provide you with a more steady dose of caffeine. They contain about half the amount that coffee does in milligrams of caffeine and are a a great option for sipping steadily.
Conclusion To How To Get More Energy
Look, the fact of the matter is, this is a list of how to have more energy through tips and tools we can be using physically, mentally and spiritually .
And yet, we ultimately know what will give us true lasting energy. This list will help, although I suggest that you dig deep and ask your inner you what is taking away from your energy.
I get it, we won’t be energized all the time. And yet there are energy blocks in our lives that if we simply remove, we can function more optimally.
Have a conversation with yourself. Pose this question to your subconscious mind. It will reveal itself through repetition. This could be the root that when finally ripped out, can liberate your entire soul.
Anyways, just some food for thought for you and I.
I am super honored that you stopped by to share some of your day with me.
I look forward to seeing you on the next post.
Let me know what you thought about tips for more energy and how to feel better. I would love to hear what has worked for you too that I may have missed in our list.
With gratitude,
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