How To Find Meaning in Life
When it comes down to how to find meaning in life, living a meaningful life should be the pursuit. As if we start there, we at least have a direction to aim.
And once we are aiming in the right direction, our mind can become filled with thoughts that support this now pursuit.
Through repetition, we are programing our subconscious brains to seek out what we want. Seek and ye shall find.
But without meaning, we are like the best ship ever created, but with now rudder to push us through the sea and into the promised land.
So once we set the intention of finding meaning in life, then we are starting to put ourselves on the right track.
It can’t just be a faint desire either.
As when we “should” do something, we will do it if it is convenient.
It is only when we MUST do something that we tend to attain it, and much faster than going at it haphazardly.
So today, I encourage both of us to absolutely make it a must that we live a meaningful life.
And instead of quitting early, we will keep driving. When we don’t want to do something that will impact ourselves or others, we forge ahead anyways.
Today is the day where both of us rise from our old ashes, doing away with the self that with OK with mediocrity.
Today is the day you and I decide that mediocrity can no longer be aloud to fly.
I believe that you and I were created to become great. To do amazing things. To live a grand life. To have it all.
And from this day forward, we are taking the first step to doing just that.
Below I jump into some tips on how to find meaning in life. So that we can live life on purpose.
Feel that we are making an impact during this short time we are here. And leave the world a better place. All while feeling a sense of deep purpose that acts as our beacon of hope. Why we get up in the morning. And the thing that gives us hope for a better tomorrow.
How To Find Meaning In Life
Commit FULLY
The way I see it, we cannot feeling like we have meaning when we are not committing the the things in our lives. I mean fully committing.
Lets say we get into a job, or try our hand at sales.
And we say something of the sort:
“I’ll just try it and see how it goes”
“I’ll hit it hard for 3 months, and if nothing takes off by then, I’ll try something else.
Even the things in our personal lives. Like a romantic relationship.
We give it a try, and if the slightest thing is off, we abandon it. Or we are in a relationship, but we are still in love with our last person. Or we are simply not really working hard at better our current relationship even if we truly love the person.
In order to have meaning in life, we need to show up fully. We need to go through life committed to crossing the finish line.
If we are half a**ing a relationship, it is time for us to buckle down and love that person fully. To bring them gifts, to tell them you love them more often, and to listen to how their days went at the end of the day.
If we start a new job and have a plan B, we need to severe that plan B. Or simply find something that you can give your heart completely to.
We need to just KEEP GOING. Full speed ahead. And commit to the long haul.
Only then can our lives take on more meaning.
Live Life Passionately
I am not just talking about finding your passion for work. This is definitely part of it, and if you haven’t done so yet, I can help you find it. Check this link out to an article I wrote just for you:
How to Find Your Passion (With Passion Quiz)
But I am saying that we want to be lively in this life. We want to walk around with energy and zest. We want to move with purpose. Walk fast. Get places. And when we get there, BE THERE. Be present with people and in the moment.
I want to challenge you and myself, we will do it together, to up our energy a notch. To talk a little louder, to project our voices. To walk with more urgency. And to smile and emote more fully.
Don’t hold back. This life is too short to reserve our feelings and selves. Live big, live full, die empty.
If we do this, we are living outside ourselves. We are interacting and dancing with the world. And the world with dance back with us because of it.
Focus on THEM Not You
Have you ever noticed that the people that make the biggest impact on us are the people that listen to us the most? Who give us the floor. Of whom make us feel special?
I know I can think of the beautiful souls who have done this for me.
And yet, lets place ourselves in their shoes. How does it feel when we step outside ourselves and truly let other people have the spotlight?
I know I feel amazing when I do this.
It is like a dance with the other person with their emotions when I am complimenting them. Or asking them WHY they got into their career they are in. Or simply asking them about how their day was.
When we become that person more often, we are now creating positive ripples in the universe. And because what we give out, must come back, we feel amazing because of it.
People will love when we come into the room and we will feel as if we are making an impact because we are making peoples lives better.
The most intense feelings of joy I have every felt was when I was either giving back, with money or time, or thinking about ways to give back that I can implement into my world.
I don’t know what it is, but when I do this, I feel overwhelmed with joy. I feel as if my life matters as I am helping my fellow human.
Plain and simple, integrate some sort of giving back into your life. And your life will overflow with joy.
Appreciate Small Things
When it comes down to it, finding meaning in life doesn’t have to be this huge thing. I feel as if we can find more meaning in our worlds by simply slowing down and appreciating the things we have.
Something as little as having enough food for dinner in the fridge. To not living in a tough neighborhood. To having clean water.
So many things we have, others in the world do not. We are blessed and highly favored. And when we see things this way, our life takes on more meaning.
I know that I am most miserable and feel the most meaningless when I am not living in gratitude. When I am focusing on lack. There is truly abundance in our lives, we just have to acknowledge it.
And the fact of the matter is, gratitude releases feel good endorphins. Making us feel happier. What a win win.
If we are constantly looking to hit the homerun or score that touchdown, we will never appreciate the base hits or picking up those couple yards.
All the small things ultimately lead to the big win anyways.
Eat Good and Workout
We are literal machines. And just like if you aren’t greasing the machine, it isn’t going to rune as smoothly and effectively and it is going to break down easily.
We cannot be and become our best selves if we are tired and overweight.
It is easy to feel lessing meaningful in life when we are this way.
So today, let’s truly commit to altering our diet. Not perfection. Let’s go with 80/20.
Eighty percent of the time, we are going to be eating good whole foods. And twenty percent of the time, we can cheat and eat unhealthy foods.
This will give our lives more meaning for the simple fact that we will feel better. We will be operating better. And because of that, we will feel more purposeful in EVERYTHING we do.
There are so many benefits of working out that will add life to your years, and years to your life.
What Does Meaning Mean To You?
When we set goals, often times we will just say that we want more money. We want a better job. We want to be more happy.
But the vagueness is what keeps us where we are. We can’t measure it as there is no true metric.
If we want more money and we are making 50K a year, lets start with making 65K next year.
Otherwise if we say that we want more money, OK well someone gives us a buck, there we go, we now have more money!
So what does living a life of meaning mean to you?
To me, it means living life on my own terms. Contribution that is connected to my profession. As well one day impacting millions of people with my posts and articles, in a positive manner.
The bigger the better, but not too big to where it overwhelms you.
I would love to hear what you feel living a meaningful life means to you in the comment section below by the way!
Once you have this definition of what meaning in life means to you, from there you can go about taking steps each day to create it.
Because if we tie all of our meaning to becoming a millionaire, getting married, having kids, graduating or going on that vacation, then we will only feel like we are living with meaning in very small amounts of time.
Let your journey become the meaning of your life. Focus on becoming the best you, by appreciating everyday and choosing to be happy and feeling complete no matter what.
Embrace The Journey
We can for sure look forward to the mountain top. But as cliche as it sounds, we need to fall in love with the journey to the top.
I mean we can anticipate the top most or all of our lives, thinking that we will be happy when we “get there”.
But we can choose to be happy along the way. To stop and look out every now and then. To smell the flowers and sweet air. To appreciate the feeling of the climb on our feet and on our bodies.
Let be happy in the here and now. And do say day in and day out. We are going to “Make it”. It will happen. Just have faith and let go. Everything is happening at just the right pace.
Live Your Truth
For me, truth is entrepreneurship. For you, it may be climbing the corporate ladder. For others, it may mean traveling to learn about the world and other cultures.
Often times we want to navigate the world with someone else’s map. And when we do this, we naturally feel lost.
We can start to feel like we are going the right direction by following our own map. Not the map someone laid out for us.
This map someone laid out for us can come in the form of wanting to please people in our lives by going into the same profession as them. Or that we take certain work because we feel that is the only way to become successful.
Or we take on certain work to please the opposite sex to try to have the best chance at attracting a mate into our lives.
The fact of the matter is, that when we do this, we feel lost. And when we feel lost, we cannot feel any sort of meaning in our lives.
Live your truth. Do things because YOU want to do them. Not because someone else wants you to do them or you feel like you should because it is the “right” way to do things.
Do you.
Conclusion To How to Find Meaning In My Life
So there you have it my friend. Some simple tips on how to find meaning in life.
I truly hope it brought some value to your life. And that you have new hope for a better future because of it.
I would love to hear what your favorite tip was. Along with what changes in your life you are most excited to make that you feel will impact your life to bring it more meaning!
Let’s chat in the comment section below.
Until next time my friend.
With gratitude,
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