Ideas For Self Improvement
Self improvement. The beginning of knowing thy self! And to know thyself is to be thyself. Which is the ultimate liberation. As the more we grow ourselves, the more we shed the false us. And the more freedom we give our true identity to express itself. Though the use of ideas for self improvement, you and I can simply get to a place where we have an inner knowing that we have value. And that we matter in the grand scheme of things.
Through becoming there is a inner confidence that builds. It is through growth, that we are able to see a better future on the horizon. Even if the seas are currently choppy.
The universe is always growing and evolving, changing and transforming. If you aren’t growing, you are dying. And when we start the process and stick with the process of constant and never ending improvement, we seem to follow suit with this magnificent and marvelous thing we call our planet.
Our life becomes more cohesive in nature. We see synchronicity’s and hear our intuition better. We trust ourselves as well as trust in the path. That the path will lead to the promised land.
That we our like water, we start reaching a state of flowing with life. Where we stop fighting the current and not only go with the current, but blend in and become the current. The ultimate form of letting go and growing into our full potential. Heaven on earth essentially.
But it all starts with using ideas for self improvement and making them our own. Putting in a little bit each day, somedays more and some days less. But all in all, with the goal of becoming and transforming.
It is tough at first to get going. Which wherever you are on this journey of becoming your best self, I commend you. As you are unique, special and are destined for the good things in life. You are going on a journey that not only will it lead you to a better life. But you will also be growing into the person that feels worthy of deserving the good things life has to offer.
So not only will you and I get these things. But we will KEEP them as we feel like a big enough person to hold onto and indulge in the good life.
Again, you and I are on a path the true self expression. And yet, the path is not an easy one. It takes dedication, commitment and a willingness to get out of your comfort zones.
But the more we do a bit of work on ourselves daily, the more we gain momentum. It becomes a positive habit that we can put our faith in. That it will build upon itself. And one day, we will look at our lives and see outward change. As well as alteration in our internal environment. To where we simply do not allow ourselves to have bad days anymore. You and I reach a point to where any negative can be turned into and used as a positive.
And ultimately, we can fill our cup up so much, that we become outwardly aware. To where we start filling other peoples cups up that have ran dry. Starting a wave of positivity to where we can leave a legacy for our lives that lives on forever.
I wrote this article for you to have many ideas for self improvement. That you can use anytime throughout the day. Along with being a simple checklist that you can stop in on anytime to remind yourself to stay on the path. As well as a myriad of ideas to keep your personal growth journey fresh. Switching things up when you need to.
I hope you enjoy this list my friend.
DON’T MISS: 405 Quotes About Self Improvement
50 Ideas For Self Help
Self Reflection
Through self reflection, you and I can grow a ton. We are our own test subject. Through self reflection, we can create better relationships, make more money and find more happiness.
Some tips for good self reflection includes asking questions like:
- How did I do on my goals today?
- What could I change to help me get more done on my goals today?
- Where did I go off on my good eating habits?
- What did I do good today that I am proud of?
- What can I improve upon in my life that I did good but could do better?
- What good choices did I make today?
- What would I do different if I had the day to live over again?
Through questions like this, you and I can identify things that can help us talk our lives to the next level.
Create New Self Empowering Beliefs
Beliefs are nothing more than a reinforced pattern, write out the beliefs you would need on a sheet of paper, the ones you would need to believe about yourself in order to reach all of your goals and dreams.
Just like a movie script, it will feel awkward at first to believe these things about yourself. But just like you would with a movie script, the more you read it, the more you internalize it and take it on as your own. You start adding your unique style to it, and soon enough it becomes engrained in your subconscious mind.
This is when you start acting in an entirely new way naturally. In a way that has thought patterns that create a more abundant life, naturally, for yourself.
Write out top 10 unlimited new beliefs about yourself, and affirm them daily about yourself. Do it until you start to feel this new truth about yourself.
Visualize seeing and feeling yourself and what it would be like with these new beliefs. This is how you give your subconscious mind instructions on how to create a new life for you.
Neuroplasticity at its finest here my friend!
Reframe Your Fears
Real or imagined danger is what fear is.
Fear simply brings up a lot of “what ifs”. We aren’t born with these fears, we are only born with two fears. The fear our loud noises and the fear of falling. All other fears are learned fears.
When we are scared, something in our brain is triggering our reaction, aka the fear response.
Fear activates or sympathetic nervous system to fight, freeze or run away.
Deactivation of this process of fear can and sympathetic nervous system can be one.
When you find yourself in fear, your croc brain is activated, and to stop it, simply breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth 6 times. This will allow you to reactivate the more evolved part of your brain.
Instead of being trapped in our thoughts, we will become more calmly aware of them. At this point, we can observe instead of being ran by this fear.
At this point, you can then set your intention on how you want to feel at this point. You can then choose courage, or acceptance. And then take a positive action towards what you want instead of what you do not want.
It is a much more empowering route to go when fear hits you in the face.
Don’t Wait Until Your Are Ready
We all have been in that spot in life where we want everything to be perfect. We want to feel ready. We want to look and appear ready. We want to know EVERYTHING before we act. We convince ourselves that it isn’t the right time.
The fact of the matter is, if we do this, we will never act. We will never feel completely ready. And the fact of the matter is, you and I can grow the most from acting when we don’t feel like acting.
Doing so will put us in our power place, the unknown, where transformation takes place.
Nothing good or big would have ever taken place if the people who did them waited until they felt like they were completely ready.
Let’s allow ourselves to act before we feel like doing so, and watch the growth and fulfillment follow.
Also, consider the risk of waiting until you are ready, if you are having trouble with this. You may miss out on opportunities. Maybe you wait to ask someone out, then they get asked out that day by someone else. Or you wait to apply for a job and someone else fills to the position.
Also, the fact of the matter is, that if you simply do something you don’t want to do for 5 minutes, the chances of you sticking with this task for a more long term duration is better than 80 percent.
Let’s you and I make it a point to be action oriented. To hop up and drive when we do or don’t feel like it. Predicated towards action instead of inaction or stalling.
Use Insecurities To Your Benefit
The fact of the matter is, we are all insecure about something. No one has it ALL together. Some people work harder on themselves, and/are just born with more of in innate sense of self confidence. But mostly, it is earned.
That is where using our insecurities to our benefits come through.
When we are insecure about something, we feel we lack something. That we are incomplete. And yet, in life, there is always an opposite. To the very core of human nature, the proton and electron. There is ALWAYS two sides to the equation.
So with insecurity, there is an answer in life for us that if we seek, we shall find. So when you feel insecure about something, look for ways to get better in that area.
For example, let’s say you feel insecure about your body. Well then it is time to hit the gym 3-6 times per week and reshape your body.
If you feel like you are not enough in your marriage, then it is time to immerse yourself in self development to better your self image.
If you feel like you don’t have enough education, enroll in classes today.
Insecurities are the best signals for potential growth. All we have to do is identify them and then seek solutions that when we go through them, we will tame or eliminate that insecurity for good.
Let’s not be married to our stories, or think that these insecurities have to be permanent. You and I always have the power to rise above our lower self.
Speak Your Mind
We can’t step into our power place if we are always refraining from saying what we want to say. You and I need to be speaking up in meetings, interjecting when we think things are off or we need clarification. As well as not holding back from telling people what they need to hear.
The world is going to judge you no matter what, let’s accept that and present to the world our fully authentic self. Doing so by saying what we mean and meaning what we say.
I am not saying shooting off at the mouth just to be that person. I am saying living your truth no matter what the consequences or reactions are.
Be still! There is something profound that happens when you and I get our minds quiet. We sink into the moment for a bit. Essentially transcending ego needs. We see through our false self and get a taste of the eternal and godlike power that lives in the moment. No worries, no pain, just being present.
I do my meditation right when I wake up in the morning. I notice that it helps me not reach for my phone. It lets me forge mental toughness and peace before attacking all the things I need to do for the day.
It also lets me be more outward with my thought process. I approach the world with more empathy than I do selfish thoughts.
But really, you and I can be meditating anytime of the day and it will bring temporary and permanent peace and self improvement into our lives.
I read 30 minutes to an hour a day. This is completely non-negotiable. And that is what it comes down to when it comes our spiritual journey. Is to keep certain things non-negotiable. You don’t rest until they are done.
The average person reads around 200-300 words per minute.
A good personal development goal to have would be to read 20 pages a day. This can easily be done in about 30 minutes.
Seeing as the average book is 200 pages long, you can read 3 books a month at this pace.
This is more reading than most people do in their lives! Just think how far ahead you and I would be if we achieved this goal each year!
The answer is lightyears ahead. We would become more fluent in our language, raise our IQ as well as emotional intelligence. Along with the fact that we would be taking decades of peoples knowledge and being able to cut the learning curve in our lives on virtually anything.
If you feel like this is too much to do at one sitting, simply keep a book on you. Read a page here, and a page there. While you are waiting in line at the grocery story or a bit on your breaks. They add up.
If you want to take your reading to the next level, neuroscience shows that if you read with your finger following the words, you retain more and read faster. Along with reading aloud allows us to process the message better.
Learn A New Language
This is a pretty cool check off on your bucket list. You will be seen as a more valuable resource professionally. Especially if you learn the second most used language in your career/country.
You will be able to connect with more people. As well as other benefits of learning a new language like: better problem solving skills, enhance concentration, visit and communicate in the country of the language you learned, better decision making, multiply vocabulary in your native language along with an overall boost in confidence.
Working Out
Lifting weights and doing hard cardio has been essentially the number one and original catalyst for growth in my life. It is the trip wire that started my journey.
The way we use our body dictates how we feel. As for emotions, we don’t feel them, we DO emotions. The way we move our body dictates how we feel. For things like depression, we are holding our body in a state conducive to feeling depressed and same with anxiety.
The same holds true to positive emotions like elation and victory. When we are in the gym, we are moving our bodies with strength and power. It is impossible to feel down after a workout.
When you are up after working out, you can naturally take on tougher things in your life. And you do so with more grace. These little wins turn into big wins. You start approaching the world with more confidence and courage.
You feel great in your own skin, and that comes off as you taking risks in this life that you wouldn’t if you weren’t moving your body each day in a self empowering way.
Eating Healthy
This is another self improvement idea that you and I can be adopting in our daily life.
There is some spectacular growth that happens when we begin to master food. As this is the hardest area in life for most people to master.
Food is addicting. And when we break our addiction to it, we also seem to break other shackles that link us to other addictions. It is truly that powerful.
And when we learn to let go of an addiction that is this strong, naturally we just master other areas of our lives. We are able to trade bad habits for good habits.
My diet has been that I eat healthy, clean and whole foods 6 days a week, then on Sunday I am more lenient. It is essentially what is referred to as a cheat day. Where I eat a pizza, or a tub of ice cream.
Reward yourself for doing good. Only if you do good. If not, no reward. Plain and simple.
Random Acts of Kindness
At the end of the day, the biggest positive internal change we can make in ourselves is to help someone else.
We are all connected in some strange way. You can feel it if you allow yourself to. That is why it feels so good to help others. As we are helping ourselves in turn. They feel better, we feel better. The true win win.
Random acts of kindness can help you feel the sense of contribution. Which is one of the spiritual needs next to growth. Which you can hit both of these by giving back.
Here is a list of ideas for kindness that you can use to implement random acts of kindness into your life:
261 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
It is ideal to do at least one thing per day that makes you feel uncomfortable. For me, that is cold calling for real estate leads. I hate it. But I feel super fulfilled when I am done. It is a break through that has made me feel more courageous in every single area of my life. As well as much more of a confident person.
Feel the fear and do it anyways. Write ten things down that you are scared of, and face each one, one by one until you can create a new list of fears. Which the second list of fears will feel like nothing after you have crushed through the first list.
Forgive People
Forgiveness is like the debris that clogs up pipes in our plumbing. It causes our life force to be cut off. Keeping abundance in all areas of our life blocked.
The more we forgive, the lighter we become. The more happy we are. And naturally more abundance comes into our life as we are not holding onto negative vibrations.
We can now vibrate higher. And naturally attract more of an abundant lifestyle.
Stay True To Your Word (Follow Through)
I truly believe that this is the top 3 on our list. Following through in life creates a feeling of confidence so palpably strong, you cannot help but feel it in people who do.
You know you are living up to your word and so do other people. You build a trust within yourself and trust with other people. People know you will do what you are going to say you are going to do.
It is following through with our word, which satisfies the moral compass.
My friends, I can’t stress this one enough. Don’t do things when you feel like it or it is convenient.
When we say we are going to workout at 6 AM, let’s get our butts up and get it done. When we say we are going to be somewhere and last minute feel like staying home instead, too bad. Time to get up and go there.
This will development your self esteem to very high levels. As a matter of fact, make it one of your core values. So that it is in the forefront of your mind to adhere to this new FACT about you. That you follow through no matter what.
Daily Affirmations
We attract our dominant thoughts in this life. If we dwell on something long enough, it is going to come into our lives. This is the law of attraction.
We become what we think about. Big truth in that statement.
Daily affirmations, words we use, as well as incantations, using our body in unison with these says, can reprogram our subconscious minds to start attracting the things and people and experiences we want into our lives. Instead of the things we don’t.
Here is a resource to get you started:
1001 Affirmations For Positivity
Goal Setting
This is another way of program your subconscious mind. Goal setting is like a lighthouse in the night when sailing through the fog. Until goals, we were blind and now we see.
Goal setting is the ultimate productivity hack. If you know what you want, you simply need to spend a certain amount of time each day working towards what you want.
If you and I do this long enough, our dreams and goals will become a reality.
Goal setting can show you what is important in your life. It will also let you devote more time to positive things, hence in turn letting go of negative and destructive habits.
The key is for you and I to keep continually growing into the person that can feel worthy of the goals that they end up achieving. That way, not only will we be great goal accomplishers, but we will also hold onto those goals and financial rewards and not feel the need to self sabotage.
Listen More Actively
Another one of our ideas for self development is to become a better listener. When it comes down to it, most of the world is really focused only on what they want to say. Waiting for our chances to interject on what we have been wanting to say.
The truth of the matter is, that we are all self-centered in this way. And yet it is a great opportunity for growth by simply listening more to other people. To wait until they have full finished and then speak off of what they just said. Not just waiting to say what you and I want to say.
This will build better relationships along with also let you learn a lot more about life as we can learn a ton from every single person we come across. It will truly help you and I develop a growth mindset.
Positive Self Talk
The way we speak to ourselves dictates how we feel about ourselves and our whole entire lives. The challenge is, that a lot of what we are saying to ourselves is negative. It is simply not beneficial to creating higher level of self esteem and overall happiness.
If we simply make it a habit to really watch what we our saying to ourselves each day, you and I can begin to be aware of the toxic thoughts that aren’t benefiting us.
And the beauty of this all, is that WE choose our thoughts. Even though they may seem factual, we actually believed in their factualness at one point. Hence they became our personal reality AKA our personality.
But nothing is true until we make it true. Life is really all just perspective. So if this is the case, and it is, you and I can start giving more truth to empowering and positive thoughts.
For example, let’s say you think you don’t deserve to be rich because you can’t be rich and be spiritual too.
Well again, this is just a thought you or I may have CHOOSE to believe at one point. Which means we can choose a thought that more benefits us being rich and spiritual.
After all, like Zig Ziglar says, God created the diamonds for His folks, not Satans bunch!
You always have the power to choose your thoughts that dominate your life.
Follow A Daily Schedule
Our bodies are so good at adapting. That means that we can use this fact to our benefit to get more done, grow more, and be happier.
Wake up at the same time each day. Hit the gym at the same time. Read a self help book each day at the same time. Do this everyday and I promise you that it will become easier to naturally just do the things you need and know you need to do in your life.
Schedule your perfect day. Schedule in the little things too. Like kissing your spouse and telling them you love them. Or things like self care to let you recharge your battery.
The key is to create your perfect day and live up to that perfect day as many days in a row. In a few months or years, you will look in the mirror and see an entirely different person. Total transformation.
Love Yourself
The greatest gift we can give ourself and our world at large is to love ourselves. It is like putting helium in a balloon. It gives us energy and fills up our own cup.
And we can’t give anything that we don’t have, so the more we love ourselves, the more we are capable of loving others more and more.
And what you and I give out, must come back. So this means that we will be receiving a lot more love because we are giving it out.
Be Relentless
The more we engage in a world that lets us have a lot of things fast, the more we get used to and simply feel entitled to getting everything we want in the same way.
And yet, when it comes down to it, goal achievement can be a very hard and trying process. That is why most people never get their goals. It simply takes a long time as well as blood, sweat and tears. Years of perseverance.
Lets you and I, make a pact today, that whatever we set out to do in this life, we will not give up until we either win or die. Simple as that. There is no in between.
This will change your whole personality as you will start seeing yourself as someone that just doesn’t quit. You will go to whatever lengths and no matter how long it takes.
That if things aren’t working out, you will simply change your approach, not the goal. You will get up and go after your goals, one more day, as long as it takes.
Create Breakthroughs In Your Life
Breakthroughs simply just don’t happen by accident, for the most part at least. In order to reach the next version of ourselves, you and I need to be scheduling breakthroughs in our lives.
For example, my other business is real estate. One of my most recent breakthroughs was talking to 100 people in one day about real estate via cold calling. The most I had talked to before was about 60 people.
When you and I do this, we breakthrough a mental wall that we thought was a permanent fixture. We simply see that this isn’t the case.
What is one area of your life that you can schedule a breakthrough in this month? Maybe it is reading an entire book in one day. Or fasting for an entire day.
The thing is, that everything in life affects everything. So the more breakthroughs in one area we have, the more inclined we are to do the exact same thing in other areas of our lives. Hence breakthroughs and the process of going through hard things in life becomes easier.
Bite Your Tongue More
The most self mastered person doesn’t have to justify anything. They are able to stay composed amongst chaos.
Sure you and I all want to get the last word. Be right. Or win an argument. But you and I can really engage in the process of self growth and self mastery by simply refraining from engaging in this type of behavior.
Rise above all the smallness or the world. Be OK with not getting the last word. Being a true leader means being different. And if you and I want to lead our lives to a much better place than we are at now, rising above the small stuff is a great place to start.
Wake Up Early
I have been a late riser and I have been an early riser. And I can tell you by split testing both in my life, that I get more done as an early riser. The world seems to look at you differently and take you more serious. It is a strange phenomena.
It think a lot of it has to do with how you start looking at yourself too. When you wake up early, you see yourself as a grinder. Someone who is doing something most people won’t do.
You master your morning, and how you start anything is usually how you finish too. So if you start your morning strong, you can finish your day and night strong.
Some of the other benefits of waking up early include having more energy, having a more positive outlook on life, creating more time for exercise and eating a healthy breakfast along with proof of better sleeping habits which means better recovery.
Use Your Car As A School
Never again listen to music in your car. AKA chewing gum for the ear. Use your car, from this day forward as a place for learning. You can learn new languages, new skills, new ways of communicating as well as audiobooks that can accelerate your growth in any area of existence that you want to get better in.
Talk To Older People
It is sad that often times we see seniors as being washed up or having little value. They are a walking guide for life! They have been through a lot in this life. And they can help us become better and do things right.
In Asian culture, the senior is looked upon as the ultimate family figure or matriarch. They actually play a big part in raising children as they know the most for the best parental purposes. Crazy!
Let’s make it a point to have interviews with the oldest people we know in this life. To glean knowledge and wisdom that we can implement into our existence. It will also, guaranteed, make that persons day. Another win win.
Resolve Arguments/Conflicts
Start with the end in mind.
I know if you are like me, you have been in the middle of an argument and you forget what you are even arguing about, you just know you need to win! LOL
At the end of the day, when we argue like this, we are winning the battle but we are losing the war.
Let’s be open to the fact of not winning the argument, but winning the relationship.
When we go into arguments this way, the other side feels cared for. Hence they let down their guard. There is better communication as you are showing that you don’t HAVE to be right.
For example, in romantic relationships, do you and I want to be right, or be in love?
Begin with the end in mind. Let’s not sabotage the long term for short term gain.
Question Your Limits
The fact of the matter is, things are impossible until someone does it. Then the whole world sees it as now being possible.
The same is true in your life. I guarantee there was a point in your life where you felt like you just couldn’t something. But one day, you ended up doing it and having a breakthrough!
You showed yourself that this was a self imposed limiting belief.
You can do this in any area of your life. You simply refuse to believe in limits. You and I just won’t entertain this thought anymore that we CAN’T do something. No way.
If we are creative enough, persevere long enough, find good mentors and take massive action, we can make anything in this life happen for ourselves.
Accept Yourself Completely
I don’t care how cliche this sounds, it has to be said. Who cares who or what anyone thinks about you. The ultimate win in this life is loving yourself for exactly who you are. There is only one you and one me. Let’s accept ourselves. Let’s roll with ourselves.
See yourself as the greatest thing ever created. It is OK to be full of yourself sometimes.
We are taught that it is not OK to accept ourselves and indulge in a big dose of self love. That we need to act modest. Screw that!
Literally see yourself as the most bad a** person to ever walk this earth. Who cares if you are not “supposed” to do this.
Make Decisions More Effectively
There is a part of us that knows when we are going to make the wrong decision because it brings us satisfaction in the now.
And yet if you and I start to make decisions with our end goals in mind, we can help ourselves make better decisions.
Be More Empathetic
I know I have had trouble with this in my younger years. I thought the world should be empathetic to me and yet I didn’t have to return the favor!
But when it comes down to it, we have all bene through tough and downright terrible times in our lives. We don’t know why people are acting the way they are. Maybe they are having a bad day, or lost someone they love or lost their job.
Let’s seek first to understand the world. We can really make a better impact on the world by approaching it with a more empathetic and loving nature.
See the world as a place where we all have things we are going through. And lend empathy to people in your life. Tell people you accept them as they are. Come as you are. That they are free to be completely authentic.
You and I can first try to understand first rather than judge first.
Plus it will also help us manage stress better because we won’t be reacting angrily, we will be reacting with understanding and love.
Side Hustle
There is something beautiful about creating money outside your main source. It opens open your mind a lot more to the possibilities of life.
You take the bull by the horns. You show yourself that you can drive the car. You don’t have to just be a passenger.
Your vision of yourself starts to expand more. Hence you start taking on new and better things and opportunities.
Self Employment
The journey to working for yourself is one of the most treacherous climbs there is. And yet, the most fulfilling. Because you have to become the person worthy of this title if you are ever going to make it and sustain it.
I know for myself, I quickly realized that I had to grow CONSTANTLY when I first set out to become self employed. I felt like I was way behind, and there is a primal instinct that kicks in when we feel as if people are ahead.
We have to take bigger and more bold strides to catch up. Fail more often. As well as be wiling to look like a fool long enough, until one day we come into our own. And blossom into a person that earns money for and by themselves.
Real estate and blogging are my main gigs. But you can also do things like multi level marketing, investing, Instacart and Uber, be a tutor, ghost write material for other blogs, open a salon, open up shop under a bigger franchise, child care, consulting, day trading, furniture restoration, garage sale item flipping. The list goes on.
Find an area that you are passionate about in your life, then go online and look at how you can create a business around it.
This is not only how you gain control of your life, but it is also where you start to construct your personal legacy.
Resource: 50 Self Employment Ideas That You Can Start for Under $100
Quit Destructive Habits (Alcohol, Drugs and Porn)
I have used two of the three in my life. I quit them one day and never went back. This was nearly a year ago from writing this article.
It has brought about a sense of self mastery that can compare to no other thing I have ever done in my life.
I felt like my brain, nervous system and soul healed.
Pick one bad habit and crush it. Literally opt to never indulge in it again. Replace it with a good habit if you have to.
When the urge to start up again on the bad habit comes back, and it will, simply allow yourself 10 minutes to stick with the feeling. This is about the longest a feeling will last in our bodies. Then it will subside.
Resource: How To Stop Drinking Alcohol
Compare Yourself ONLY To You
When we compare ourselves to others, we are coming from a place of lack. We want what they have.
The crux of it, is that people, most likely the people that you compare yourselves to, are also comparing themselves to you or other people.
It is simply part of the human experience to feel unworthy, or that we don’t measure up.
And yet, the best way to get better is to do so a bit each day by comparing yourself with who you were the day before. Grow from that person. Stay in your lane. Do you.
Like Michael Jordan, the best basketball player who ever lived said:
“I’m not competing with someone else, I’m competing with what I’m capable of.”
And that is the perfect way to put it. Always be striving to become closer to your ultimate capabilities. Push the line on yourself. Drive hard. Break through your own limits.
Don’t get distracted with what other people are doing. Who cares?? Just get a little bit better everyday.
It is a much healthier way to view your life and progression. Then you aren’t comparing apples to oranges. You are simply watering your own roots to produce the most nutritious fruits. So one day you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Uplift Others
You can’t help but feel great about yourself when you are lifting others up. You tend to get lifted with them when you do.
Become a person who seeks to make peoples day. Learn their names. Ask questions about their lives. Get generally interested in the answers.
Have the goal to leave people better off than you found them. With this goal, your life can never lose purpose.
People will remember you and you will be making a positive impact on the world.
Shower Your Life With Gratitude
You can’t feel any lack when in a state of gratitude. It is the most powerful emotion that we can experience.
When we feel grateful, our pain disappears. And it is replaced with a beautiful state of peace.
I love to list off ten things I am grateful for right when I wake up in the morning. This can be a great way for you and I to start our days.
When you start the process, you will see how much you really have to be grateful for. From the simple hot water in your shower and fire to cook with. To the relationship with your mate or fate that brought you to your dream job.
Here is a list to help you out if you are stuck on gratitude ideas:
Trade Expectation For Appreciation
It is easy to get caught in the loop of wanting and expecting things in our lives. And yet, lets face it, now matter how much you and I have, we will always want more. And that is OK!
Humans are goal striving organisms and growing feels great! We are always looking for the next level.
But we can’t let it consume us. That is why we should be striving to become more, do more and be more, and at the same time appreciate the journey.
Abundance Mindset
When we focus on lack, we get lack. When we focus on abundance, our life begins to expand. The universe knows nothing but abundance.
When you and I start cultivating an abundance mindset, we see ourselves as being more valuable. More capable.
A few tips for how to create an abundance mindset include:
- Do work you love.
- Get adequate rest.
- Focus on your goals and create bigger goals.
- Focus on your unique strengths and engage in them.
- Focus on the things you are grateful for.
- Surround yourself with people who think big.
See Failure As Feedback
This is another part of our reframing game. When it comes down to it, for whatever reason, we have been gripped by fear and it has its fangs deep in us. We had a few bad experiences, and now we are scared to even try sometimes. I am speaking from personal experience.
And yet when it comes down to it, if you and I are going to become the best version of ourselves, we need to see failure in an entirely different light if we are going to rise above the norm and average.
You and I need to be seeing it as simple feedback. Incinerate the world failure from your mind. It’s new word that is taking it’s place is now FEEDBACK. It is simply a mechanism to tell you how to do things better.
Instead of saying you tried and you failed. We will now see it as you and I trying and getting feedback. Always looking for the missing link. And we can only find that missing link by not stopping at failure, instead seeing it as our actual ticket to finding the right way and ultimately winning in every area of life.
The only time we are failures in this life is if we give up, stop trying, stop innovating, stop asking for help and stop driving forward. We can win on a long enough timeline. And we do this be seeing failure as stepping stones and ultimately launching pads towards ultimate success.
Get Rid of Drama In Your Life
The main thing myself and you need to be doing to eliminate or at least minimize drama in our lives is to not feed into gossip and other peoples drama. It is natural to want to add fuel to the fire. But you get what you put out in this life. If you are adding drama, it is naturally going to cycle itself back into your life.
We all have to look in the mirror at some point. Like attracts like so in some way we are the drama we say we don’t want in our lives. So the first step is admitting that we have a play a big role in the main scheme of things.
Of course, we also need to be identifying people that we need to lessen our time around. Just give them a little bit of your time but not as much as you have been.
Also, we need to find out why we like the drama in our lives. It is there for a reason. Maybe it is distracting us from going after the things we want in life. Or that it feels good to tear other people down because we feel better about ourselves.
It is simply an insecurity that we can get rid of if we identify it. That way, when we feel inclined to engage in drama, we immediately go to work on our goals, or read a good self help book or go workout.
Realize you have the power to remove yourself from drama as well as simply refrain from engaging in it.
Lastly, try to see things for how they are. Maybe the things you are calling drama are a call out for help from the people in your life. Extend a helping hand. Don’t be afraid to call people out on it and seek to find meaning behind the drama.
Be The Role Model You Wish You Had
We all hope that something or someone comes and saves us one day. Learned helplessness. And yet no one is coming to save us. No one is going to wave a magic wand and make everything alright.
Sorry for the tough love, but it is the truth.
How would you act if you were followed around by a camera crew? If you were the star in the biggest movie of all time?
You and I would be more bold, more courageous, more honest, adhere to our core values, treat people better.
Act like you are the star of your own show. In a way that we turned our life around one day and got it together.
Be the person you wish would come save you. Let’s save ourselves.
You can also simply act in a way that the person you admire most acts.
List out the qualities that you admire most about this person, and you will soon see that these are qualities that you can develop and cultivate into your own life.
You just need to become aware of them and schedule the development of these qualities into your daily life. Then one day you will wake up and look the person you admire the most will be looking right back at you in the mirror.
Take Care of Yourself
We need to be eating nourishing foods, groom ourselves, dressing a little better. Doing the little things in because they add up to one big thing. And that big thing is showing yourself that you value you yourself enough to do the little things.
Lets make it a point to get good rest, don’t overdue going out, focus on our own growth, save money and go after our hearts desires.
Live Your Life Like You are Going On Vacation Tomorrow
Personal development speaker and author Zig Ziglar talks about how much more we would get done if we just won a last minute vacation and we get to leave tomorrow. The only thing is, we need to get everything we need to get done in order to qualify for the trip.
Act like we are going on vacation tomorrow, every single day. Plan our day so the we milk it in the most effective way. Write out your day the night before, everything that needs to be done, who needs to be called as well as visualizing it all getting done as you lie awake in the first minutes upon awakening.
Don’t start the day until it’s finished. As Jim Rohn would say.
There are certain areas in our psyche that we simply cannot have breakthroughs as effectively without professional help. At a certain point in my life, I saw this as being weak. That you shouldn’t seek help, that I am tough enough to handle anything.
And yet, in order to reach the next level in our lives, you and I need to have an open mind. Therapy can help set us free from burdens we have been carrying, recover from trauma and ultimately liberate us our smaller self. Letting us step into our greatness and simply just be happier and healthier human beings.
This may be the best of our ideas for self development as it can affect us in every emotional area once we let go of certain toxic emotions, it can free our our nervous system to thrive and adapt to whatever life throws at us.
Watch For Red Flags (Listen To Your Intuition)
I know as far as ideas for self development go, this is the one I need to listen to the most! And yet when I listen to my intuition, I notice that I ALWAYS make the right decision or that it is always right.
Versus when I go with my head over my heart, I usually go off the right path!
In life, we get a sense that someone may be lying, or that an opportunity may be good to be true, or that we just get a bad sense about an investment opportunity. Things of this sort of nature are our higher self trying to guide us away from what can sabotage us.
Trace back times where you didn’t listen to your gut or listen to your intuition.
If you are like me, you will notice that you said something like “I should have listened to my intuition”, or “I should have gone with my gut reaction!”.
I believe that this gift is in direct connection with the all knowing force in the universe. Call it God, or source or spirit. Whatever positive force that wants the best for us, the gut is connected with this. And we can seek guidance through it if we just listen and adhere to it.
Celebrate Wins
We need to be giving ourselves pats on the back when we win. Otherwise there will be no incentive to winning. We will just get burnt out.
T. Harv Eker talks about actually saving money to blow. 10 percent each month. To reward ourselves. We need positive reinforcement for the good things we are doing.
Otherwise we just see life as “just work” and never really live.
I am not talking about ego indulging, and yet I am talking about letting yourself know that you are a rockstar when you do something awesome.
Vision Boards
Create a grand vision for your life. One that will inspire you and be so moving, that it will keep you on track. Glorify your goals. See them as MUST’s in your life. Allow them to be your beacon of hope.
Make them so compelling that you would rather work and go to sleep early then go out and waste your time.
Don’t be afraid to dream big my friend. And put these images of the perfect life up on a vision board that displays the shape of things to come.
Resource: How To Make A Vision Board (5 Steps)
Doing a brain dump can leave us more spiritually light. It allows us to bring up emotions and relive them, which then we can fully process and let go of.
University of Rochester Medical Center talks about how we can benefit from journaling through the likes of anxiety and depression management, stress reduction, prioritization of problems, recognizing triggers in our lives and the identification of negative thought pattens.
Shoot for a journal entry a day and don’t judge what you are writing or overthink it. Just allow yourself a stream of consciousness.
You can even keep a journal on you and knock out mini entries as you go throughout your day.
Conclusion To Ideas For Self Growth
So there we are my friend, which to toot my own horn a bit, you are reading my 200th post on this blog! Ideas for self help is the title. But I hope the content was life changing for you.
I hope it gave you more hope, big vision for a better future, and inspire you to awaken your own giant within you. One that may have been dormant for a long time. It is there, you are a giant, you are phenomenal.
Let’s go change the world, and put a dent in the universe.
Thank you very much for reading and stopping by.
I am looking forward to seeing you on the next post!
With gratitude,
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