Questions On How To Get To Know Someone Better
- 1 Questions On How To Get To Know Someone Better
- 1.1 7 Tips For How To Get To Know Someone
- 1.2 700 Questions To Get To Know Someone Better (Get To Know You Questions)
- 1.3 Questions For Getting To Know Someone Better (Cautiously Proceed With These Babies!)
- 1.3.1 6 Areas of Life – Conversation Starters
- 1.3.2 Career Get To Know You Questions & Conversation Starters
- 1.3.3 Relationship Get To Know You Questions (Get To Know You Questions For Couples)
- 1.3.4 Financial Questions On How To Get To Know Someone
- 1.3.5 Family Get To Know You Questions
- 1.3.6 Health Questions On How To Get To Know Somebody
- 1.3.7 Spiritual Get To Know you Questions
- 1.3.8 Get To Know You Questions Funny
- 1.3.9 Contribution Questions On Getting To Know Someone Better
- 1.3.10 Get To Know You Questions Kids
- 1.4 Conclusion To Get To Know You Questions (Break The Ice Questions)
The fact of the matter is, questions are the most easiest way to get to know someone. I know that if you are like me, the thought of getting to know someone knew, especially if you want it to lead to somewhere great, can be very intimidating. But through our questions on how to get to know someone better below, you and I can be ready to get to know that special person, that business contact or even re-get to know someone whom you may have lost touch with.
When it comes down to it, you and I want to stick to open ended questions vs close ended questions. Which if you aren’t super familiar with the topic, click the link and it will take you to a page I created for you on to learn more.
And yet, just a quick and simple breakdown of the topic so we can all be on the same page today, open ended questions evoke more thought provoking answers. They leave room for our imaginations to run wild a bit, and offer a chance for a person to connect with the feeling behind the response.
And lets be honest with one another, we are emotional beings. We figure things out with logic, and yet we justify our final response with emotion. Also, if you and I can get someone in their feelings, they are more likely to feel connected to us.
Hence they will share more with us, open up more, and best yet they will ultimately trust us more. This trust will lead to building better relationships whether that be with your clients that will result in more deals or getting to know someone special and ultimately forming a tighter bond together that may last a lifetime!
So just as a general rule of thumb, open ended questions usually start with certain worlds, those being “what”, “why” and “how. These evoke longer responses.
You and I want to be avoiding questions that lead to more closed off responses, those being: “Is”, “Do”, “Was”, “Could” and “When”.
Of course these are general rule, and there are always exceptions. But we can always set up better open ended questions with closed ones if we feel as if we may have used more of a close ended question.
The fact of the matter is, some of the questions below can be a bit awkward to ask, but that is where breakthroughs come. If we can push through the awkwardness, we will delve deeper into the relationship.
As if you and I really want to get to know someone, it needs to be in a way where we give each other freedom to show our true selves. Show out emotions, emotions that may have been locked up for years or decades. Good and bad.
These questions on how to get to know someone below will allow you and I to do exactly that. It will help us truly create a freedom based relationship to where both parties will feel totally accepted, listened to, maybe getting you out of your comfort zones.
But through this, it will allow both parties to dig deep with each other, and true a long lasting friendship, romantic relationship or solid business partnership. Where both parties are intellectually and emotionally satisfied.
Ultimately, I created this post in a way that would be a little more broad, that you can use to get to know any type of person. Regardless of race, background, orientation, etc. And yet, it is probably ultimately geared more towards get to know you questions for couples and someone trying to from a relationship. Again though it can for sure be used in any type of scenario.
Enjoy my friend.
Also don’t forget to check out my other post I made for you that may help you get to know someone better as well:
241 Deep Questions About Life (Philosophical Questions)
401 Deep Questions To Ask Someone
7 Tips For How To Get To Know Someone
The main thing to remember when trying to get to know someone is to do all you can to put the spotlight on them.
Us human beings have a big need for significance. It is one of the biggest human needs. If we can make someone feel significant, then we automatically go up in a notch in their eyes. The more we do so, the more they are comfortable sharing more and more with us.
That is when you and I can really start to get to know someone. It starts to really tap into the other persons emotional responses, to where you are connected on a deeper level.
Here are a couple tips to help you connect with someone:
- Keep good eye contact. Especially important if they are intense with their eye contact as well. This will show that you are devoting your effort to paying full attention to them. Let’s try not to look around and have our eyes dart around to much.
- Keep your phone in your pocket. This may be the ultimate form of respect nowadays. We are all in a way addicted to our mobile devices. So putting it away can really make the other person feel special and significant. Let’s try not to even put in upside down on the table. Simply just in our pockets.
- Make them the most important person in the world. Every question we ask people, we want to literally feel as if we are speaking to the most important person in the world. Talk them up, act excited with their excitement, bummed about their disappointments. You and I need to be riding their emotional roller coaster with them.
- Smile often. A smile melts down all barriers. Simply put, the more you smile, the more the other person will start smiling. This can break down internal and external resistance to help the person open up more.
- Act like you are interviewing them. We have all seen that super good interviewer, where they evoke so much out of their person on their show. A good interviewer talks very little, and actively listens to their person they are interviewing. When you and I are getting to know someone, lets act as if they are our most anticipated guest on our TV show. And that we owe it to our millions of followers to get the best interview possible.
- Go deep as you can. You and I should be taking one question and driving deeper with that question. Say for example, a person says they choose to work in the agriculture field. We can then build off that question and ask them something like: “What made you choose to get into the field for your profession?”. Then we can build off that asking them if they are fulfilled in their career, etc. I find that the real emotional answers are 3-4 layers deep from the original question.
- Allow them to compliment you. I have found when I try to act modest when people compliment me, it dismisses them in a way. Taking away the feeling they felt when they reached out to us with the compliment. It almost deflates them. I know this is a little more selfish in our approach to getting to know someone better. And yet it is another tool in our tool kit to use when we are meeting people.
Here is a article I wrote for you that may help you lock in on listening better to the people you are trying to get to know better.
How To Listen To Someone Better
700 Questions To Get To Know Someone Better (Get To Know You Questions)
- What is the most important word in the vocabulary to you, and why?
- What are your top 5 core values that you would never sway from?
- How do you want your life to be remembered by?
- What would you do with your life if your were financially free?
- Who made the biggest impact on your in your life?
- What would you do if you were elected president?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- Who is your favorite philosophical thinker?
- What year of your life were you the most happy, and why?
- What school subject was your favorite?
- Would you ever go to space?
- If you could communicate with the dead, would you?
- What would be your dream job in you could do anything in the world?
- What day of your life would you pick to live over again?
- What world leader to do you admire most?
- If you can dine with someone, dead or alive, who would it be?
- How old were you when you realized Santa wasn’t real?
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- What or who in life pushes your buttons the most?
- Who in your life makes you feel like you can simply be the real you?
- Why do you think we are here on this earth?
- What do you feel your life purpose is?
- What is your passion in life?
- Do you feel that age is “just a number”?
- How long do you think the earth will last before the sun burns out?
- How much money would you need to feel like you never have to work again?
- Do you think life exists on other planets?
- Would you ever go to space if you had the chance?
- What is your dream car?
- Who is your hero?
- What legacy to do want to leave behind after you pass away?
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- What do you think the best thing is about advanced technology?
- What do you think the worst thing is about advanced technology?
- What is your favorite movie of all time?
- What is your favorite genre of music to listen to?
- What type of music do you listen to when you are sad, happy, angry, etc?
- What one concert do you wish you could have been at?
- What place in the world feels most like “home” to you?
- What era of the years past do you feel like you resonate with the most?
- What are your thoughts on past lives?
- What do you think God does in His spare time?
- How big do you think the universe is?
- Do you think that war is necessary?
- How long do you think it will be before we have flying cars?
- If you could start your own school, what would you teach?
- Where do you go when you are feeling sad, mad, angry?
- Have you ever hit rock bottom in life?
- What super power would you NOT want?
- If you can have one hour more a day, what would you do with it?
- What was your childhood like?
- What is your favorite thing about your job?
- What was your major in college?
- What are your parents names?
- Does your name has any family significance?
- What is your least favorite part about your job?
- What parent do you feel you are most similar to?
- Are you more of a cat person or dog person?
- What side of your family do you like most?
- Would you take romance or riches if you had to choose one?
- Who in the world would you trade places with if you could?
- What advice would you give your younger self?
- Who is your favorite author?
- If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
- What advice would you give your older self?
- What qualities area must have for you in a relationship?
- If you could live life all over again, what would you do differently?
- What is the biggest regret you have had in life?
- What is your biggest victory that you have had in your life?
- Do you think it really takes 10,000 hours to gain mastery at something?
- What do you feel for you would be the body of your dreams?
- What do you want to be different for your kids, versus how it was in your childhood?
- Why do you think we care so much about what others think about us?
- What are your thoughts on goal setting?
- What do you think our generation is doing better than the last generation?
- What life lessons can we learn from past generations?
- How and where do you want to die?
- Does listening to your intuition always provide you with the right answer?
- What one thing would you get rid of if you could rid it from the planet?
- What is your favorite form of contribution/giving back?
- What did your parents teach you that you are most thankful for?
- What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
- What is the kindest thing you have ever done for someone else?
- What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
- How does one find true happiness?
- Is it just the pursuit of happiness that is guaranteed, or do you think true happiness can be attained?
- What was the biggest turning point in your life?
- What is your favorite thing to wear from your wardrobe?
- How long do you want to live? Or what age do you think you will make it to?
- What is your favorite food to eat?
- What is your favorite TV show of all time?
- What popular TV show do you refuse to watch?
- Why do you think some people achieve their short and long term goals and others don’t?
- What is your ethic background?
- What cultures do you get along with the easiest?
- What scar are you most proud of?
- What cause in the world would you donate a million dollars to if you could?
- What “bad” thing should everyone try at least once?
- What is your favorite sport to watch?
- What mode of transportation do you prefer?
- When did you think you were going to fail big at something, and ended up succeeding?
- What is your most prized possession that you have?
- What habit did you pick up the fastest in your life?
- What habit took the longest and most effort for you to develop?
- What comes naturally to you?
- What show did you binge watch the fastest?
- What shows have you watched more than once?
- What is your favorite quality about yourself?
- What good character traits do you admire most in someone?
- What has changed the most in your life in a year, decade, since childhood?
- What tattoo would you get if you had to get one?
- What hairstyle best fits your personality?
- What is your favorite sport to play?
- If you could be in any movie, what would it have been?
- Who is your favorite actor?
- What is your birthday?
- Have you ever prank called someone?
- What is the best prank you have played on someone?
- What is your zodiac sign?
- What is your favorite smell?
- Do you believe in astrology?
- Do you like to plan things out or do them spontaneously?
- What did your parents/family do that you will not do raising your kids?
- What aspects of your parents parenting style do you want to emulate with your kids?
- What would be one thing that you would change about yourself or your life right now?
- Do you like going out and trying new things?
- What cause would you die for?
- What is your biggest motivator for working hard?
- Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
- What is your favorite conspiracy theory?
- What president do you feel did the best job?
- Would you ever run for office?
- What is your hidden talent?
- What subject embarrasses you the most to talk about?
- What about death most scares you?
- What zodiac signs do you get along with best?
- What would you do if you only had one day left on this earth?
- Do you think home is where the heart is, or does something else make you feel more at home.
- What is the one thing you take for granted the most?
- Do you like buying brand clothing or off brand clothing?
- Why is your favorite color, your favorite color?
- Who do you think you look like most in your family?
- What celebrity do you get compared to the most?
- Do opposites really attract?
- Who is the one person that you would die for?
- Who is your favorite comedian?
- What villian do you most relate with?
- What rules in life are OK to break?
- Where or when do you feel most alive in this life?
- What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?
- What music do you listen to that you are embarrassed if your friends found out?
- What time do you usually get up each day?
- What is the greatest gift that you can give someone?
- What 3 wishes would you wish for, if a genie granted you them today?
- What did you want to be when you grew up?
- What is the best gift you ever received?
- What ancient artifact would you love to own?
- What thing do you think annoys people the most about you?
- What qualities would you like to be remembered by?
- What would you do if you won the lottery? How would you spend it?
- What is the best restaurant you have ever been to?
- What is your favorite vacation you have ever been to?
- What were your friends like when you were young?
- Do you have any nicknames from our family or friends?
- What is your go to karoke song?
- What do you think is the worst job in the world?
- How fast can you type/read?
- Are you happy at your job, or do you think you could be working more in a field involving your passion?
- Have you ever had a dream that felt like it was your past life?
- What activity makes you feel the most worn out from?
- What is the spiciest food you ever had?
- If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What do you think is the first thing people notice about you when they see you?
- Have you ever had or thrown a surprise birthday?
- What is your relationship with failure?
- What makes a good friend to you?
- What instruments have you played in your life? Do you play one regularly?
- What do you admire most about your best friends in your life?
- What was your biggest breakthrough in life?
- Do you consider yourself more religious or spiritual?
- Have you ever hit rock bottom in life?
- What does the good life look like to you?
- What is your animal?
- What is your go to ice cream topping?
- If you could work anywhere in the world, where would that be?
- Do you like to wake up early or later in the day?
- What is your go to drink at a bar?
- What biggest lessons did you learn from your past relationship?
- Do you believe that we have to pay off karma while we are here?
- Have you ever done any health cleanses?
- What is your favorite trend that has died out?
- What is your heritage?
- What are your thoughts on soul mates?
- What was the first CD you bought?
- What do you think you were in your past life?
- What ways do you get in your own way of success?
- Do you relate more so to a race or ethnicity other than your main ethnic background?
- Can you concentrate for long periods of time, or do you get distracted early?
- What are you most afraid to do in life that you know you should do?
- What would you do if you were the last person on earth?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- What mistake have you made multiple times?
- What type of work do you refuse to ever do?
- What blog or website do you frequently go to?
- What is the activity in your life that brings you the most calm and relaxation?
- What do you feel most intensely about?
- What is your favorite amendment/law?
- Which app on your phone do you use the most?
- What is a total deal breaker in a friendship/relationship?
- What one rule would you implement that everyone would have to follow?
- What stock do you wish you would have invested in?
- What is the one outfit you would wear everyday if you had to choose one?
- What are your thoughts on faith?
- What one good habits if integrated, would change someones life most positively?
- What areas of the world have you traveled to?
- What made you most recently laugh so hard it hurt?
- Who is the most interesting person you know?
- When is someone ready for marriage?
- What trait do you most need to work on to evolve?
- Do you give people second chances?
- What was your favorite age to be in your life and why?
- If you could be famous for anything, what would it be?
- What is the kindest thing you have ever witnessed?
- Is all truly fair in love and war?
- What is the craziest thing you have ever done in your life?
- If you had to choose just one activity to do for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What hobbies did you have as a kid?
- What makes any relationship thrive the most?
- What is the weirdest thing about you?
- What is your morning routine?
- Would you consider yourself more passive aggressive?
- What is your evening routine?
- Do you think there are aliens that are more advanced than we are?
- What are your thoughts on life on other planets?
- Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
- Do you think this is all just a dream?
- What thing in life are you most likely to brag about that has happened to you?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- What is one of the things you still have from childhood?
- What was your first drive in movie that you saw?
- What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
- What new skill in your life have you developed the most lately?
- What made you go into the current profession you are in?
- What happens to us when we die?
- What do you love on a pizza?
- How do you sleep, in what positition?
- What is your personal definition of love?
- What is your philosophy about life?
- What is your best drunk story?
- What subject could you give a powerpoint presentation on?
- What type of help/advice do people come to you for mostly?
- What is the one thing you have been putting off in life?
- Do you think we only use 10 percent of our brains capacity?
- What movie most inspires you?
- What one thing would make the biggest difference in your life?
- What is the one thing in your life that you can’t live without?
- What do you like to cook?
- What is your favorite flavor of jelly bean?
- What is your favorite Christmas movie?
- If you could choose one person to sit next to on a plane, who would it be?
- What is your go to meal that you like to cook?
- What are your thoughts on reincarnation?
- If you do believe in reincarnation, do you think we can come back as something other than humans?
- What animal would you talk to if you could speak to just one species?
- What sport do you think needs to be added to the olympics?
- What movie do you wish you could re-experience and watch all over for the first time?
- Are you more of a homebody or life of the party?
- Does everything truly happen for a reason?
- What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?
- What one thing stands out to you a most about being a kid?
- What animal is your spirit animal?
- Have you ever had an idea to invent, and then you saw it be made?
- What makes you feel most accomplished?
- What is your best way to spend your day off?
- What would you do if you could be invisible for a whole day?
- What do you wish you could do or be better at in your life right now?
- Do you believe your soul picks your family members before birth?
- Can you raise your IQ or is it set from birth?
- Do you trust others quickly?
- Do you have any siblings?
- What is your favorite quality about yourself?
- What scared you the most as a kid?
- What would it take to have absolutely no regrets on your death bed?
- What type of non-profit would you start?
- What one goal, if you achieved it, would make your life a true success?
- What is the one thing you were wrong about when you thought you were completely right?
- Do you believe in alternate realities?
- Do you trust yourself?
- What negative emotion affects you the most?
- What makes you most anxious?
- What is your favorite piece of art ever painted?
- What is your favorite meal of the day?
- Is you life better than you thought it would be right now, or worse?
- When was the last time you ate until your stomach hurt?
- What is the first thing I would see if I went through your front door?
- What celebrity can you simply just not stand!?
- Are you more of an introvert of extrovert?
- What is one chapter that you would like to take out of the book of your life?
- What do you think about most?
- What do you consider the biggest waste of time?
- What age group is the wisest/ignorant?
- What role do you play amongst your friend group?
- What is your earliest memory?
- What is something you look forward to all day?
- How did you come about and find your hobbies you engage in?
- What would be the title of your life so far?
- What word represents your current state of mind?
- What is the biggest lie you have ever told?
- What part of your home do you love the most?
- What the one rule no one should ever break?
- What is the word of wisdom or advice that you have ever received, and from whom?
- If you could time travel to once place, where would it be?
- Have you ever eaten an entire box of cereal?
- What bones have you broken?
- What illegal thing have you justified actually doing one day in your mind?
- Do you have a journal you like to write in?
- If you had to wear only one Halloween outfit every year, what would it be?
- What was the best bridge that you ever burned?
- What name would you have chosen for yourself?
- Who in your life knows you the best?
- How much does one’s childhood affect their adult life?
- What time in your life would you go back to if you had a time machine?
- Would you want to live forever?
- Was your childhood a happy experience?
- What parent was most strict in raising you?
- What do you think about when you can’t sleep at night?
- What affliction would you take from the world if you could take just one?
- Have you ever re-gifted a gift?
- What are your top things on your bucket list this year?
- What is your favorite motivational quote?
- Would you move to a different state/country for love?
- How would your parents describe you?
- What gave you the biggest adrenaline rush in life?
- Who is your biggest cheerleader in life?
- Have you ever cried from joy or happiness?
- Have you ever had a near death experience?
- What is your favorite flower?
- What is the most sick you have ever been?
- What cartoon character best suits you?
- Do you think people can really talk to the dead?
- What do you think your natural gifts are?
- Are you similar to how you were in high school?
- What is your number one guilty pleasure?
- What is your favorite thing about the town you life in?
- Do you believe that most people are good people?
- What advice do your parents need to hear from you?
- How much do you love yourself on a scale of 1-10?
- Who is your current and some of your past celebrity crushes?
- What is your favorite self care activity?
- What body part attracts you the most about the opposite sex?
- What is your dream date?
- What would the world look like if we actually had flying cars?
- What was your favorite birthday?
- If someone broke into your house, what would be the ultimate weapon to have to use against them?
- What is the one novel that you just couldn’t put down?
- What makes the perfect weekend for you?
- Do you consider yourself confrontational?
- What is your favorite vice?
- How was your high school experience vs your college experience?
- When and how was your first kiss?
- Why do you think we are here on this earth?
- What do you want to reincarnate as in your next life?
- What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
- Have you undergone a major surgery?
- Would you ever spend the night in a haunted house?
- What would you consider heaven on earth?
- Are you an organ donor?
- Do you consider yourself more of a leader or a follower?
- What are the top 5 songs that would make up the playlist of your life?
- What song brings you up most when you are down?
- Do you recharge best when you are alone or around people?
- What is your definition of beauty?
- What is your least favorite sound in the world?
- What is your most favorite sound in the world?
- What do you feel like you need more of this year?
- What person would you play if you were going to be a star in a movie?
- Do you like playing video games?
- How long does it take for you to unpack after a trip?
- What do you do at night if you can’t sleep?
- What is your faith level in humanity?
- What song do you know every single world to?
- Do you have a good memory?
- If you had to leave earth and go to space for a month, what 3 people would you take with you?
- If you could become a profession at any sport in the world, what would you choose?
- Do you think every man grows up to marry someone like his mother and vice versa?
- What subject is way to serious to be joked about?
- If you had to paint one picture today, what would you paint?
- What is your favorite name?
- What is the weirdest dream you have ever had?
- What advice do you give but don’t actually follow?
- Have you ever been in a fight?
- Do you think someone truly has the Midas touch where everything they touch turns to gold?
- What book did you think you weren’t going to like but ended up loving?
- What books series is your favorite?
- Do you learn better by listening or reading?
- What is the best audiobook you have every listened to?
- What singer has the best voice in your opinion?
- What type of singing voice do you have?
- What song do you know every single word to?
- Would you choose nosey or noisy neighbors?
- What would be the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to someone?
- How many licks does it really take to eat a whole tootsie pop?
- What would your write about if you were to write a book?
- Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
- What childhood movie scared you the most?
- What email provider do you use?
- What parent had the birds and the bees talk with you?
- Do you give into peer pressure easily?
- What activity clears your mind the most?
- Do you lose things easily?
- Do you get along better with younger or older people?
- What is one thing that you avoid at all costs?
- What is the best part of your day?
- What makes you feel old/young?
- What are must have items for a zombie apocalypse?
- What is the best age to get married at?
- What family tradition is your favorite?
- What year of school did you skip the most days in?
- What product do you love so much that you could actually be a spokesperson for?
- What is the baddest thing you ever did as a child?
- Were you a good influence on your childhood friends or bad one?
- Why is the sky blue?
- What is your favorite time of the day?
- What does the perfect world look like to you?
Questions For Getting To Know Someone Better (Cautiously Proceed With These Babies!)
Ok, so lets be honest, there are certain questions we refrain from on the first date/encounter. And yet, some questions in life, like the religions, sex or politics questions can test ones relationship. That if there is really a connection there that is meant to be, questions like this may bring challenge and growth to the relationship.
And a bit of tension can be good to break up the monotony that certain longer term relationships can brinsg. It is always good to go into these questions by you and I first letting the other person know that you will not judge or change opinions about them if you dislike their answers. But proceed with caution here my good friend!
- What are your political stances?
- How do you want to win the next election?
- Do you think racial injustice exists?
- What would be the best way to create a more accepting world between all cultures?
- Why do you think we even had slavery?
- Do you agree with what the Bible teaches?
- Do you think that God exists?
- What are your thoughts on Hell? Who goes there? can you get out?
- What are your true thoughts on religion?
- What do you think about same sex marriage?
- Have you ever had your heart broken, or broke someone’s heart?
- Would you ever fight for your country?
- Do you believe in life after death?
- Have you every gone through a death in the family or traumatic experience?
- What bridge do you regret burning?
- What thing in life are you most ashamed about that inadvertently brought good change and growth?
- What are your addictions in life?
- What lies do you think you have justified in your life?
- What is your biggest insecurity?
- What causes your last relationship to end?
- How would you react if you found out today that you were adopted?
- Have you ever been bullied in life?
- Have you ever been a bully?
- Have you ever been cheated on or cheated on someone?
- What belief system to do not agree with?
- What would you say to someone who came to you about committing suicide?
- What was your worst date of all time?
- Have you ever been on a blind date?
- Have you ever been stood up for a date?
- Have you ever acted like you had an emergency and left a date you didn’t want to be at?
- Have you ever embarrassed yourself on a first date?
- What are your thoughts on evolution?
- Who are you going to vote for this election?
- Who do you think the worst president, presidential candidate is of all time?
6 Areas of Life – Conversation Starters
If you have came across any of my other blog posts, you will know that I love to tie in all areas of life to my posts. To provide for you a more well rounded approach to our topics that we are both trying to grow in.
Of course out of the 6 areas, you and I will ultimately devote more of our time to one or two areas for the majority.
And yet, it can’t hurt to bring a well rounded package of questions when it comes to how to get to know someone. I mean the more tools you have in your tool kit the better.
That is why I started with our more vauge, wide netted approach above, with 419 questions for getting to know someone. Then below, I narrow it down for you in a bit in the areas of life that I consider the big 6. Health, Family, Career, Spirituality, Relationships and Contribution.
I also provided some funny ice breaker questions that you can use to get to know somebody more and do it with a humorous flair. Last but not least, I put some questions to ask kids to help you get to know the kiddos better in your life!
Career Get To Know You Questions & Conversation Starters
- What is your favorite part of your career?
- What is your least favorite part of your career?
- Who had the most influence on you in taking the position you hold?
- How long do you see yourself working for the company you are at?
- Is the work you do your passion?
- Do you have any side hustles that you do that are around your passions?
- What would you do work work if you were financially free?
- How many people work at your job?
- Who is your favorite person to work with at your job and why?
- What are your thoughts on your boss?
- Can you see yourself owning or managing the company you work for one day?
- What is the most valuable lesson you have learned at work so far?
- What is the one thing you would change about the position you hold?
- Does your company offer any good retirement plans or perks?
- What part of works makes you most excited to get to work?
- What do you do to deal with work stress?
- Is the job everything you thought it would be?
- Do you consider yourself a workaholic?
- How long does the average person work for your company?
- What business would you start if you were to?
- What qualities make a good boss for you?
- What type of leadership role do you take in your company?
- Are you more excited about retiring, or do you plan on working as long as possible?
- How do you manage work-life balance?
- How does your family feel about your career choice?
- What do you consider your career highlight reel/top moments?
- What job did you despise most in your life?
- Who sticks out as the most memorable person you ever worked with?
- How much do you make per year?
- How often do you get a raise at your job?
- Did you follow your own path for a career or do similar jobs to what your parents do/did?
- Who is the most hard headed person in your family?
Relationship Get To Know You Questions (Get To Know You Questions For Couples)
- What do you find most sexy about the opposite sex?
- Do you stay friends with your exes?
- How does one know when they meet “the one”.
- Do you believe you attract certain people into your life?
- Do you believe in soul mates?
- What is the perfect date for you?
- What is your favorite color eyes in a mate?
- What makes you feel most loved by a mate?
- What are your 5 love languages?
- What is your favorite color hair on a person you want to date?
- How long do people need to be together to get married?
- How many kids do you want to have?
- What do you want your kids to be when they grow up?
- What do you want give your kids that you didn’t have growing up?
- What turns you on the most?
- Do you believe in love?
- Who is your favorite fictional couple?
- Do you get turned on with words or more non-verbal cues?
Financial Questions On How To Get To Know Someone
- How much do you need to save in order to feel like you never have to work again?
- Do you invest in anything?
- Do you invest based off of intuition or facts?
- Would you rather be rich or happy?
- Why do you think some people are better at managing their money than others?
- Do you have a retirement plan?
- What scares you the most about retiring?
- What would make you feel like you “made it” financially?
- Are you more driven by passion or money?
- Can you be rich and happy?
- Do you consider yourself more budget conscious or more of a spender?
- What is the first thing you do with your paycheck money?
- How do you like to give back financially?
- What is the most you have ever made in a year?
- What is your most challenging financial goal right now?
- What limiting beliefs do you think are keeping you from attracting more abundance?
- What is your favorite investment app?
Family Get To Know You Questions
- How many kids do you want?
- What makes a strong family unit?
- Where do you want to travel with your family this year?
- Are you more traditional thinking or progressive thinking for having a family? – 652
- Who do you get along best with in your family?
- Who do you get along the least with?
- Who makes you laugh the most in your family?
- If you had to sum your family up in one word, what would it be?
- Is your family more extroverted or introverted?
- Who is the loudest person in your family?
- Has your family lived in the area a long time?
- Do you have anyone famous in your lineage?
- Do you have any estranged family members?
- What is your favorite family vacation?
- Who makes you feel the most special in your family?
- Do you ever wish you were born into another family?
- Is your family competitive?
- Does your family get together often?
- Are you closer with your family now, or more close when you were younger?
- What is your family like when you bring home someone new?
- Who do you hang out with the most in your family?
Health Questions On How To Get To Know Somebody
- How long do you think you will live following your current diet?
- What is the diet you refuse to follow?
- How often do you go to the gym?
- Do you follow your own workout or an influencers workout?
- What gym do you go to?
- How often do you follow a specific diet?
- Do you count your calories, or do you go off of how your body feels?
- Have you ever competed in a show or done any races/runs?
- What is your biggest fitness goal for the year?
- Who is your biggest inspiration for fitness?
- What is your main reason for working out?
- How did you first get inspired to workout?
- Are any of your other family members really into fitness?
- What time of day do you usually workout?
- What is your favorite healthy snack?
- When do you eat your last meal each day?
- Do you have a trainer or have you ever had one?
- What group classes do you like to go to?
- What body part is your favorite to workout?
- Do you have a workout partner, or do you workout solo?
- How often do you take time off from the gym?
- What is your favorite gym outfit?
- Do you have friends from the gym that you hang out with outside the gym?
- What type of music do you listen to when you lift weights?
- What are you most proud about when it comes to your fitness journey?
Spiritual Get To Know you Questions
- Do you think you go directly to heaven after you die, or is there some lag time?
- Do you think you will get into heaven?
- Do you think the Bible accurately describes God?
- How would you describe your current level of faith?
- What made you choose the religion your practice?
- Who has the most influence on you in your beliefs?
- Do you think the soul never dies?
- What is your favorite book of the bible?
- What do you think heaven will be like?
- Can heaven and hell be created on earth?
- What is the most evil thing people can do?
- Do you think God truly forgives everyone?
- What one main message do you think the bible is trying to teach?
- Would you consider yourself an old soul?
- What do you think the actual spirit of someone looks like?
- Do you think all dogs go to heaven?
- Who would you haunt if you were a ghost?
- Do miracles exist?
- What do you think hell looks like?
- Can you be a good person of faith and not go to service?
- What is your favorite part about going to church?
- What is your least favorite part about going to church?
- What is the number one benefit of religion?
- What do you think the most common misconception is about faith?
- What is your favorite religious lingo?
- Should the Bible be taken figuratively or literally?
- Do you think God answers every prayer?
- What is your take on why bad things happen to good people and vice versa?
- Has religion and God helped you through tough times?
- Is there a “right” or “wrong” way to pray?
- Why do you think there are so many religions?
- Have you ever been confronted about your faith?
- Did God create astrology and the zodiac?
- If the basis of the atom is positive and negative, isn’t evil a necessary part of the process?
- What makes someone do evil?
- What is the most spiritual act you have ever seen someone do?
- What was your first encounter with God?
- Did your faith come naturally to you, or was it something you had to work on?
- Who do you know who is the most congruent with their faith an actions?
- Who do you know that talks the talk about faith but doesn’t walk the walk?
- How accurate overall would you say the Bible is?
- Do you tithe to the church or some other cause?
- Why does religion get a bad name?
- Do you think it is better to just walk the walk or go out and pitch religion?
- What is the best way for someone to find the Lord?
Get To Know You Questions Funny
- What is the best WiFi name you have seen?
- What word do you absolutely despise?
- What is the one thing everyone looks dumb at when they do it?
- What is the worst thing you have ever smelt?
- What is the least sexy male and female names?
- What do you wish you could say to someone’s face and not get punched for it?
- What nicknames do you have for people amongst the current political terrain?
- What would your cheat code be if life we in fact a video game?
- What makes you feel the most uncomfortable when you but it at a store?
- What is the funniest name you could name a branded product?
- What would your younger self first do if it was trapped in your adult body?
- When was a time that you got caught farting, and blamed it on someone else?
- If you could shrink anything down and stick in in your back pocket, what/who would it be?
- What or who would you take a bad day at the office out on?
- If you could cause anyone to go bankrupt, who would it be?
- If you were a flavor, what would it be?
- Why is it so funny when people get hurt?
- What is the worst pick up line you have ever heard?
- What is the strangest text you have ever got?
- Have you ever received nude texts?
- Have you ever lit anything on fire when cooking?
- Have you ever dropped your phone on your face when text while lying down?
- What is your go to dance move in the club?
- What species would you breed if you could breed two random species?
- Who would be the rudest animal if they could talk? Nicest?
- What TV character deserved to get killed off?
- What character stayed way too long on a TV show?
- What type of cult would you create if you had to?
- In theory, what name would you give your kid to embarrass them the most?
- What TV family is most similar to your actual family?
- Is a hotdog technically a sandwich?
- What is the longest you have gone without brushing your teeth?
- How much money would it take to get you to streak across a pro football game?
- What celebrity should not be famous at all?
- What deep dark secrets do you keep in your internet history!?
- What would your walk up song be if you were a pro fighter?
- Does cereal technically qualify as a soup?
- If you had to choose your own nickname, what would it be?
- If you could read minds, who would be the most dirty minded in your family?
- How long do you think you could go without using your smart phone?
Contribution Questions On Getting To Know Someone Better
- What is your favorite foundation to contribute to?
- What area would you create a non-profit in?
- How much do you donate in time in money per year?
- If you could give back in just one way forever, what would it be?
- Who do you admire most for their contribution?
- Would you ever adopt a kid?
- What do you think it would take to end world hunger?
- Are there any causes that aren’t worthy of contribution?
- How does giving back make you feel?
- How do you think you can change the world and make it a better place?
- Who or what do you think needs help the most right now?
- What is the biggest donation you have ever seen someone give?
- Do you think it is better to give your time or money?
- How much is your biggest donation?
- Do you think some people feel obligated to give?
- What was the first act you did to give back?
- When do you think the world will shift to a more selfless standpoint?
- Who should be giving back that isn’t?
- If you could solve one ailment in the world, what would it be?
Get To Know You Questions Kids
- What sports do you like to play?
- What is your favorite subject in school?
- What do you do on the weekends?
- How long have you been living in town?
- What do you love doing most with your family?
- What is your favorite thing to do at school?
- What is your favorite time of year?
- What do you think you will wear for Halloween this year?
- Are you excited about going to the next grade?
- Do you miss school and your friends on the weekends?
- What is your favorite snack?
- What do you usually eat at school lunch?
- Who is your favorite superhero?
- What superpower do you wish you had?
- What is your favorite animal?
- What makes you the most happy?
- What is your favorite thing in the whole world?
- What do you like to learn at school?
- Do you like playing inside more our outside more?
- What is the coolest toy anyone has ever given you?
- Who is your best friend?
- If you had to give away all your toys, who would you offer them to?
- What is your favorite thing to wear on a cold day?
- What are you looking forward to for the next grade?
- What do you like most about being a kid?
Conclusion To Get To Know You Questions (Break The Ice Questions)
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