Tips For How To Be Healthy
When you look at the entire spectrum of health, it really has multiple legs to it. And like a table missing one leg, it is going to have trouble standing sturdy and as tall and strong as it could.
So when it comes to tips for how to be healthy, I am going to try and present to you a full fledged template or essentially a guide on how to be healthy as a whole.
As I believe that most of us have a couple strong areas of our life that are sturdy as heck, but when we start to build up the strength of those other legs, our original strengths can shine through even more.
Being healthy in it’s totality also means that you and I are going to be more happy, more confident, more loving as well as just more balanced. And when we find that sweet spot, our lives change and transform in ways that we may have never even imagined possible for ourselves.
So below we are going to jump into tips on how to be healthy in the biggest areas of our lives, which are actual health and wellness, spiritual, personal development, family, community along with our finances.
Tips For Being Healthy With Our Actual Health
Let’s start off with the most evident fact of our topic today, actual health or what the world perceives as health. Our physical body.
Which is often referred to as a temple. Which I believe has some strong truth to it.
We are what we eat in a sense, in an energetic way. A snickers bar is going to actual vibrate differently than a piece of salmon or an apple.
So energetically, we are what we eat. So if we are putting high vibrating foods into our body, we are going to vibrate higher. And the simple premise of this fact is that we are going to have higher levels of energy because of it.
So here are some basic ways we can implement a higher level of energy in our lives through the health and fitness realm.
Nutrition Tips For Being Healthy
- Take A Probiotic – Taking a probiotic can balance our gut health, improve mental health, improve our heart function, reduce allergies and eczema along with aiding in losing weight.
- Take A Multi-Vitamin – Taking a multi-vitamin each day can help us maintaining higher levels of energy, balance our mood, lessen anxiety and stress, improve our short term memory along with help us maintain good muscle strength.
- Eat Breakfast Each Morning – It is imperative that if we want to feel good in our mornings, we need to have good fuel in the tank. It has also been proven to help us with preventing gaining weight, higher levels of energy, better skin, being happier along with overall better performance in life.
- Avoid Processed Foods – Avoiding processed foods can do us wonders when it comes to our health, such as lowering cholesterol, blood pressure as well as even warding off cancer and depression. Not to mention the fact that we will be more fit because of it.
- Less Cream and Sugar In Coffee – Look at coffee as a means to an end, to be a vice for higher levels of energy. Not as something to indulge in. This can save us calories that we can be using in the form of healthier food
- Eat More Fiber – This can help us get healthy in multiple ways. First off, it will provide for satiation which will help us eat less. As well as we will reap the benefits of eating fiber like lowering chances of getting heart disease, lessen risk of type 2 diabetes, reduce the risk of getting certain cancers, have more energy and foster a much more healthy gut.
- Don’t Be Scared of Red Meat – Eating red meat a time or two throughout the week can help us build stronger bones and muscles along with add more B-12 into our systems, aid in keeping our blood and nerve cells healthy, more zinc and help our immunity. The key is to not over indulge and eat leaner red meat to avoid too much fat. Also with red meat and meat in general, try not to overcook your meat.
- Let Go of Fitness Myths – A lot of what is out there is simply there to sell us stuff. Let’s call a spade a spade. In order for us to be more healthy we can’t believe this stuff. There is no “bad foods”. Fat is not why people are fat. It is over consumption of food in general. Calories in equals calories out.
- Get More Sunlight – More sunlight can do wonders for our health and overall wellness. Worst case, take a vitamin D supplement if you can’t get out too often in the sun.
- Eat More Fish – Having fish in our diet can help us ingest more Vitamin D, B-12 along with omega 3’s. It also happens to be rich in calcium along with, zinc, iron, magnesium and potassium.
- Portion Control – Eating steadily throughout our day can be great for losing weight and staying fit. It can also provide you with more energy throughout the day as you won’t be dealing with any sluggishness from eating too big of meals.
- Prep Your Meals Each Week – Putting our meals away for the week will allow us to know roughly how much we are eating each week, allowing us to have caloric control over our diets. It will help to keep us from going out because “We don’t have food in the house”. We should keep it simply and healthy with good meats, yogurts, eggs, vegetables and fruit. No need to complicate things.
- Be Conscious of What You are Eating – Lets face it, we can get into a grove of life where we are doing things mindlessly, including our eating habits. Before you put any good into your mouth, think about whether it is adding to your better health, or taking away from being happy.
Fitness Tips For Being Healthy
When it comes down to it, the body is a symbol of our temple. A lot of us believe that the soul is housed here, and that it there is a spiritual sacredness to this vehicle we call the body.
How we treat is says a lot about how we feel about ourselves. So in order to feel truly healthy, you and I need to be putting in consistent work into our bodies. No falling for fad diets. Looking at fitness as the ultimate way for us to reach our full potential.
Not only will building a better body mean that we are actually truly more healthy on a cellular level, it also helps us think more clear along with have a much more brighter vision for our futures.
- Workout – 3-5 times a week is great for maintaining and gaining strength. Along with feel higher levels of energy and confidence.
- Workout With Good Form – We should be cognizant of how we are moving the weight in the gym. We shouldn’t be too eager to go onto challenging weight without master the movements first. Also, let go of the idea that lifting heavy will make you “too big”. It is extremely hard to get big. Lifting heavy will build good composition to your muscles, along with make you feel better about yourself as it brings more accomplishment through physical breakthroughs.
- Cardio – It is suggested that we be participating in invigorating exercise each week of about 150 minutes. We can essentially cut this time in half if we are engaging in cardio. Cardio can help us lose fat, boost our immune system along with tone our bodies through fat loss, coupled with a healthy diet.
- Hire A Personal Trainer – A personal trainer is great for helping us learn techniques on how to lift weights properly along with give us variety to add into our workouts. We can also reap the benefits of an accountability partner through them, which can result in reaching our fitness goals faster and staying with it longer.
- Take Breaks From Fitness – The more we push our bodies in the gym, the more we are likely to overload our skeletal and nervous system. This can lead to injury if we are not careful. We should be giving ourselves a week off every 3 or 4 months of going on a regular basis. This will allow those aches and pains to heal up and we will come back stronger because of it.
- Switch Up Your Routine – It is a fact that we all get a little bored with the same old routine, mixing it up can keep things interesting in the gym and keep us coming back for months and years. The same old routine can push us more towards simply quitting, or just going through motions and not enjoying our workouts as much as we could be.
- Do Workouts That You Enjoy – Forget about what the latest and hottest celebrity is doing to get fit or to get lean. Forget all that. Do what makes you feel good and happy in the gym. Stick to a routine that is challenging and enjoyable for you. The celebrity workout may work great for them but may not for you. Do what makes you feel right.
- Prioritize Time Under Tension – This is where strength is created. Anyone can bang out a bunch of fast reps. But strength and endurance is created when we take our sets slower and really drag our muscles through a longer life of time under tension.
- Push Through On Days You Don’t Want To Go – Lets face it, there are going to be more days where we don’t feel like going to the gym than there are when we do. And yet, we need to be going on the days where we flat out don’t feel like it. This will build an identify that that is what we do. We go no matter what. This will not only make us more avid and consistent gym goes, it will make us better and more likely to show up in every other areas of our lives.
- Take Epson Salt Bathes – Not only can this be good for our mental health, it can also help us recover and feel better inside and outside of the gym. Recovery is vital if we are going to be working on building better bodies for years and decades to come and getting high levels of satisfaction out of it.
Tips For Being Mentally Healthy
Let’s face it, sometimes we need a check up from the neck up as Zig Ziglar said. So the first thing I want to emphasize here is that in order to have good mental health, we need to be watching what we are saying to ourselves.
Sometimes the best things we hear about ourselves will need to be from our own voice in our head. The world is already trying to keep us mediocre. This can cause dysfunction in our minds, because of the fact that we are all born with a seed of greatness. And when we aren’t watering it with the nutrients it needs to grow, we feel simply off. Lost, or even depressed. These feelings come from not having purpose.
This all starts with what we are allowing into our minds. We need to be seeing the external as its own thing, that we don’t have much control over. And yet seeing ourselves as having complete control over our internal world.
Start catching yourself saying disempowering things about yourself. It is OK, don’t judge it, we all do it. Simply catch yourself and then immediately replace that negative thought with a much more empowering one.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way, let’s get into more practical and actionable tips for how to be healthy mentally:
- Get Enough Sleep – Lack of sleep will make fools of us all if we are being honest with ourselves. And also, sleep deprivation also makes us feel down and out. Our posture goes to crap, along with our energy. This leads to lower productivity and worse output at work and in our personal lives. This is a recipe for disaster when it comes our health. If we aren’t producing in our lives, this leads to bad thoughts about ourselves. We should be getting about 7-8 hours a night to function at an optimal level.
- Stop Doing Drugs and Smoking – This goes without saying, this is one of those bad habits that we need to stop if we are doing so. It not only can make our bodies not functional optimally, it can also ruin our self image. Which is where all self esteem stems from. And in order to be reach our full potential with health, your and I need to be be doing things that boost your self esteem.
- Stop Watching Porn – Quitting porn will allow our brain to heal. Watching porn can make us more immature, ruin our relationships or chance for one along with treat the opposite sex with less respect. This alone will make us much healthier people for the fact that it will make us feel better overall, leading to making better decisions in our lives when it comes to being healthy.
- Integrate Self Care – Making us a the first priority is not vanity it is sanity. We can only be as strong for other people as we are strong. So focus on you first then give all you have to the world. Here is a guide to help you start: 61 Self Care Ideas.
- Meditate – I know for me, when the world gets loud, I need a way to get quiet. And meditation has been that fore me. It has been a guiding light in the fog in a sense. I do it every morning and I know you will reap the benefits of mediation if you do so to. It will lessen anxiety and racing thoughts, help you sleep better, help manage your life along with give you more peace of mind.
- Compete With You – When we compare and compete with others, it leads to us feeling like we are “not enough”. We can only compete with ourselves because we are the only US in the world. Simply try to beat the yesterday you. Focus on getting a little bit better once per day, and one day you will look back and you won’t even recognize the old you.
- Therapy For The Tough Stuff – We can only get so far by ourselves. There are things that have happened in our lives that we can’t quite let go of on our own. So when it comes down to it, there is no shame in seeking outside help. It may feel “weak” while we are in the process of, but we always feel so much stronger after we go through it.
- Forgive People – If we are putting our own mental health over everything, which we should be doing if we want to feel our best, then we need to be practicing forgiveness. I am talking about forgiving the people that cut us off in the morning on the way to work all the way the the worst thing that has ever been done do us. What is the benefit of us holding onto it? Nothing at all. I am not trying to make light over the things we have been through, I just know that life is too short to be mad or sad or angry forever. We deserve the happiness that is just beyond these feelings.
- Connect With Others – We are social beings, we are all connected in some way. The key to maintaining a positive mind is to surround yourself with people. You and I don’t have to be a social butterfly. And yet a lunch with a friend, or going out to a bar and socializing once per week can benefit us greatly.
- Laugh More Often – Taking things to seriously can lead to hardening of the attitudes! The Mayo Clinic talks about the benefits of laughter and how it can help out mental health and other functions in our body positively. Some of the short term benefits include, activating stress relief response in our bodies and stimulate our organs through the uptake of much more oxygen. Long term benefits include improving our immune systems, offer pain relief along with up our personal satisfaction and overall mood.
- Take A Walk – When we are alone with our thoughts, we can get to know ourselves better. And through self analyzation, we can sit with ourselves long enough to see where we are falling short, along with what we are doing good on and what we can improve upon. I like to walk though a bustling city, it seems to calm me for some reason. Although a walk in the woods can offer similar benefits.
- Journal – When words are on paper, they don’t have as high of an emotional charge inside us. It allows us to put some sense into the chaos going on in our mind. Our thoughts are so rapid that they come and go at lightening speed. We aren’t able to process them as well if we aren’t looking directly at them. Journaling can let us do just that. To help us process and move on from hardships, hurts and losses. And feel better afterwards.
- Color – You ever notice how kids get in the zone and feel much more happy after coloring? I know I do. And they have a method to their madness! Studies show that coloring can provide us with the ability to relax our fear centers in our minds by activating the amygdala, improve our vision and motor skills, improve our sleep patterns along with help us focus much better.
Tips For Health Family Relationships
- Listen to Your Friends And Family – The fact of the matter is, we are all so go go go, that we can miss out on giving our loved ones our undivided attention. This can cause our relationships to slip and they not feel as loved as we actually love them. Nothing is more endearing than someone giving us their full, undivided attention. Resource: How To Listen( 11 Characteristics of a Good Listener)
- Break Bread Once A Week – Obviously this applies to you if you live close to your family. And yet, even if you don’t you can always be over a zoom call or just a regular telephone. Catch up, be your families encourager, ask them how their weeks been. What their most exciting short and long term goals are for their future. It goes a long way.
- Have Deep Conversations – Try to connect at a deeper level. Forget surface stuff. Even if it is awkward at first, both parties will walk away more impacted and more fulfilled if we are focus on going deep right off the bat.
- Tell Your Family Members Your Favorite Trait – We all have certain favorite aspects of peoples personalities. Even though our family may drive us nuts, seek and ye shall find right? There is always a beautiful layer in someone that has always stood out to us. Maybe a lot more than one. Let’s tell those people what it is. This will make their day and make them feel incredibly valuable. It will just happen to make our day too.
- Develop A Sense of Trust – Let it be known that you all have each others backs. That is a phenomenal feeling to cultivate in our lives. That if we fall, our people will catch us. That they will be there no matter what for us. And the same goes to them. We always have their back. In a sense, you would die for them if it came down to that. Set the intention and goal for the family unit to have this feeling permeate throughout your existence. Along with verbalizing this often.
- Tell Your Family You Love Them – I used to think that it was weak to do so. Or that if I do, I will be and feel vulnerable. Then one day, I realized I am not going to live forever and that if I died today, I would not have loved enough. That is when not only did I start telling my family I loved them more, I truly MEANT it. And it gave permission to others to do so too. People FELT it when I said it. Not just going through motions, but they felt the truth behind it, as I truly mean it when I say it now.
- Let Them Off The Hook – Through growth as a human, I began to understand that we are only human and that we all mess up at times. I am not only talking about forgiving your family, I am also talking about verbalizing it to them. When you do this, two beautiful things happen, you feel better and the other person can finally let go of the burden they have been carrying. You can heal and rebuild from here.
How to Be More Healthy Through Personal Development
- Resolve To Never Quit – You and I need to be all in. We either do it, or die. No in between. We find something we are passionate about, and we stick it out. Getting a little bit better at it each day. And mastering it, so one day we get so good that people just think we are gifted, or naturals. Most people dabble you and I do not. Like Zig Ziglar once said, we need to become a meaningful specific, instead of just a wandering generality.
- Read Something Positive Daily – I cannot tell you how much of a difference this has made in my life. It has not only made more more happy and optimistic outside of my reading time. It has also allowed me to naturally attract my purpose into my life. We raise our vibration through constant exposure to higher vibrating material. Here are a few of my favorite self help books to get you started: The Best 31 Self Help Books
- Learn Something New – If we are using our time wisely, we begin to see how much time we really have. We can dedicate this extra time to learning a new hobby or something we have been interested in. Maybe it’s painting, or a foreign language, or sales techniques, or magic! There is at least one thing you and I have wanted to learn. Let’s start today!
- Be On Time All the Time – Become known for as someone who is the ultimate person of their word. Because that is really all we have. It gives us a great feeling of esteem and clout when we are always hitting the mark for being on time or early.
- Become Masterful At One or Two Things – If you are like me, you may have been a dabbler at some point in your life. In order for us to develop ourselves to the max, we can’t be trying to be the jack or jill of all trades. We should be dedicating ourselves fully to one or two things. This will bring superior confidence along with respect for ourselves. And in turn, how we feel about ourselves is how the world sees us too. This will reinforce these new and empowering beliefs in ourselves.
- Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway – Breakthroughs come in our lives when we do the things we are scared of. And I believe that on the other side of fear, is our greatness. We transcend our small selves when we act even though we are scared out of our minds. Make it a point to do one thing that you have been putting off this week, I will do the same so we are in this together!
- Develop a Good Day and Night Routine – If we win the morning, we win our day. Having a good morning routine is a great way to build a strong foundation for the rest of our day. We can also set up our next day by building a good night routine into our daily lives. Start good and end good.
- Dress Better – Lets face it, when we have some nice threads on, we feel better about ourselves instantly. We also make bolder decisions, along with take on life in a more courageous way. This can lead to achieving our short and long term goals along with being brave enough to bust through our fears and comfort zones.
- Stand Up For Yourself – We don’t have to go through our lives being bullied. However people treat us, we have the absolute right to treat them that way too. If they are mean to us, we have the right to be mean back. Of course with the intention of shutting it down and stopping the bullying. Nothing malicious. Lets love ourselves enough to not take any crap from the world.
- Think BIG – We tend to get what we expect in this life. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. We should be seeking big and knocking big. So that we get the things we want and deserve in life. We are meant to win.
- See Yourself Differently – We tend to focus in on what we don’t have instead of all things we do have and are great at. WHO cares that we aren’t a master at everything? Lets take our value from everything we are already good at. There are people in our lives that couldn’t even hold a candle to how good we do certain things. And vice versa. When you go the other way and start thinking about the things you lack, pattern interrupt yourself and start dwelling upon the good things you have done and the things you do well.
- Keep Your Agreements With Yourself – This is where true value in ourselves comes from. We can raise your self esteem very quickly, but simply doing what you say you are going to do. If you say you are going to stretch every night and you are tired and want to go to sleep without doing your stretch routine, you do it anyways. If you promise yourself you are going to come home at a certain time each day, just do it. This will build a solid feel of integrity with yourself. Your moral compass will be happy.
- Don’t Care What Anyone Thinks About You – True liberation and ultimate expression of our true selves happens when we let go of trying to please everyone. When this happens, our real self emerges. This is when we are living from and out of truth. Living as the person we were created and meant to be.
- Develop Core Values – I like to have 5 core values that I live by. That is adventure, abundance, family, health and perseverance. These 5 things, I feel, make up who I am and who I am trying to become. If I died today, I hope the way I lived my life would reflect competence in these areas, and/or pursuit of doing and become better in them. If you need some core values examples, here is a list to get you started: A List of Core Values (The Ultimate List)
- Live In The Moment – We are always looking forward to things in our lives, which can bring good things like excitement and hope as well as bring about feelings of dread and fear. The only place in the world that fear and stress doesn’t exist is in the moment. Here is a guide on how to get started living this way: How to Live In The Moment
- Be OK With Making Mistakes – If we aren’t making mistakes we aren’t growing. We are staying in our comfort zones. It may feel good at the time. And yet at the end of our lives, we will regret not getting out there. Let’s bang up our knees, take our bruises and take lumps. Get back up, learn, dust ourselves off, grow, expand and focus on a natural state of becoming.
How to Be Healthy Financially
When you and I get our finances right, our stress levels drop drastically. I do think money can buy happiness. I think those who say it can’t are probably broke!
LEt’s face it, it can help your family eat, travel to nice places, send your kids to good schools along with contribute more so than we can if we had little money.
So the firs thing on how to be financially healthy is to do away with the notion that somehow money is evil or you can’t be a good person without it.
Money is simply a magnifier. And if you are reading this blog, I have a great feeling that you are a good person, a really good one. So that just means you will be an even better person when you have more money.
The world tried to portray the rich person a bad person, but this was just for cinematical purposes because they need to make extremes to make movies enjoyable.
Also, back to rich people still being able to be more spiritual, Job in the Bible was very well off. So was King Solomon.
Money prints Bibles, builds churches along with feeds the hungry. Lets get rid of the notion today that money is somehow bad, it is just paper!
- Create A Get Out of Debt Program – Starting today we should be tallying up our debt, and allocating a certain amount per month that we are going to be paying off. And no matter what, we pay that amount each month. Even if it takes 5 years to fully get out of debt, those five years are going to pass anyways! Here is a guide to help you start: How To Get Out Of Debt
- Set Bills on Auto Pay – If you are like me, you have thought bills that you need to pay and thought that you would remember to pay them when the due date was approaching. But we often forget to do so! This can lead to paying late fees accruing more debt. Let’s make it a point to set up all of our bills on autopay. This will provide awesome peace of mind that we can set and forget and know that our bills will be paid.
- Invest Money – We can put our minds at ease when we have a plan for setting up a better future for ourselves. We are able to project the present us into the future and see ourselves KNOWING that we are going to be OK and safe. This is very powerful. Stocks are a great investment for the long term, bitcoin, vending machines, storage units if you can. All of these provide great return on investment over the long term.
- Let Go of Limiting Beliefs – We all have these beliefs, that often times seem just like the way things are. Especially when it comes to money. Let’s say you and I see ourselves as only being 50K a year income earners. Well at what point did we decide to put this limit on ourselves? See it as self imposed. As if there are people in our industry making more than that, then it is not just how it is. It is then possible for us to do the exact same. By deciding that our limiting belief was just something we chose at the time, and we can choose a new and empowering belief.
- Think More Abundantly – When it comes to money, we need to think in a big way. That it is perfectly OK to be rich beyond belief. That money doesn’t make you bad, it makes you more of what you are. And that you deserve an abundant life. I mean we all do. We were born to win. We were the one out of one million other swimmers, and WE made it! We are winners right off the bat LOL! Richness in every area of life is OK. Make it a goal to manifest your highest self in every area of your life, including your finances. Lets not play small anymore.
- Boost Your Credit Score – This is a never ending pursuit. And I don’t know if this is the case for you, but when I get my monthly report, it feels AWESOME when it has boosted up! A couple quick tips for boost your credit score includes paying off any debts and bills you have, keeping your balances low on credit cards, paying all of your bills on time and not applying for too much credit. Lastly dispute inaccuracies that come up in your credit report.
- Save For Retirement – We should be focusing on how much we will need for retirement and then putting together a savings plan to get us to this number. Of course, on the way there we can be investing in stocks and real estate in order to build long term wealth and provide a nice financial padding for our retirement.
- Have Proper Insurance – A big insurance claim that we aren’t covered for can wipe a lot of us out. It can help to think ahead in this regard. The main 7 types of insurance include: life insurance, property insurance, social insurance, fire insurance, liability insurance, guarantee insurance and property insurance. Depending on our lives, we should consider different types of insurance to cover us properly.
Conclusion To Tips For How To Be Healthy
Not only now do we have tips for how to be healthy, we have tips for how to STAY healthy.
I truly hop this brought value to you today, and helped both of us really look at health as having multiple layers to it. The better we do in all areas, the more of a comprehensive we can take to make our whole entire lives better.
As we all know people with great bodies, but bad home lives. Or amazing finances but their spiritual life is non existent.
I believe in order for us all to be extremely happy and ultimately enjoy our short time on this earth, we need to be striving to get healthier in every area of our life.
We tend to get what we seek out in this life. So now we have a list that can help us seek better things for our health each day. And really become and feel much more whole, inside and outside.
Leaving us with lives worth living, legacies worth leaving and positive examples for people to follow. Letting us truly talk the talk about health and walk the walk.
Lets go get more healthy together!
Thank you very much for stopping by and allowing me some of your precious time. I appreciate you and again, I hope you got some value from this post!
I will see you on the next one, huh??
Chat soon.
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