Who Am I? (Answering The Most Important Question)
This is said to be the last question we must answer, hopefully before we leave this place. To awaken in a sense.
As we are all sleeping in a way. Sleeping on the fabricated lack and false personality that we have created.
This sleep state can put us into a state of walking through life with a nagging feeling of wondering who we really are?
Does this make sense? Or can you relate?
I know I can.
Some people say life is all about find ourselves. Which I believe there is some truth to this.
And yet, I believe the truth of the matter is, when we are asking the question: Who am I? I think it comes down to losing oneself in the world, only to come back to our true essence.
In which I believe we were the closest we were to our true selves when we were children.
As children are not hindered by the need of caring much about what people think. They think big. They believe that anything is possible!
Remember those days?? I know I do, they were awesome
We can still think this way, on a side note.
And yet, lets stay focused on our subject at hand. Who am I?
When asking this question, I feel as if we need to harken back to the story of the Prodigal Son.
If you remember this story, it is about a father of whom has two sons. One of his sons is very loyal and spends all of the time with his father. He stays with him, works on the land with him, is loyal to a fault.
Partially because he wants the approval of the father.
And then we have the other son, the prodigal son. He is the black sheep of the family. He goes out and takes the inheritance that he received from the father.
He is at such a low from going this route in life, that he is eating from the same feed as the pigs he fed.
As he has nothing left.
Ashamed with himself, and having nothing left, he makes his way back to his fathers home. Expecting, of course, to be ridiculed and not taken back in.
But the exact opposite happens.
The father estatic. He has his other son, the perfect one, prepare a grand feast, as his son has come home.
This story, well it seems as if there are 3 people in the story.
But I believe there is one, and looking at it this way, can help us find ourselves. And answer, at least partially, the question of who am I.
IF we see it as it just being one person, US, then we can see how we are like all three.
Lets start with the perfect son. That is the one who wants to do everything by the book. Who wants to follow the path that is laid for him, to get the approval of the people who want this “certain” life for him/her.
They go to school, because their mom wants them to. They become a certain faith because they feel as if they won’t be accepted if they explore another one outside their family or friends.
The list can go on, but this is enough to make the point.
Most of us, have done a little or a lot of this. I know for certain, I have.
So, next lets explore the prodigal son. He is the version of us, of whom, if you are like me, have ventured off the good path.
Maybe we over-consumed alcohol. Or we sabotaged relationships. Ruin opportunities that were given to you. Or even cheated, lied or stolen.
We all fall short, of course, we are human. And yet, this prodigal son, is this version of ourselves.
And lastly, we have the father. The all loving, all forgiving, and essentially transcended person. As he can see past the limitation and ugliness of the world.
He holds no fault. He is the purest form of a father. He is not judgmental of the life his son led, he is simply glad that he is home and the past is the past.
This is the true essence of who we are. The one that transcends being the goodie two shoes, and transcends being the one of whom has lost his or her way.
This is the goal. To become the father figure in the story. The rising from the ashes of our two different ways of living. And become fully awake.
What Is The Answer To Who Am I
So you may have been thinking, wow what a great story, but Chris give me the meat man! How do I truly find myself and at least find some sort of peace, knowing that I know who I am, and can be that highest form of myself now?
Well, I am glad you asked. Let me offer you a few tips on how find out who you are so you can not only know thyself, but be and become your best self because of it.
Let Go of Weak Attractors (Trade Them For Stronger Ones)
It is said that addicts cannot give up habits, they must replace them.
And to an extent, we are all addicted to something. We all have a vice.
I got this advice from someone named David Hawkins in his book: Power vs Force. Where David goes into saying that in order to raise our consciousness, we need to give up weak attractors from strong ones.
Now what does that mean?
Well, it means that negative things in our life like drinking, doing drugs, not getting enough sleep, not eating good, holding onto grudges. These things are negative attractors, they attract more negative energy, and vibrate negatively.
No just flip things over here and you will find a positive attractor. As everything in the world has a negative and positive form to it.
In his book, he talked about how the more we do this, the more we can elevate our state of awareness.
And the highest level of awareness is essentially what is referred to as “Christ consciousness”. Pure consciousness where healing and true unconditional love and manifestation are commonplace.
Now this may not be the goal, and yet the more we rise up on the scale of consciousness, the more realized we become.
Realized meaning that we see our true selves, the rose colored lenses are taken off.
I found myself, by again losing myself through bad things like porn, alcohol and prescription and even street drugs at one point.
And then through discarding all of these, I was able to trade them with waking up early, meditation, working when I feel like caving in, hanging out with better people, and channeling a lot of my energy into reading self growth material and into my business.
And because of it, I have never felt so empowered, empathetic and liberated in my life. Which, I believe, are true essence qualities. As our true selves know no limits at all and have capacity to do pretty much anything in this life.
Trade bad habits for good habits.
Have The Talk! (Not birds and bees lol)
When I say this, I mean that we need to grow out of the version that cares what everyone else things. The goody two shoes son/daughter.
We need to permanently shed this skin as much as possible.
I don’t know if we can ever truly leave this version behind completely. I do know that there are ways in which we can leave a lot of it behind.
One of those ways is having the conversations we need to have with the people we are doing certain things for.
Communicating the fact that we love them dearly, and that is why we set out on a path to become a certain thing/person/career, etc.
But now, it is time for us to do our own thing.
These people usually just want the best for us, and what will happen is that they will most likely be very encouraging.
It isn’t that these people encouraged you to do things out of selfish motives, although that is possible. It is usually because of the fact that they thought you would be happy, successful, prosperous.
But having this conversation with these people will liberate us from the subconscious nagging that comes from doing things that aren’t in alignment with the true versions of ourselves.
Grow Out Of Caring
I start this one off with the word “grow” because of the fact that we need to grow from where we are, the little us, to become the big us.
Growth can take place from many things. But I can only really speak for myself when it comes to how to find myself. Answering the question of Who am I?
I have done this through meditation, reading self help books and listening to self help audiobooks.
So when it comes down to it, these 3 things have helped be grow more as a person. Which makes me feel bigger than my egoic needs of caring what people think.
It took me about 2 years of daily reading, listening and meditation, to really lock into the feeling of “I really like myself”.
I became more self assured. And the weird thing is, people liked me a lot more. I became nice to be around. It is like the world is a mirror, if you like yourself, the world will like you right back.
So not only did growing help me let go of wanting to be liked and wanting to do things for other peoples approval, it also naturally gave me those things too!
Find Something You Love, and Think In Decades Instead of Days
When we think in the short term, we lose our sense of identity. We don’t really lock in and we are vague about our goals. Because we simply don’t know if going after it full steam is worth trying.
I encourage you to truly lock in on a passion for your work. And then commit your life to become the best possible person at this thing.
Not for the sole purpose of beating everyone, but for the sole purpose of giving you a very solid identity around something you love dearly.
And when that happens, we steady ourselves into this role. We know that this is what we do, and people know that this is what we do. We eat, and sleep and do that.
And when we get outside validation for this, we secure even more into our identity.
Think about it as a do or die, you are going to live out your passion and “make it” no matter what happens. As long as it takes, we’ll go to whatever lengths.
Who Am I Questions
It is said that the better the questions we ask ourselves, the better the answers we get. Here are a couple questions that can help you find the answer to who am I.
- What did I desire as a kid, to be and become?
- How can I apply childlike thinking to my adult world?
- What comes naturally to me?
- What would I do with my life if I was completely financially free?
Here is even more questions to ask yourself to really get to know yourself if you are interested:
Create Good Core Values
Core values to me are something that essentially we adhere to no matter what. Or at least we truly put emphasis in our daily actions to maintain congruency and consistency with them.
I like to have 5 core values at a time. And of course, these aren’t set in cement.
They can be changed. They just need to be near and dar to your heart. They need to define YOU essentially.
So for example, mine would be:
- Persistence
- Family
- Health/Wellness
- Adventure
- Humor
Not really in any particular order. Somedays, I may have to put family over my workout because I am feeling the need that my family life is slipping and I don’t want to let it go to much.
Or other days, I may need more humor in my life to get me to continue to persist through tough spots in my business.
They can interconnect and often time should connect. As they are like circuits in which can give one ore both more power when they do connect.
If you need help defining or redefining your core values. I created a post for you that may help you.
Here it is: The Ultimate List of Core Values
Conclusion To How Do I Find Out Who I Am Really
So I hope this helped. It is my journey thus far, and far from a manifesto or an “ultimate guide”.
And yet, it has helped become more self actualized. These actual tips. Even though I have a lot further to go, I am actually satisfied and grateful for how far I have come.
You may be further along on the journey than me, or you may be behind.
It doesn’t matter. Lets just begin where we are today, and try to become better each day. Essentially killing off unneeded and fake versions of ourselves. And letting our true essence shine through the cracks, until we are ultimately one day consumed by it and it overtakes us and becomes the new and forever us.
I would love to hear what you thought about the article.
Did it help you at all?
Do you feel as if I shared with you some practical tips that you can utilize in your life?
Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
As well as let me know what your advice is on the subject.
What has helped you find yourself more in this life?
Looking forward to chatting!
Thank you for your time my friend.
With gratitude,
Chris Cucchiara
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