Quotes About Enlightenment
Enlightenment, the elusive feeling and state of being, where there problems fall away. Desire fades into nothingness. And we are left feeling a sense of deep inner peace. The peace that passeth all understanding.
Well at least that is how I see it.
The idea of enlightenment has intrigued me for about a decade now. The fact that you and I could literally attain a consciousness so high that it rivals the great ones that have walked the earth. Become a teacher. Be all knowing. Be able to manifest anything we would like to. And live a life so powerful influential that we would be remembered for decades, centuries or even 1000’s of years.
Of course just this last paragraph alone reveals that I have a LONG way to go. As there is so much egotistical motivation in it.
It is a subject that is truly elusive. Often times I feel as if we are all seeking it like it is a destination. But the enlightened teachers have always described it as being right where we are. In the here and now. Simply, the EGO is covering it up. And keeping us from feeling at peace.
And also reading, that it is something that we forgot about. That we ARE enlightened already, and we are playing a game as if we are not. That the simple act of WAKING UP, simply means to waking up to our true nature. One that we have been sleeping on for who knows how long.
At the end of the day, the topic of enlightenment will always intrigue me. Which is one reason I wrote this blog. To help my readers and myself get closer and closer to higher level of consciousness.
So one day we can all transcend this earthly plane. Reach a pure level of human consciousness. A WHOLE NEW WORLD. As Eckhart Tolle talks about in his book.
And maybe some of the quotes below and shift our consciousness enough to reach new levels of awareness, and ultimately lead on on the path to enlightenment. No matter what that may mean to you.
Quotes Of Enlightenment
“Knowing other is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” – Lao Tzu
“The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with being.” – Eckhart Tolle
“Really the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment.” – Elon Musk
“The ego say,’I shouldn’t have to suffer and that thought makes you suffer so much more. It is distortion of the truth, which is always paradoxical. the truth is that you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it.” – Eckhart Tolle
“Enlightenment is not a change into something better more more, but a simple recognition of who we truly already are.” – James Blanchard Cisneros
“To be enlightened, or awake doesn’t mean that we are flawless or never commit any mistakes, it simply means that we are watching our own thoughts and reactions as God from up and above the human min and body. We are spiritual beings with a human experience and while in the body we most often forgot who we are. We are one with God.” – Gurly C Himani Hafsmoe
“Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment.” – Morihei Ueshiba
“The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness.” – Nikos Kazantzakis
“Enlightenment is the ultimate nourishment for the body, mind and soul. It is the ultimate freedom and ecstasy of life.” – Amit Ray
“You are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.” – Eckhart Tolle
“Enlightenment is always preceded by confusion.” – Milton H Erickson
“Everything is connected. There is no such thing as coincidence, so trust that you are where you need to be.” – Unknown
“According to the Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don’t bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.” – Deepak Chopra
“Your deepest roots are in nature. No matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation.” – Charles Cook
“It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens op.” – Eckhart Tolle
“What is enlightenment? It is the complete and total non-attachment to one’s own thoughts and in the absence of attachments to one’s own thoughts, all that is present is love.” – Teal Scott
“Only one person in a million becomes enlightened without a teacher’s help.” – Bodhidharma
“Enlightenment, joy and peace can never be given to you by another, the well is inside you.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
“Spiritual enlightenment is a state of being where you experience and know, on an ongoing basis, an ultimate sense of peace, meaning and bliss. Your perception of yourself and the universe includes, in a very real, present way that your connection to the ultimate reality is now permanent and unbreakable.” – Unknown
“If we pretend to be more enlightened than we really are, we will miss an opportunity to heal ourselves. Admitting our limitations can make us feel vulnerable. yet it is very freeing. We jut have to be ourselves as we are now, accepting the mixture of enlightened awareness and human limitation that is in each of us. Through the self-acceptance, we find a deep peace and self-love.” – Shaki Gawain
“Enlightenment is beyond happiness and unhappiness. In the state of happiness, one fears sinking into unhappiness. And in the state of unhappiness, one wishes to be in happiness. In enlightenment, where we are, no matter how we feel, is exactly how we should feel. And so in the absence of resistance, one experiences true authenticity true freedom and true joy.” – Teal Swan
“Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the ocean.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
“An ordinary man seeks freedom through enlightenment. An enlightened man expresses freedom through being ordinary.” – Adyashanti
“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” – Zen Koan
“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to enlightenment, and all wisdom with naturally come to him.” – Buddha
“To know yourself underneath the being of the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation and enlightenment.” – Eckhart Tolle
“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with become or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” – Adyashanti
“Before we do anything, we need a new age of Enlightenment. Our present political systems must relinquish their claims on truth, justice and freedom and have to replace them with the search from truth, freedom and reason.” – Friedrich Durrenmatt
“A human being is part of a whole called the by us ‘universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection to a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in it’s beauty.” – Albert Einstein
“The more we understand enlightenment, the more it will elude us. And that’s because enlightenment does not come from the mind. It comes from ‘no-mind’. It comes from just being. You already are enlightened. You just have to realize it into your experience.” – Anita Moorjani
“After enlightenment, the laundry.” – Buddha
“Don’t aspire for enlightenment, the aspiration should be to grow beyond your limitations quick.” – Sadhguru
“You think enlightenment is something other than what is happening right now. This is your primary mistake.” – Adyashanti
“Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light, but making the dark conscious.” – Carl Gustav Jung
“So the single, most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this. Learn to disidentify from your mind.” – Echart Tolle
“Enlightenment isn’t when you go there, it’s when there comes here.” – Jed Mckenna
“Enlightenment remains unrealized so long as it is considered as a specific state to be attained, and for which there are standards of success.” – Alan Watts
“Enlightenment or awakening is not the creation of a new state of affairs, but the recognition of what already is.” – Alan Watts
“The problem with teaching from an enlightened perspective is that it is a perspective that is inaccessible to most people who are not in that transcendental perspective. Just think about parents, losing a child and a guru coming in and saying ‘there is no death’. or ‘everything is perfect’. Instead of that creative awakening, it is going to enhance the opposite. It is going to cause pain. It enhances the distance between the two perspectives instead of closing the gap between the two perspectives.” – Teal Swan
“We try many ways to be awake, but our society still keeps us forgetful. Mediation helps us remember.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
“Enlightenment is always there. Small enlightenment will bring great enlightenment. If you breath in and are aware that you are alive, that you can touch the miracle of being alive, then that is a kind of enlightenment.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
“Enlightenment will come little by little, otherwise it would overwhelm.” – Idries Shah
“What you want most, what you travel around wishing to find, lose yourself as lovers lose themselves, and you’ll be that.” – Attar
“Enlightenment means rising above thought, not falling back to a level below thought the level of an animal or plant. In the enlightened state, you still use your thinking mind when needed, but in a much more focused, and effective way than before.” – Eckhart Tolle
“Your purpose is not to save your soul, but to become more enlightened to the power and beauty of who you are, and to the divine creation of which we all are a part.” – Trudy Vesotsky
“The road to enlightenment is paved with authenticity, not imitation.” – Alan Cohen
“Before enlightenment, I used to be depressed. After enlightenment, I continue to be depressed. You don’t make a goal out of relaxation and sensitivity. Have you very of people who get tense trying to relax? IF one is tense, one simply observes one’s tension. You will never understand yourself if you seek to change yourself. The harder you try to change yourself, the worse it gets. You are called upon to be aware.” – Anthony De Mello
“Enlightenment is not about transcending your human-ness. It is about allowing your humanness to EMBODY your eternal spirt in simply every day moments such as walking, sleeping, conversing, using the toilet, eating and doing anything that comes with being fully alive.” – Teal Swan
“Enlightenment is not the byproduct of avoiding the darkness in favor of the light. It is the byproduct of taking the light of consciousness and diving deep into the darkness with it. To make the darkness conscious, is to turn the shadow into light.” – Teal Scott
“Enlightenment is not a goal to be attained, it is a state of being to be regained.” – Kim Chestney
“I want to offer the possibility that Jesus was truly, as he proclaimed, a savior. Not the savior, not the one and only Son of God. Rather Jesus embodied the highest level of enlightenment.” – Deepak Chopra
Conclusion For Quotes About The Enlightenment
There we are my friend, quotes for enlightenment. I would love to know your thoughts about which quotes were your favorite. And what your advice is on enlightenment.
No matter what your viewpoint is on it, I truly wish that this list of enlightenment quotes brought you some sort of peace. And education on what it may take to reach that next level of higher awareness for you.
Looking forward to hearing your perspectives in the comment section below!
With gratitude,
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