Things To Be Thankful For
(Don’t miss the list of quotes I wrote for you on gratitude! 501 Quotes About Gratitude and Appreciation)
Gratitude is one of the most blissful feelings you can experience. There is a small amount of other feelings that can bring you this feeling of bliss. It also alleviates pain and suffering because we are no longer focused on ourselves. We are truly putting our thankfulness out into the universe.
And what you give out, must come back. It is a perfectly straight two way street. The more we are grateful and thankful for what we have in our life, the more we will experience this. From people and life itself.
Often times if we simply look around, we can find things to be grateful for. Things that could have been right in front of our face. Or directly behind our backs. When you truly think about it, there are literally hundreds of things you can be grateful for.
I truly recognized this fact when I was writing this article! Some things are significant and others not so much. Regardless, it feels good to count your blessings.
That is why I wrote this article. To remind myself and you that there is so much to be thankful for in this life. And when you start seeing these things in plain sight, you can literally feel wealthy right now. Recognizing that we have it pretty damn good. Better than many people in the world.
Below are 301 things to be thankful for. Giving you some ideas that you can use when when you have your gratitude sessions!
As well as a few good gratitude exercises that can help you maximize your time in gratitude!
15 Benefits of Gratitude & Thankfulness
There are actually scientifically proved benefits of gratitude that one can reap in. Besides simply feeling good and happy while feeling gratitude.
Some of the main benefits of gratitude include:
- Making your a happier person.
- Improve your relationships
- Help you sleep better
- Increase your self-esteem
- Give you better health
- Lessen depression and suicidal thoughts
- Create better heart health
- Increase your energy
- Give you better time management and productivity
- Help you become more social
- Make you kinder
- Less materialistic
- Increase physical and emotional resistance
- Cause you to be less jealous
- Help you become more goal oriented and achieve your goals
That, my friends, shows you the true power of gratitude. How it can transform your life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!
You can’t say this for many things! Especially things that are completely free.
The list below will give you a jump start in reaping all the benefits of gratitude starting today! Making your entire life better because of it.
301 Things To Be Grateful For
Lets face it, if the oxygen gets cut off, we are OUTTY! It is something we can easily take for granted. But for anyone who has ever had anxiety or panic attacks, you know the value of a good amount of oxygen in your lungs!
One good and real friend is better than a billion fake friends. Who is that one person who has your back? Who when you were down and out, they were right there with you and for you? Reach out to this person and express your gratitude towards them ASAP.
- Payday
- Yourself and your perseverance and ability to make it this far successfully.
- Cell Phones
- Coffee
- Your ability to express love.
- Love
- The life lessons that have helped you.
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Sunsets
- Sunrises
- Roads to drive on.
- Phone upgrades
- Good Health
- Medicine To Heal You
- Gas to get you where you need to go.
- Your car.
- Public transportation for when you don’t have a car.
- The ocean that gives us food to eat.
- Pets
- The Armed Forces
- Electricity
- The ability and opportunity to get your education.
- Haters because they make us work harder to prove them wrong.
- Your senses.
- Having a partner in life.
- Weekends when you can let lose!
- Your parents.
- Aunts and Uncles
- Cousins
- Your religion and the freedom to practice it.
- Extra car keys.
- Uber
- Money in your bank.
- Credit cards that help you pay for things.
- Savings accounts to promote savings for retirement.
- Personal development books and authors to help you grow as a person.
- Mirrors to get your looks on point!
- Hot water to bathe in.
- Clean and filtered water.
- Grocery stores to make shopping easier.
- A good pair of pants that fit just right.
- Razors and shaving cream to keep some or all of your body smooth.
- Music. The ability to ease your pain and help you escape and become more happy.
- Your home.
- Freedom of speech.
- The ability to read and write.
- Laughter and smiling.
- The sunshine.
- Books to get knowledge through.
- Online schooling and classes.
- Smoothies
- Blogs that you enjoy to read.
- Pain to teach you lessons and enjoy pleasure even more.
- Holidays.
- Air conditioning.
- Chairs to sit at and tables to work and eat from.
- Teachers of all sorts.
- Modern and Eastern medicine.
- Inventors making our lives easier.
- Warm clothes for the winter and clothes for summer to enjoy the beach.
- Beaches
- Mountains
- Wifi
- Challenges that make you more tough and give you more perspective.
- Energy drinks.
- The ability to get free information on the internet.
- Personal development seminars.
- Trees
- Fire to cook with and keep warm with.
- Your previous vacations.
- People who work at restaurants that cook you food so you don’t have to cook that night.
- Rain to wash away things and grow newness.
- Your past achievements.
- God
- Paper to write on
- Netflix
- Your favorite TV shows and actors
- Movie theaters
- The ability to reinvent yourself
- Therapists who have helped you let go of your past.
- Motivational Quotes to keep you pumped up!
- Candles that make your house smell good
- The stars to look at during the night.
- Good plumbing
- Dishsoap
- Puffy clouds
- Cameras to capture beautiful moments.
- Your unconscious functions of your body like breathing and your heart beat.
- People that are organ doners, just in case you every need one!
- Happy hour.
- Coupons so you can get better deals.
- Closing sales.
- People who have helped you in life.
- Hugs and kisses.
- Candy
- Fresh fruit
- Rainbows
- Lightening and thunder storms.
- 3 day weekends.
- Alarms to get us up on time.
- Playlists that you use for various things in their life.
- The snooze button
- Funny jokes and comedians to make us laugh.
- Pools and hot tubs.
- 24 hour hour grocery stores and restaurants,
- Drive-throughs
- The gym
- Washers and dryers
- Drinking a nice beer.
- Hammocks to nap in
- Steams and saunas
- Massage therapist to ease your tension.
- Clean sheets
- The ability to learn new languages
- Doors
- Shoes to keep your feet safe
- Spare tires when you get a flat
- Tow services
- Cops that keep us safe
- Firemen
- Your barber or hairstylist
- Hiking trails
- Things that make your car run better and faster
- Buttons to keep your clothes on!
- Sex
- Your spouse or significant other
- Fireplaces
- Camping
- Dishwashers
- Farmers markets
- The life giving forces that keeps our plants and trees growing
- The ability to communicate
- Ice cream
- Pizza
- Google search
- Planes and trains
- Family recipes
- Dodo picker uppers for your pets.
- Spell-check and auto-correct.
- Dog breeders that give you the chance to own a puppy!
- A nice cake.
- Audible or audiobooks in general.
- Babysitters
- Sauces that make your food taste better
- Instant oatmeal and instant coffee
- The ability to visualize.
- Meditation
- Pajamas
- Your favorite sports teams.
- Good co-workers
- The mailman.
- Spotify and music streaming services
- Amazon Prime
- Fit-bits and calorie trackers to keep your diet on point.
- Caller ID
- The fact that you can turn off your “read” notification so people never know if you are ignoring them LOL!
- Headphones
- Air fresheners
- Colognes and perfumes
- The ability to set goals to make a better future for yourself
- Children to remind us to smile.
- Freewill
- Our passions that have been given to us.
- Freedom of speech
- The president
- Lotion
- Sports stadiums
- Teachers for your children
- Binder paper
- Cereal and milk.
- Bags to carry your stuff around.
- Car washes
- Notifications about new articles from your favorite content sources
- TiVo
- Tax season if you are getting money back.
- Experts we can learn from to cut the learning curve.
- Road rules to keep us safe
- The ability to think
- Home videos
- Password Savers
- Shoelaces
- Drycleaners
- Stop lights and stop signs
- Hats
- Fingernail clippers
- Phones cases to keep your smartphone from breaking
- Email lists to be on that provide you value on a regular basis
- Air Conditioning
- Heaters
- Car AC and Heaters
- Insulation in your house
- The rain
- Glasses or contacts
- Libraries that give us knowledge
- Free movie sites
- Your favorite songs
- Surprises
- Cuddles
- The freedom and ability to vote
- Finding something you had lost
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Forgiveness and people who have forgiven you
- Your passions
- People that believe in you
- Generous people in your life
- Having exact change when paying for something
- Sunny days when the weather man said it was going to rain
- Raises at work
- Chocolate
- A nice comfortable chair or couch that you love so much
- Carpet under your feet
- When we spring forward and have more sunlight deeper into the night
- Your great boss if you have one of those LOL
- Your pillow
- Your doctor
- Friends that are more like family
- Brunch on Sundays
- A good sermon from your pastor
- Christmas gifts and Christmas in general
- Flowers
- Your favorite place in the city or in the world
- Your first good memory
- Your favorite scent
- Ripe foods ready to eat
- Pizza delivery
- Good workout classes
- Seeing an old friend
- Popping bubble wrap
- Surprise parties
- New family members when someone gets married
- Weddings that you have gone to
- Getting out of your comfort zone
- A nice cup of tea
- When someone else folds your laundry
- Your dentist
- Fresh organic vegetables
- A clean kitchen
- Your goals and dreams that give you hope for a better future.
- The opportunity to be alive right here and now
- Water filters
- Homemade food
- The auto save when your computer goes down.
- Traveling to new places
- Free air to put in your tires at the gas station
- Diversity in the world
- Sleeping naked
- Hobbies that keep you happy and sane.
- Hot and ready pizza from Little Ceasers
- A warm smile from a stranger on the street
- Your ability to reinvent yourself
- Listening to old good music from your past
- The people in your life that allow you to be yourself
- Sand on your feet at the beach
- Cheap coffee refills
- The dollar store
- A great conversation
- Winning on scratcher
- Road trips
- Juicers to make good juices
- Diet plans to get you back on track
- Old art
- Classical music
- The Cloud to save things for you automatically
- The movie or book that inspired you to go after your goals and dreams
- Hitting rock bottom which helped you become a stronger version of yourself
- Dating apps
- Apps on your phone
- Good parking spots
- Motivational speakers
- Pet shops to pet fluffy dogs
- Finding shells on the beach
- Pie
- Good insurance to keep you safe
- Online shopping
- Black Friday deals
- Sleeping in
- Having a vision so powerful that you don’t need or want to sleep
- Binge watching or binge reading
- The seasons changing
- A good nap
- Babies
- Post offices and post officers that get your mail out and to you
- Noise cancelling headphones so you can act like you “can’t hear” people LOL
- When your favorite song comes on the radio
- Learning something new
- People that remember your name out and about
- Web hosting for your blog or website.
- The new friends you have made.
- The breakthroughs you have had.
- Credit card memory services so you don’t have to put in your credit card information for online purchases every time.
- Clocks
- Your jewelry
- Concerts
- All the times you didn’t get caught speeding!
- Free trials that you opted out of before it was time to pay!
- Bartenders who make your favorite drinks
- Your prayers that have been answered
- The fears that you have conquered.
- Bucket list ideas that you have checked off.
- Astrology services that have told you so much about yourself and about your sign!
7 Gratitude Exercises And Resources
Feel Each Thing Your Are Grateful For For A Minute
Tony Robbins talks about how he starts his day off with thinking about three things he is grateful for. He talks about he starts with an easy one like the smile of one of his kids. Then he feels it deeply. And then moves onto an even more significant one. Then lastly the most significant. This can be something like the relationship with your creator. Or the love you feel when you thinking about your spouse.
Gratitude Journal
Journal out about the things you are grateful for. This is another opportunity to feel what you are grateful for completely. Allow yourself a complete brain dump. A stream of consciousness.
Just keep writing what comes to mind. Don’t judge it. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up. No matter what they are.
Focus on 3 to 5 things at a time. And really expand on them.
Feel each one deeply for a minute or so. Or more if you are on a roll. Especially when you are touching upon the people you are grateful for. They are more important than things we are grateful for. Allow yourself more time for the people you are grateful for.
Also, don’t overdo this gratitude exercise. It is more about quality over quantity. Journal about what you are grateful for a few times per week. But really savor the process. Instead of just trying to knock it out daily. This way it doesn’t become a task. More so just a good habit.
Keep this journal on you as well. That way if you find that you are down and out that day, you can whip it out and give thanks. Or if something pops in your head, you can jot it down right then and there.
This will help you realize it’s power and significance in your life. And be even more grateful for it.
Resource: How To Start A Gratitude Journal
Create A Gratitude Jar
This is just like a piggy bank. But you write the things you are grateful for on a little slip of paper and slip it into the jar. Making deposits on the things you are grateful for.
This is more of a visual thing to have. Allowing you to look at it anytime you are at home. It is a great reminder to both add more things to it. And simply recognize all the things you have to be thankful for.
Resource: How To Create A Gratitude Jar
Think About 3 Things You Take For Granted
At the end of the day, when we think about the total opposite of things we can get a good perspective. For example when we are in fear, we need to think of the times when we acted courageously. It is a gentle reminder of the feeling of courage to smash through our fears.
Some when it comes down to gratitude, a good thing to do to real feel grateful is to think about a few things you take for granted.
Then you become grateful for those things. Deeply grateful. Something as simple as the fact that you have a car and don’t have to walk or ride public transportation.
Show Your Gratitude Instead of Feeling It
Write letters to people. Text them. Leave sappy voicemails for them. Reach out to people you are grateful for. Organizations or businesses that you are thankful for. Teachers, cops, hell even the post office for mailing out your mail!
Things That Went Well In The Recent Past
There are always positive things that happen to us on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. You can find tons of things to be grateful for if you look back on your past this way.
Go On A Gratitude Walk or Run
Cardio! No way right?? Haha but on a serious note, simply walking around and becoming mindful surroundings can show you at least a dozen things you can be grateful for.
I honestly did this while writing this article. I looked around and simply used my senses to probably offering you twenty different examples of what you can be grateful for! It works well, try it!
Conclusion To Things To Be Thankful For
So there we are my friends. A list of things to be grateful for. I hope it served as a list of examples of gratitude that you can use to see the things in your life that you are thankful for.
Share with me what your favorites were. As well as if you have any good things to add that we can all be thankful for. Maybe something you take for granted for have become more thankful for recently!
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