“If you don’t design your life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you. Not much.” – Jim Rohn
It can be daunting looking at the future and thinking about accomplishing goals that are so far a way. And yet it can build a foundation for a much better, productive and happier life if we look ahead in life. This foundation is created through setting short and long term goals.
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.
Once we really start thinking about what we want our future to look like, we create much more hope. Hope in itself creates long term sustainable energy in us.
We are no longer going through the motions. Which as you and I know, makes life a bore. And drains us of energy instead of gives us energy.
If you are here reading this, you want more out of life. And because of that, I don’t want to sell you short.
Below I have created a list of life goals in the main areas of this life. A myriad of long term goals examples that you can use to create a big vision for the future.
Remember that when it comes to how to set goals, we don’t want our monkey mind to get in the way.
This is the limiting beliefs and small self. The voice that tells us “we are thinking to big”. Or that “we can’t achieve this”. Things of that sort.
Going into this exercise, give yourself the freedom to think without limits. To allow yourself to reach the next level in this life. Which will create a new consciousness.
You can give yourself that gift by not putting any limits on your goal setting.
Also, you want to know WHY you are doing things. Goals are just hopes until you attach a reason to them. The reason should be so strong that it will push you through tough times. So strong that when you want to give up, all you need to do is reflect on your WHY.
And when you reflect, it will naturally put you back on the right track.
At the end of the day, goals are the life blood of a champion. Without them, we waste time. With them, we milk so much more out of the hours in our day.
The Purpose Of Setting Goals
- 1 The Purpose Of Setting Goals
- 2 The 5 Ingredients For Effective Goal Setting
- 3 Personal Short and Long Term Goals
- 4 Short and Long Term Financial Goals
- 5 Professional Short and Long Term Goals
- 6 Business Short Term and Long Term Goals
- 7 Short Term and Long Term Contribution/Social
- 8 Short and Long Term Health Goals
- 9 Spiritual Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals
- 10 Short Term and Long Term Family/Relationships Goals
- 11 Travel/Destination Short Term And Long Term Goals
Goals are a map to the future. They are the plays to the big game. They are the thing need when we are lost in the haze of frustration, resentment and overall feelings of giving up.
They allow us to forge ahead. As they are the headlamps in the fog.
Short term goals are essentially your gas, and the long term goals are the vehicle itself. So that one day you’ll have so much momentum you will be able to cruise more on autopilot.
One get’s the car going, so that the car can start to finally reach higher and ultimately top speed.
The bigger the goal, the faster you can go and bigger than potential.
Short term goals are so crucial as they are positive mini-steps, letting us one day take giant leaps.
Below are both short term and long term goals mixed together. Cherry pick the best ones that you feel right with.
Then go after them as if your life depended on them. Why? Because it does!
RESOURCE: 201 Bucket List Ideas (The Only List You’ll Need)
The 5 Ingredients For Effective Goal Setting
When it comes to setting goals, you want to have as much fire power as possible. Both to get you fired up about today, and even more so about the rest of your tomorrows.
I read awesome book called The Power of Positive Thinking, which talks about 5 different ingredients to setting goals in your life.
Here are 5 categories go goals you will want to have to max out your life:
Short term goals: These are essentially your daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals and even goals for the entire year.
Easy To Attain Goals: These are lower level goals to where they are set up to give you early wins. You know you can hit them. They are like free throw shots. Not the toughest to sink, but still points on the board.
Incremental Goals: These are the in between soldiers. So lets say you want to lose 50 pounds in 2 years. Well you would break that down to 25 pounds per year. Which is about 2 pounds per month.
Essentially coming to about .5 pounds per week! It is reducing things to the ridiculous. As many goals can seem overwhelming. But if we break it down further and further, you will see that it just takes a little bit per day.
Accountability: We need people to keep us on track. Whether that is announcing your goals on social media. Having a group of likeminded people (mastermind), or simply having one accountability partner. We need people to answer to as results skyrocket when we do.
Goal Celebration: We can burn out if we aren’t rewarding ourselves. Live it up a bit when hitting small goals. And live it up a lot when hitting big ones. Make the journey fun and the destination fun. Otherwise we become to stuffy!
When you mix and blend of all 5 goal setting tips will keep you on track for a productive day ahead, week, month, year and decade. Until one day you look back on your life.
Essentially looking at all the solid days stacked behind you. Climbing through peaks and valleys. Arriving at different summits. Braving tough times. And rising up triumphant. With all of your goals, dreams and aspirations realized. A life well worth living.
Personal Short and Long Term Goals
- Read 1000 Books in my life, or by the time I am “Age”.
- Learn a new language fluently.
- Learn to speed read/read faster.
- Attend one growth/self help seminar per year for the next ten years.
- Hire a coach to help you get to the next level in one area of your life.
- Buy a house. Or buy a second house/4 plex.
- Invest 100,000 dollars in the stock market.
- Buy your dream car.
- Invent something.
- Travel to the 7 wonders of the world.
- Fall in love/back in love.
- Attend a live concert of your favorite musician.
- Go to a final sports game like the Super Bowl, World Series or even World Cup.
- Go to the Olympics.
- Stop working and simply unplug each night at 8PM. No computer or phone or work at all.
- Go to bed each night and wake up each morning at the same time.
- Do not go on the internet/social media on Sundays or one day a week.
- Go on a tropical vacation.
- Move to your ideal location you have always wanted to live.
- Buy a time share in a place you love.
- Create a vision statement for your life.
- Let go of your limiting beliefs.
- Forgive someone in your life, truly, every quarter.
- Only compete with yourself. Only try to get better everyday from where YOU were yesterday.
- See a counselor to rid your emotional pain of just ONE thing. No shame. Maybe you’ll use them more after this. It’s worth it.
- Accept yourself as you are. Tell yourself you love yourself, ten times in a row in the morning.
- Journal at the end of each day, or the beginning.
- Get up when your alarm goes off each day.
- Keep your car and home clean and de-cluttered at all times.
- Go see one personal development speaker each year.
- Listen to an inspiring podcast each morning upon awakening.
- Read a book a week.
- Form 3 good habits this year. Here is a list of them: 333 Good and Healthy Habits.
- Celebrate each small win.
- Dedicate to winning in each area of your life no matter what. That you will do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes.
- Develop a growth mindset.
- Develop one lagging personal characteristic each year. Tracking how you are doing by progressing with it each day. Reading a book a month on the development of it.
- Feel fear and then do it anyways. Don’t let fear stop you. Count backwards from 5 every time fear threatens to overtake you.
- Accept yourself fully, every single day.
- Quit one bad habit. Here is a list of them: 199 Bad Habits.
- Read and live by a positive quote each day.
- See failure as only feedback, don’t stop because of it.
- Do something that puts you out of your comfort zone each week.
- Develop a passion more fully.
- Allow yourself to do work you truly love. Even if it is part time.
- Allow yourself to think without limits. An abundance mindset!
- Build better relationships. Create a group of like minded people with a growth mindset. An environment that fosters growth and creativity.
- Learn to communicate better. Read a book on communication once per month.
- Learn how to be a good listener.
- Be more productive with your time, learn time management tips here: How To Manage Your Time.
- Create your own definition of success. And live by it. Here is a resource to get you started: What is Success?
- Practice self reflection each day. Figure out what you did good and what you can improve on. No need to be judgmental. See it as simply data.
- Be less judgmental.
- Engage in one self-care act each day.
- Spend 10 percent of your income on things to help you grow. You’re life and income will only grow the the extent that you do.
Short and Long Term Financial Goals
- Achieve a million dollar net worth.
- Make $100,000 a year in active income.
- Boost your credit score into the 800’s.
- Make $100,000 a year in passive income.
- Have an emergency fund of 6 months of your total expenses.
- Pay off your debt completely.
- Create a side hustle.
- Read a financial book every single month.
- Put your investments on automatic with apps like: ACORNS that rounds off your purchases and invests it, like buying a coffee for 2.40 and automatically the other .60 cents is invested in your account.
- Negotiate terms on one bill per month/quarter.
- Meet with a financial planner oncer per quarter to evaluate your spending.
- Save money for your dream vacation.
- Learn to live more below your means by making a monthly budget.
- Investing 10 percent of your money into stocks each month,
- Investing in land to sell to developers and/or build more structures on.
- Save for a solid down payment on a home.
- Sell off things you don’t need anymore and invest the money.
- Figure out items you don’t NEED and stop the monthly automatic payments on them.
- Budget shop and use more savings coupons.
- Write down everything you spend money on for a month, to see what your spending habits truly look like.
- Try and settle loan payments in a bulk pay-off that is pennies on the dollar for your current pay off plan.
- Pay off your mortgage.
- Get a good cash back credit card and spend it on all purchases.
- Offer coaching services in your niche to make more money.
- Eat out WAY LESS. Once per week.
- Never pay full price for anything.
- Set up overdraft protection.
- Kick an addiction. Like drinking, smoking, lottery tickets, etc. You can save 1000’s of dollars per year. As, for example, the average smoker spends $2300 a year on cigarettes!
- Envision yourself daily being financially free.
- Look at every dollar being really worth a lot more if invested. Money soldiers as T. Harv Eker calls them!
- Study the habits of millionaires, reading something on one at least once per week.
- Change your relationship with money. Trace back when you accepted limitations around money and see them as being false. Just something you choose to hold onto that you can let go of.
- Allow yourself to feel deserving of an abundant life, see money as a tool, not something bad.
- Save a dollar a day, simple as that!
- Save money for your kids college, or for higher education for yourself.
- Keep a balanced checkbook.
- Live below your means.
- Save money each month, 10 percent to blow on fun things. If there is no reward, you won’t be motivated to keep going.
Professional Short and Long Term Goals
- Learn a new skill that will make you more profitable in the workplace.
- Go back to school to get a higher degree.
- Ask for a promotion.
- Learn how to dress for success by reading books like: Dress For Success by John T. Molloy.
- Take someone to lunch that is higher up than you in your company or in the field of self employment you are in. Do so every quarter, different person each time.
- Go to one networking event per month.
- Become an expert in your field.
- Write a book in your field.
- Start a business around your field of expertise.
- Update your resume.
- Take one colleague out for coffee each week for networking and building stronger relationships.
- Ask your boss what the top 3 things you can do to get a raise, or become a better asset on the job. Then do all three ASAP.
- Create a well designed personal website to where you share tips with both content and video, pertaining to your profession.
- Read more books on leadership so you can lead your career and life better.
- See yourself as being valuable in the workplace. Don’t downplay yourself. Write out your top 50 strengths to show yourself your badass.
- Read one hour per day on what is going on in your field of expertise.
- Cut off from work when you are off.
- Make a career switch to something you love/more profitable/more time freedom.
- Increase your performance metrics each quarter.
- Join a local organization like the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club.
- Become an expert in your field.
- Do a local speaking event to build more local star power.
- Take on more of a managerial role.
Business Short Term and Long Term Goals
- Create an exit strategy.
- Hire a new employee.
- Outsource certain aspects of your work that you don’t want to do.
- Drive more traffic to your website.
- Use technology and other tools to ramp up productivity.
- Slash some of your ongoing business expenses.
- Implement social media to market your business.
- Do more B2B networking, taking a local business owner to lunch once per week or month.
- Implement incentive programs for your employees like bonuses for hitting bigger numbers
- Track all expenses with a monthly P&L.
- Open up another location.
- Go paperless in your business.
- Mail out more hand written cards to new and old clients and local businesses.
- Speak about your expertise in the local community.
- Attend a conference each year on how to grow your particular business.
- Read a book a month on running a small business.
- Re-edit your business plan for more projected growth.
- Create a vision board on what you want this year in your business.
- Schedule breaks throughout your day to recharge.
- Go on 2 vacations this year to recharge.
- Open up a 401K to secure your financial future.
- Create a company mission statement.
- Cut employee costs.
- Focus on work while you are working, focus on playing when you are playing!
- Get a mentor who has created a bigger business than yours.
- Volunteer more and post it online, marketing your brand through contribution.
- Create a non-profit, powered by your business.
- Gain X amount of customers each month.
- Net X amount of money this year.
- Lock down big name clients.
- Develop and redefine your sales pitch/elevator pitch.
- Give online and offline shoutouts to local businesses to create better networking and brand awareness.
Short Term and Long Term Contribution/Social
- Give $100,000 away to causes you love in your lifetime.
- Create your own non profit.
- Give time at your food bank once a week for one whole year.
- Run a marathon for a good cause you believe in.
- Create a group that helps clean up the town once per week/month and do so for the whole time you live in that community.
- Build houses in a under developed country once a year.
- Coach a little league team or middle school/high school sport.
- Throw bi-yearly community fund raisers for local and global causes.
- Create a go-fund-me page around a local or national cause.
- Give a dollar away a day to a homeless person.
- Give away ten percent of your income each month to a worthy cause.
- Give ten percent of your time away each month to a worthy cause.
- Become a big brother or big sister.
- Walk someones dog once per week.
- Watch a friends kids once a month to let the parents go on date night.
- Volunteer at an animal shelter once per month.
- Sponsor a poor child overseas.
- Organize shelves at the library once per month.
- Donate books to the library.
- Donate hair to Locks of Love.
- Teach English as a second language.
- Volunteer your time in a hospital or old folkes home once per month.
- Read to people who are on their death bed.
- Hold a garage sale every year and donate the proceeds to charity.
- Offer a free clinic in your field of expertise.
- Tutor a child.
- Leave a dollar in places for people to find them.
- Pay for a strangers coffee once per week.
- Deliver flowers to someone struggling.
- Pay someone’s electric bill randomly.
- Perform a Random Act of Kindness each day.
- Save a couple hundred dollars per month for a wedding. Or a renewal of vows.
- Donate blood plasma/blood each year.
- March a good cause once per quarter.
Short and Long Term Health Goals
- Workout 5 days per week.
- Get down a certain body fat percentage.
- Lose X amount of weight in 30 days, 60 days a year, etc.
- Do a bodybuilding/physique/bikini show.
- Make health and fitness into a lifestyle not a diet/fad.
- Find a diet plan that works for me and stick with it, forever.
- Deadlift, squat and bench a certain weight.
- Teach fitness/training classes on what you have learned, to help others do the same.
- Become a health coach/personal trainer.
- Change your workout plan every three months.
- Run a mile per day.
- Run a marathon/triathlong.
- Get a personal trainer/coach to get you to the next level.
- Do yoga once per week.
- Learn how to do exercises safely/properly before increasing weight.
- Run a 10K.
- Do daily wind-sprints.
- Stetch daily.
- Learn to swim faster.
- Run a faster mile, every quarter. Beating your last total by 10+ seconds.
- Learn box jumps.
- Learn how to do, and implement the one arm push up. Build it up so you can do a set of 10!
- Master the set of unassisted pull-ups. Try to double the amount you can do at a time every year.
- Hold a plank for one minute.
- Do a set of deadlifts/squats/bench press every birthday. The set has to be the number of your age!
- Pick a body-part that is lagging, and hit it an extra time each week for a year.
- Lift your bodyweight or double your body weight in each of the big lifts: squats, bench and deadlift.
- Learn how to clean and press/snatch.
- Get an accountability partner for your fitness goals. Check in weekly.
- Drink a green smoothie each morning.
- Only eat fruit til noon.
- Intermittent fast until 2 each day. Or do so for a certain amount of hours per day that is challenging.
- Do a fast once per month.
- Go vegan for a month.
- Eat clean for 3 months.
- Only eat one cheat meal per month.
- Do 100 pushups and sit ups per day.
- Do a different workout routine each week on Youtube.
- See how many days in a row you can go to the gym. Start with 30.
- Be able to do a standing backflip.
- Drink a gallon of water per day.
- Eliminate alcohol from your diet.
- Stop watching porn.
- Watch a video on how to better your health, once per week.
- Do a cool down each workout.
- Walk 10000 steps per day.
- Change your relationship with food. Start seeing it more as fuel, instead of escaping feelings with it.
- Trade tea in for coffee, partially or fully.
- Eat more organic and whole foods.
- Don’t drink soda anymore.
- Go gluten free.
- Try out a paleo diet for a year.
- Achieve a healthy weight and maintain if for as long as humanly possible!
- Eat more healthy “cheat” meals. Trade the candy bar for a couple scoops of peanut butter.
- Try to lessen or do away with pharmaceutical drugs through a combination of both eating better and therapy.
- Eat breakfast every single morning.
- Read one blog post per day on health and fitness.
- Learn from your family history what may be keeping you from reaching your fitness goals. Then make lifestyle changes to not be victim to them.
- Eat slower during meals.
- Get smaller plates so that you buy into the illusion of eating a lot of food.
- Walk to and from places as much as you can.
Spiritual Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals
- Pray daily.
- Read the bible daily.
- Meditate daily.
- Get an accountability partner for your spiritual goals and check in weekly.
- Join a bible study group.
- Read a book on a different religion, once per quarter.
- Read a chapter of the bible once per month.
- Learn and recite your top twelve favorite scriptures over the next year. Learning one per month.
- Tithe 10 percent each month.
- Truly treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated.
- Read the entire Bible over the next 365 days.
- Start a spiritual blog.
- Go to church each and every Sunday for a whole year.
- Watch a sermon mid week each week to keep you on track.
- Serve each week in your church.
- Write in a gratitude journal every day.
- Surrender your fears to God each morning/night.
- Learn how to share your religion with a non-believer.
- Read about and study church leaders of the now and of the past.
- Journal out your weaknesses and struggles at the end of the week.
- Get a prayer partner and pray with them each morning.
- Become a mentor to someone younger in your church, or someone with less gospel knowledge than you.
- Go to a different church each month to learn from different sources.
- Fast on Sundays.
Short Term and Long Term Family/Relationships Goals
- Go on a date night once per week.
- Have a family dinner with your family that lives closest to you once per month.
- Do zoom calls with different family members once per month.
- Create a family vision statement that everyone can get on board with.
- Set goals as a family.
- Create a vision board for everything you want to do as a family.
- Go out to dinner or grab coffee once per month with a friend.
- Tell people you love them every time you see them and leave them.
- Workout and go on hikes together once per week.
- Contribute together.
- Have a once a month “improvement” night where you give honest feedback to your family about how they can improve and get better.
- Go on a yearly road trip together.
- Have weekly goal setting and check in sessions.
- Play empowering music in the house during the day.
- Watch a positive movie together each weekend.
- Talk about 3 things you are grateful for, for each person, at dinner.
- Put your phones away when spending time with each other.
- Teach your family good recycling habits.
- Take a family walk each night.
- Create a family tree.
- Take a family picture once per week and make a collage out of it each year.
- Read a book a month with each other. Check in weekly on what you are all learning. Each person gets to choose a different book each month.
- Have a joke night.
- Create a family photo album.
- Spend money to create experiences, instead of buying stuff to buy stuff.
- Read a book together out loud, each person trading off for each page or chapter.
- Get professional pictures done and create a family portrait out of it. Even better, get it painted and hang it above your family mission statement.
- Network within your family, trying to introduce people to them that can help them with their goals and become more as a person.
- Visit distant family together once per 6 months.
- Talk about fond memories you have had as a family over dinner.
- Do something together that puts you out of your comfort zone. Like skydiving or shark diving!
- Make yourself the top priority. If you aren’t healthy, you can’t take care of everyone else. Put your mask on first! As they say on an airplane.
- Cook dinner as a family once per week.
- Go see a movie together once per month.
- Take a class together that teaches a new skill.
- Face a family fear together.
- Curb anger when flared up. Focus on the love you have for the person, not being right or winning an argument. Ongoing goal.
- Be a bigger cheerleader. Ask your family members what you can be doing to cheer them along more often throughout the week.
- Make a chores list that makes sense for what people “want” to do and more along the lines of their strengths.
- Read money management books to better set yourself up for a early retirement for both your kids and yourself.
- Dig deep with your children on their strengths. Help them identify and develop them through books and seminars.
- Join a community group that does active things together.
- Cut off from technology at a certain time of night. A couple hours before bed.
- Make love more often with your mate.
- Visit where you fell in love, first date spot or where you were married a couple times per year.
Travel/Destination Short Term And Long Term Goals
- Visit every continent.
- Go to each state in the USA.
- Visit all of the 7 wonders of the world.
- Go to the San Diego Zoo.
- Go see the Eiffel Tower.
- Go White Water Rafting.
- Visit the Grand Canyon.
- Go Bungee Jumping.
- Go deep sea fishing.
- Go scuba diving.
- Go ziplining.
- See the Northern Lights.
- Float in the dead sea.
- Surf waves in Hawaii.
- Go on a Safari.
- Go ice fishing.
- Race sportscars in Vegas.
- Get a Star Map and go to check out celebrity homes.
- Swim with the sharks.
- Visit a waterfall.
- Fly in a hot air balloon.
- Tour the White House.
- Go to a big music festival like Bonnaroo.
- Run in a Spartan Race.
- See a play on broadway.
- Stay in a Ice Hotel.
- Sleep in a treehouse.
- Participate in the Burning Man Festival.
- Go in a submarine.
- See one of the best Cirque du Soleil performance.
- Go see a speech at at TED conference.
- Climb a mountain like Half Dome, Mount Whitney or Mount Fuji.
- Walk the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
- Visit Mount Rushmore.
- Participate in the Holi Festival.
- Go Hang Gliding.
- Go to the Pamplona Bull Run.
- Swim with dolphins.
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